Re: [情報] 將出版新譯版魔戒
: 問券最後有新舊版翻譯比對
: 目前看到幾個名字變了
: 巴金斯 => 袋金斯
: 埃西鐸 => 伊西鐸
: 波羅莫 => 波羅米爾
: 勒苟拉斯 => 列葛拉斯
: 金靂 => 金力
: 半獸人 => 歐克獸人
: 推 ASAKU581: 新版是翻得比較仔細,但這中文寫的很難閱讀 02/07 10:34: 推 fesolla: 冰冷箭矢射入腦袋感覺是個死掉或劇烈痛苦吧…… 02/07 10:36: 推 fesolla: 應該是用來形容這個念頭的冷冽或是豁然開朗的感覺,喻依 02/07 10:44: → fesolla: 放在箭矢上有點怪 02/07 10:44: → westgatepark: 舊版翻成這樣居然會有人覺得舊版比較好 有先看一下 02/07 10:44: → westgatepark: 原文怎麼寫的嗎 02/07 10:44: 推 xxx60709: 撇開省略太多這點,舊版的比較有原文那種靈光一閃的描寫 02/07 11:02: → xxx60709: ,新版把那個想法放到最後讓整個衝擊感都沒了 02/07 11:02: → jhb0520: 恆跳到李函版,已經好很多了,不是說李函版就完美 02/07 12:30: → jhb0520: 無誤,但不先出版,也沒有後人可以去修正。你要靠 02/07 12:30: → jhb0520: 譯者和出版社自己去檢視和修正,再給20年都出版不 02/07 12:30: → jhb0520: 了 02/07 12:30: 推 jhb0520: 冰冷箭矢確實意義不明,這要看原文這段話在講誰, 02/07 12:34: → jhb0520: 這念頭到底對這個人而言是好是壞?他是陰影方還是 02/07 12:34: → jhb0520: 光明方,單從中文這段話判斷,我看起來這位人物是 02/07 12:34: → jhb0520: 陰影方,所以才用冰冷、刺穿、企及。如果人物是光 02/07 12:34: → jhb0520: 明方,beyond its reach才適合用染指 02/07 12:34
There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the
mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote
his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to
His song in the Tower had been defiance rather than hope;
for then he was thinking of himself. Now, for a moment, his own fate,
and even his master’s, ceased to trouble him. He crawled back into
the brambles and laid himself by Frodo’s side, and putting away
all fear he cast himself into a deep untroubled sleep.
所以說這邊的shaft 其實同時比喻星光跟念頭囉
[歌詞] 220613 My You by Jungkook220613 2022BTSFESTA #5 - My You by Jung Kook of BTS cr.BTS@SoundCloud16
[歌詞] 220715 j-hope 'Jack In The Box' 02.Pandora's Box02. Pandora's Box They call me hope Do you know why I am hope? 潘朵拉的歷史就是我的誕生 那是巨神贈與人們的心意14
[問卦] 魔戒2最經典是巨嬰那段嗎?如題啦 山姆自告奮勇騎上巨鷹帶上魔戒 往火山衝帶著魔戒往火山口直接跳下去 後來雖然沒成功 但這段在魔戒2堪稱最經典吧?9
[閒聊] FF14 Flow官方版MV跟著6.0神曲一起來一趟回顧 當然雷好雷滿 還沒破的請自行斟酌 補上祖堅關於MV的推文:3
[閒聊] 最適合當夥伴侶的男性角色選誰??看動畫 身邊都會有一個陪你出生入死的好夥伴侶 如題 榮恩 佐助 奇犽 魔戒山姆 給你選 你要哪一個 榮恩 鄰家男孩 呆呆傻傻的 講義氣 全家都挺你 還有血統證明2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/02你不太是一個悲觀主義者,阿牛,但是你對即將發生的某件事情卻感到擔憂。這不是因為真的有什麼好擔心的,阿牛,而你通常真的沒有這麼悲觀。你的憂慮可能來自於槓桿不知道是要開多大。讓今天的每日運勢幫你把心放鬆一下吧。讓自己放鬆和享受當下的同時,從美好的氛圍裡得到希望。莫讓思緒飄至那不屬於富足與好運的地方。朝著你的心中所向勇往直前吧,不要瞻前顧後的。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 2 You are not usually a pessimist, Taurus, but you may have worrisome thoughts about an event that is about to occur. This is not because there is anything real to fear, Taurus - and you are not usually a pessimist. Your worries may be coming from the idea that there is so much to gain, and therefore, so much to lose. Allow this message to ease your mind. Draw hope from the good vibrations you will feel if you let yourself relax and enjoy the moment. Don't let your thoughts stray toward anything that does not include abundance and good fortune. Head toward and welcome what you want, not what you fear. --1
[情報] 03/12 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 3月 12 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 3月 12 In areas that experience a cold winter, any signs of spring are welcome remind ers of positive change. The cold, hard earth starts to soften. The earliest bu lbs begin to sprout and then bloom. The trees take on new life. The birds star1
[情報] 01/25 the daily horoscopeThere are many locations where you can experience a drenching rain, and then s uddenly the sun bursts through. One moment things look dark and dreary, and th en the next moment the clouds part and the warmth and light of the sun makes y ou feel good again. You may even start to feel so good that you completely for get about the rain. You are about to have a similar experience emotionally, Ge
[情報] 黑白妹2 DLC STEAM版 12/20爆
[絕區] 虛化解除85
[討論] PTCG新卡包一些牌組使用情況39
[閒聊] Switch 在美國的累計銷量超越了 PS236
[遊戲王MD] 開服也滿久了 但有件事我還是不懂46
[補番] BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! 溫馨動畫33
[公連] 台服的煉獄活動炸裂啦QQ30
[UL] Unlight 請益93
[閒聊] 你在幹什麼啊岸田老師!28
[討論] 絕區零 丨致繩匠的答謝函 菲林x160028
[閒聊] 決定鍵○改×是什麼時侯開始的?25
[PTCG] 君主蛇配雪拉比是不是太強了?25
[絕區] 所以官方在虛化角色的時候在想什麼24
[閒聊] 先有「遊戲」後有「真人影視」皆成功的?24
[問題] 亂馬最強招式是哪招?23
[閒聊] 滅絕師太的劍法在倚天可以排第幾?22
[Vtub] Mococo:夜勤病棟? 是新的恐怖遊戲嗎?21
[閒聊] 最好用的動漫梗圖是哪張?21
Re: [絕區] 虛化解除48
[閒聊] 七瀬葵發布類似殺害預告的訊息18
[蔚藍] 咪卡羊 大 攝 影 家24
[Vtub] 小箱or個人Vtuber 1218 DD串18
[閒聊] 櫻花莊的寵物女孩22
Re: [閒聊] 中國針對Nvidia反壟斷調查是想挖錢了嗎16
[閒聊] 布袋戲除了仙俠還可以演什麼16
Re: [討論] ZZZ這次虛化問題多久會修正15
[情報] DCU《超人》30秒預告85
[閒聊] 還有哪種運動沒動畫化?30
[閒聊] PTCGP環境越來越依賴硬幣是好事嗎?