[情報] 2024/08/02 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 8月 2
You have been moving along with a responsibility of yours, doing what you have to do, and doing it well. Yet it may seem as though no one connected to yourefforts has expressed their respect and admiration or told you that you're doing a good job of it. Although that isn't why you do what you do, dear Moonchild, it would be nice to have that. And even though it isn't obvious, you are respected and admired. Be proud enough for everyone. You have a right to feel that way. Even though that's all that should matter, you may soon see just how valued you are.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/02你的工作做得很好卻沒有受到認可,這可能讓你很不爽。你有著很棒的職業道德,它在你 的工作和個人生活都有體現,它值得受到認可,尤其是那些從你的努力中受益的人認可。 但不是每個人都善於表達感激和讚美,你可能不得不接受這點,親愛的阿牛。然而,你完 全有理由為自己感到驕傲,沒有獲得別人的認可不應完全預示著你所創造的光明變化。試 著看見這一點。5
[情報] 06/12 Daily Horoscope你覺得某個令你生畏或使你敬重的人對你有很多的認同,這件事或許會令你感到出乎意料 。儘管你覺得這些來自於個人的看法令你有一些不安,但這樣的欣賞或許會很快變得明朗 。 魔魔,讓這件事成為可以使你邁步向前的人生課程。不要去先入為主的想像和低估了自己 。去期望自己總是會被認可和欣賞。縱然結果不總會是這樣,那也沒關係,你就是那個你3
[情報] 13/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are someone who tends to be very tenacious, dear Cancer. This means that once you find something you want, you can become almost obsessive in your efforts to get it. That's a good thing when it comes to learning or working hard to attain something. But at times, this goes against you. If you can't let go of something that isn't working out, it may be because it1
[情報] 04/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomeone in your life may have made a lot of promises that they have not fulfilled. Maybe there are other people besides you relying on getting certain things done that have not been done. Have you taken on an obligation or two that aren't really your responsibility, dear Cancer? Your maternal or paternal instinct often compels you to take on a parental1
[情報] 02/12 the daily horoscopeYou can see that something is going wrong with a business matter that you may be seriously or only slightly involved in. You can also clearly see what needs to be done. The problem is that if you do step in, you will be taking on a lo t of responsibility, and you already have so much to do. Maybe there is a midd le ground, dear Gemini. Maybe you can point out what's going wrong in a respec1
[情報] 06/08 the daily horoscopeFixing a problem can be easy if you know what the problem is. That may sound l ike a silly statement, dear Gemini, because it's so obvious. Right now, howeve r, you may be trying to fix something that is not responding to your efforts. That could be because you are addressing the wrong thing. Something you see as a problem may not be a problem at all. It may be something else that has not- Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 10月 9 As a child, your parents may have told you to treat others the same way you wi sh to be treated. And although that is excellent advice, Gemini, it isn't alwa ys so easy to follow. For example, if someone isn't treating you right, or if
- You don't need a license or certificate to clean a house, cook a meal, or rais e a child. These are things that we may learn from our parents and from people we hang around and want to copy. You may be troubled by someone in your world that isn't living up to a certain responsibility, dear Gemini, but it may not be because they are irresponsible or lazy. It might just be that the right pe
- You have been trying hard to adapt to a new situation. You may be doing this, dear Gemini, either because you feel it will be good for you or because you be lieve it will be good for someone you care about. Yet, despite your best effor ts, you may not feel that you are adapting. It is still a struggle. It still j ust doesn't feel right to you. Maybe that's because it isn't right for you! Ta
- A financial matter may have cast you into a bad mood today, dear Gemini. You m ay be worried that something you thought would be auspicious is not turning ou t that way. It isn't over yet, though, and there are still things that you can do to turn it around. Will you? The only challenge seems to be that someone e lse does not like your ideas or suggestions for doing just that, and that may