[情報] 2023/05/01~2023/05/07 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 2023/05/01~2023/05/07 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0





Cancer horoscope for 5月 1 - 5月 7
This is a great time for seeking out people you align with, making new friends with them, and enjoying these types of friendships. If you feel you are lacking the kind of connections that you crave - with people who get you on your deepest level and love you for who you are - get out there in the week ahead with the purposeful intention of attracting new people into your world. You are likely to have great success with this right now, dear Moonchild. Make sure you are paying attention to mindfully managing your calendar this week because you may be so busy that it will be difficult to operate by memory alone. And there are one or two happenings that you won't want to miss. If a chatty friend reveals too much this week, just chalk it up to nervous chatter and keep your lips sealed. Don't share what you learn, or you could cause a rift in the relationship. An endeavor you set out to complete last week with a great deal of determination may be starting to look hopeless. Push forward anyway, for you may get a break very soon. It would be a real shame to stop just before you experience that breakthrough.


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homhomhom05/02 02:52謝謝滿滿傷害