[情報] 04/07/2020 Daily Horoscope
You are very determined and tenacious, Moonchild, which means that you
sometimes cling to bad ideas for too long. You become fixated on getting
what you set out to get, and you can see nothing beyond that once you get
going. But you need to put in place a reminder that it is possible to
become too determined and tenacious when something goes wrong. If you keep
pushing something that isn't going so well now, it may be a waste or your
time, and your time is valuable. Something better is coming along, and you
need to wrap up a venture that isn't going anywhere.
[情報] 29/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 29 Cancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 29 You may believe that you have found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong t ime, and at this point, there is really nothing you can do about it. This atti tude may be coming from your experience in similar situations from the past, M3
[情報] 18/01/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,是否有一個令人煩惱的想法一直在你身上反覆出現? 當事情困擾著你或讓你擔心時,你可能會很難趕走這些想法。 你頑強的天性使你有時會緊緊抓住事情,甚至是那些讓你擔心的事情。 但是放下不開心或擔憂的想法是值得學習的,尤其是有可能毀掉你一天的那種。 而這可能就像把一個壞的想法換成一個好的想法一樣簡單。3
[情報] 11/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你現在可能會參與到某件事情中,你知道這可能會有兩種結果。 它可能會成為一個真正偉大的決定,也可能是對你時間的浪費。 有些人可能認為這是一種愚蠢的追求,但月之子你知道得更多。 只有當你嘗試時你才會贏。 而這種態度-它可以走任何一條路-是一個好的態度。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/31若你覺得你在某件事的評估上出了差錯,這是個重新來過的最佳時機。錯了不是壞事。但是如果你無法認錯,麻煩就會開始見縫插針。事實上,正視錯誤,對自己承認,並去解決它,可以讓你變得更強也更靈活。如果你能回過頭來重新思考怎麼去正確的評量你生命中的某件事情,你就是真正的長大了,為此敬你一杯,阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Monday May 31 If you feel that you might have been wrong about a certain assessment that you made recently, this is an excellent time to explore it all over again. There is nothing bad about being wrong. But if you can't admit that you were wrong, that's where the trouble can start. In fact, seeing a mistake, admitting it to yourself, and addressing it can make you stronger and more adaptable. If you can go back and figure out how to better evaluate something in your life, you have grown - and that's a cause for celebration, Taurus. --2
[情報] 21/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你可能會拘泥於自己的方式,而且很頑固。 就像海裡的螃蟹,當你找到你想要的東西時,你會用你的鉗子抓住它,並頑強地堅持下去 。 有時候,這也是一個問題,因為你傾向於堅持那些不再有用的東西,甚至可能是拖累你的 東西。2
[情報] 06/12/2021 Daily Horoscope你不是一個尋求聚光燈的人。 事實上,大多數時候,你寧願避免它。 你可以被認為是害羞的、安靜的,甚至可能是保留的。 但是月之子,在你身上也有一種鋼鐵般的力量。 你不懼怕挑戰,當你想要什麼的時候,你也不害羞。2
[情報] 02/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能思考了很多如何去得到你想要的東西。 月之子,這可能不是第一次了。 你可能在思考如何尋找最完美的方法,但這可能是問題所在。 可能沒有什麼方法是絕對完美的。 只要每當你想要的東西出現在腦海中時,就想著快樂的想法。1
[情報] 13/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你可能會覺得自己正處於崩潰的邊緣 - 而且不是『一個爆發點』,而是『那整個爆發點 』。 你可能會覺得自己正在分裂成許多小塊。也許你可能是。 月之子,那有這麼的糟糕嗎? 也許這是一個很長的時間,也許它甚至已經逾期了,也許它不會像你想像的那麼糟糕,也1
[情報] 11/25 the daily horoscopeA certain relationship in your life may sometimes seem to be more trouble than it's worth. We all have moments when we feel that way, Gemini - even relation ships that are otherwise pretty good. If you are at that point now with someon e, try to assess the entire relationship and the big picture, and create a las ting image of it in your mind. If there is more good than bad, then cling to t1
[情報] 27/02/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能會想得太多,想一想前一段時間,也許是很久以前對你做的錯事。 時不時地,你允許自己相信它改變了你的生活,你想知道,如果你沒有遭受不公正,會發 生什麼。 但是月之子,在這種不公正的事情當中也有交織著禮物一起到來,如果你專注於那個時候 的任何事情,那就專注於那個。