[情報] 17/08/2020 Daily Horoscope
You may feel as though you are on the losing side of an argument or a
situation. You may already be able to picture how unhappy you will be
about this. But this story is not over, Moonchild. Although you have not
won, you have not lost either. The biggest challenge may be that you don't
know exactly what winning - or losing - looks like. Don't set your heart
on one particular outcome. Don't even think of this in terms of winning or
losing. Just imagine being happy with the outcome you receive.
※ PTT 留言評論
[閒聊] G2隊員 & 老闆 推特Jankos We’ve went through a lot this year and tried our very best today. DWG was pretty insane. I hope we entertained you until now GG 我們今年經歷了很多事情,今天也盡力了。DWG真的很猛。我希望我們直到現在都有娛樂7
[情報] 0513 DailyHoroscopeThe outcome of a long-sought goal is imminent. And you can see what that outco me will be. It is obvious. It is very clear where you are headed. Or is it, Ca pricorn? Your destiny is not written in stone. It can change at any time - if you change it, that is. So, if you are not happy with what you see transpiring , it is up to you to make a move to change it and attain the outcome you reall2
[情報] 26/03/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,今天有人似乎想找你吵架。 當然,你不必咬牙切齒,但這種誘惑可能太強烈了,你不能置之不理。 如果他們逼迫你,而你覺得你必須開口為自己或你所相信的東西辯護,只要確保以優雅和 尊重的方式這樣做。 如果你這樣處理,對方會更願意聽你說什麼,你也不會因為發脾氣而感到難過。2
[情報] 2023/03/16 Daily Horoscope3月16日星期四巨蟹座運勢 親愛的月之子,有人現在對你隱瞞了一個秘密嗎? 如果你有這種感覺,那麼你可能會感到受傷。 畢竟,你是一個可以信任的秘密守護者。 更重要的是,你是可以給予需要幫助的人出色建議的人。1
[情報] 05/08/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 8月 5 Dealing with frustration is not easy for you, Cancer. Although that could be s aid about many people, anxiety-producing situations are especially challenging for you. That's because you wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on the surface of your skin. You are also very expressive, and you can't help1
[情報] 11/02/2022 Daily Horoscope我們大多數人都把自己的夢想至少分為兩類。 有一些僅僅是我們時常進行的幻想,有些是那些看起來更像現實可能性的夢想。 你可能希望這些幻想中的一個是可以實現的, 親愛的月之子,它真的是可以實現的! 不要把自己限制在舊的期望中,或者被一個如此大、如此快樂的夢想限制,以至於你無法1
[情報] 01/24 the daily horoscopeWhen you have someone in your corner encouraging you and cheering you on, even the most difficult situation can be made easier and more palatable. Likewise, when no one is there for you, you can feel alone in your pursuits, and it may feel like no one believes in you or supports you. You are about to take on a challenge, Gemini, and right now there may be no one to hold you up and inspir- 月之子,你現在與一個難相處的人打交道的最佳選擇不是一個理想的選擇。 但它就是這樣,你必須堅持一個有問題的情況,即使你不喜歡你看到它的方式。 然而,你可能會對所發生的事情感到驚訝、高興。 儘管這一類的選擇可能感覺並不理想,但有一些你沒有考慮過的層面會來拯救你。 盡你所能地堅持下去,一個快樂的結局將是可能的。
- Try to resist losing your temper or becoming overly stressed over a matter you are dealing with today, Gemini. There may be someone else involved, and you m ay be frustrated that they don't understand what you are trying to tell them o r how you are trying to guide them. But losing your temper and showing your an xiety might only make it worse. Try to figure this out by asking the other par
- 最近你一直以來渴望達成某個目標的結果,可能會讓你感覺不公平。 看起來好像是某個沒有像你一樣努力的人,得到了本應該屬於你的東西。 但是等一下,月之子,你可能過早地下了結論。 或者他們沒有達到你所追求的目標,或者你將會達到一個更偉大的里程碑,因為你快要達 成它,並且你應該慶祝這一刻。