[情報] 24/09/2020 Daily Horoscope
Heartfelt requests sometimes result in dreams coming true and wishes
manifesting in your life. But these things don't always happen all that
easily. In other words, Moonchild, you can't sit at home and wait for an
opportunity to come knocking, even if you feel that it is meant to be. A
recent plea for assistance may be out there waiting for you to accept and
manifest it, but it isn't going to drop onto your doorstep. Go out and
search for the special chance you have been hoping for.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 10/25 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 25 2021 你一直在希望和夢想某個你想要的東西, 魔魔,這種幻想非常令人愉悅, 因為你想到它的當下, 你會感到快樂與振奮。6
[情報] 10/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 07 2021 你是務實的, 你只相信看得見的東西。 魔魔,但你得承認一些無法用邏輯和常識解釋的奇怪魔幻之事時不時會發生在你的生命中。 如果你對某項擔心的事向宇宙送出協助的懇求,4
[情報] 2/7 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 7 2021 Don't dwell on how it will be to feel vulnerable today, Capricorn. There may be a chance to do something that is important to you, even though you may not feel talented enough or good enough in some way. You tend to underestimate what you are capable of, and if a new opportunity feels exciting to you, then3
[情報] 02/28 the daily horoscopeDo miracles really happen, Gemini? Can impossible dreams really come true? Yes - miracles occur and dreams come true every day. You may be wondering why som ething you want or need very badly may not be manifesting in your life. There could be a few reasons. You may not see yourself as worthy, and that change ne eds to come from within. You may be surrounding yourself with fear energy and2
[情報] 17/12/2021 Daily Horoscope今天有人對你說的一個夢,一個閒暇的想法,甚至是一些不尋常的事情,都可能帶來一個 訊息,是希望和靈感的種子。 培養這顆種子吧,月之子。 接受它並相信它是專門為你準備的信息。 你一直在尋找並希望得到一些跡象,表明你生活中的某些東西將得到改善-而且是顯著的2
[情報] 01/04/2022 Daily Horoscope人們可能會告訴你,你太過努力地想讓某些事情發生。 如果這是命中註定的,就不會那麼難。 但這怎麼可能呢? 如果你自滿地坐下來,等待好運降臨到你的門前,它可能永遠不會到來。 你要等多久呢?2
[情報] 18/10/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你是否覺得現在有更多的好人,豐富的機會,以及夢想成真的可能性正在向你靠 近? 你可能認為這只是你的想像,但它可能遠不止這些? 你最近是否希望或主動向宇宙提出請求,讓這些事情為你而發生? 如果是,這就是對你請求的回答。1
[情報] 07/04 the daily horoscopeYou may have come here today hoping to read about a forecast of money or some type of abundance or good fortune coming your way. But it doesn't work that wa y exactly, Gemini. There is certainly the potential for great things in your l ife, but you have to enable those possibilities. Not only do you have to want them, think about them, and feel worthy of them - you must also do everything1
[情報] 02/10/2021 Daily Horoscope成功實現夢想的人的故事令人著迷。我們喜歡聽到有人克服困難來實現他們美好的夢想。 然而,在大多數情況下,這可能不是夢想成真的方式。 當我們期望相信會發生一些神奇的事情,並且像揮動魔杖這樣簡單的事情就會發生時,我 們也在為失望做好準備。 但失望是不必要的,月之子。你確實需要以當前的希望來期待成功-而不是一夜之間的成1
[情報] 11/01/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能希望能消除一個對你的生活有負面影響的問題。 這可能是一個你並不特別認為是問題的東西,因為它是如此融入你的生活。 月之子,你可能已經大聲說出了這個願望。 但儘管許下這個願望可能會給你帶來暫時的釋放感和希望,但你將不得不做一些具體的事 情來實現它。