[情報] 01/12/2020 Daily Horoscope
Sometimes we share things we don't want to share out of self-defense.
Someone may ask a question, and it might be something you feel bad about
or feel you need to justify, so you start telling your story - a story
that certainly isn't some nosy busybody's business! Many people born under
your sign fall into that trap, Moonchild. You hate to be misunderstood,
and you hate to be labeled. But what does it really matter what anyone
else thinks - especially someone you feel lacks substance? If you've let a
particular cat out of the bag, don't fret over it. Just be tight-lipped
when it happens again.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/09去質疑處於強勢地位的人會讓人感到害怕,尤其若是他們對你有直接的影響。但如果你發 現某些事情並不正確,卻沒有提出,這不只是對你,可能也對其他人會有負面的影響。 你可能會意識到有些人在做的某些事是不正確的。牛牛,你覺得說出這些事可能會讓你涉 入某些風險,但其實唯一的風險是你會在事後感到後悔當初沒有去談論這件事,這個遺憾 並無法被彌補。3
[情報] 22/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你現在可能處於這樣的狀態,「你想知道當有好事發生時,會有什麼壞事降臨在你身上。 」 如果你現在是這樣想的,月之子,那可能是因為你覺得自己被壞運氣所困擾,讓你覺得自 己不值得擁有好運氣。 不過,你不能僅僅通過承認這一點來改變你的運氣。3
[情報] 04/01/2022 Daily Horoscope有些話必須要說,但因為你是如此敏感的靈魂,你不是很想說出來。 事實上,即使想一想也會給你帶來極大的不適,月之子,因為這可能涉及到傷害某人的感 情。 但是你的感覺呢? 你的感覺就是你的感覺,這就是它的方式。2
[情報] 09/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have received a job, a role, or an assignment of some kind that feels too big to conquer. It isn't that you don't have the skills or the talent, Moonchild - it's just that you may not feel quite like your old self right now. You have always had a powerful mind, but recent events may have left you feeling weaker. Take a few moments today to envision some pleasant time in the2
[情報] 28/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 28 You may not be able to rationalize or even explain why you keep doing somethin g that makes you feel hopeful. Maybe you are being criticized for it. Maybe ot hers just can't see why you feel as you do, so they see you as somewhat irresp onsible. But you are someone who operates mainly based on the way you feel abo2
[情報] 2023/03/16 Daily Horoscope3月16日星期四巨蟹座運勢 親愛的月之子,有人現在對你隱瞞了一個秘密嗎? 如果你有這種感覺,那麼你可能會感到受傷。 畢竟,你是一個可以信任的秘密守護者。 更重要的是,你是可以給予需要幫助的人出色建議的人。1
[情報] 15/12/2021 Daily Horoscope有人可能因為你在某個領域的專業知識而向你求助,因為他們需要幫助,但你可能覺得自 己並沒有那麼多經驗。 月之子,也許他們只是想奉承你,因為他們需要幫助,或者他們只是尊重你的智慧和解決 問題的創造性方法。 但不管是什麼,想要幫助永遠不是一件壞事。1
[情報] 15/05/2022 Daily Horoscope對你來說,讓別人理解你對某一重要事項的觀點是非常重要的。 你不喜歡被誤解,而且你可能擔心這就是現在的情況。 但如果你強求,或變得太過熱情或太過緊張,月之子,可能會產生相反的效果。 要讓別人理解你的感受,你能做的最好的事情之一就是首先理解他們的感受。 如果他們相信你會同理他們,他們會對你的觀點更加開放。- Someone may soon come to you asking a question that you don't have an answer t o. Your inability to answer that question does not necessarily say anything ab out you. It does not mean you are ignorant, irresponsible, or lack knowledge o f the subject matter. Hopefully, you don't feel that way. In fact, Gemini, you should feel curious about finding the answer rather than be hard on yourself
- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。