[情報] 14/12~20/12/2020 Weekly Horoscope
Are you feeling adventurous, Moonchild? If so, that could be a rather
unfamiliar feeling for you as of late. This week, you could find yourself
with a strong desire to crawl out of your shell and head toward something
a bit more interesting or challenging, and that is just what you need
right now. This may involve romance or taking a chance on an opportunity
that might ordinarily scare you away, but you are ready to meet the
challenge. Go for it. Obstacles to a treasured goal may seem to be melting
away this week, leaving you with a clear path forward. Don't allow
paranoia to take over - don't assume that something will go wrong again or
that some new set of challenges will pop up. You should have smooth
sailing ahead, so don't miss the opportunity. To engage in a partnership
this week - at work or in an arrangement with a loved one - you will have
to be flexible and open to compromise. You may not enjoy working with this
individual, but there may be no other option. Choose to make the best of
it, and in the end, you will be proud of what you accomplished and glad
you found a way.
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/16-01/22追求一個目標或承擔一項你覺得不那麼安全的計劃可能將會是個美妙的經歷。它能挑戰你 、激勵你、建立你的信心並為你創造一個情況使你遇見有趣的人。即便你可能不覺得自己 能夠令人欽佩地處理這個問題(尤其是因為這個原因),你還是需要去承擔,親愛的阿牛 。在這週開始行動吧。蒐集你所需要的東西,包括指導和支援相關的資源與相關人士,然 後開始行動。一場嚴重的衝突,可能是分道揚鑣,也許是前陣子的分歧造成的。這件事可4
[情報] 07/19-07/25 Weekly HoroscopeYou may have spent a lot of time lately longing for a deeper, richer connection with someone. Whether your desire is for a romantic connection or simply a friendship with a kindred spirit, this week, you will be very likely to find it if you choose to begin being open to it. You may encounter people who are very like you in certain ways who can offer insights and different3
[情報] 02/08~08/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8 Cancer horoscope for 8月 2 - 8月 8 You are always tuned in to the world around you, Moonchild. You notice the sub tle things that most people never see. But most of all, you can tune in to wha t other people are feeling. Although you are always this way, this week you ma3
[情報] 27/12~02/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope月之子,雖然你是一個相當堅強的人物,但你也可能非常膽小。 你的外殼讓人覺得你是一個堅不可摧的人,但這只是因為你傾向於想要保護自己。 在內心深處,你可能是害羞的,害怕被人注意到,尤其是當你承擔了一些令人畏懼的事情 。 本週,你可能有機會接受一項需要你有點冒險精神的任務。3
[情報] 18/07/2022~24/07/2022 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 18 - 7月 24 月之子,你的事情是否一個接一個地出錯了? 你有沒有因為一系列不幸的事情而開始失去希望,這些事情佔用了你的時間,耗盡了你的 精力,總體上讓你感到沮喪? 如果是這樣,對你在未來一周應該收到的東西心存感激。3
[情報] 2023/05/08~2023/05/14 Weekly Horoscope你可能希望至少能夠啟動一個新的事業。 你已經為此付出了很多努力,但你可能感覺一個接一個的阻礙阻礙你的腳步。 現在你已經恢復體力,準備投身其中,這很好。 但是牢記,月之子,不要在沒有研究好事情清單就開始。 你可能會因為太興奮而脫離步伐,但是成功取決於做好準備。2
[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,本週你可能發現自己比平時更善於交際。 利用這種心態,尋找認識新朋友的方法。 你是一個會培養親密友誼的人,而不是僅僅與偶然的熟人打交道,所以與你交談的大多數 人可能是你已經認識了很長時間的人。 你有時會抗拒結識新朋友。但是,如果你現在感覺自己很活潑、熱情,這是一個適合同行2
[情報] 02/05/2022~08/05/2022 Weekly Horoscope你可能會被要求與一個人或是一群人一起工作,這些人一般被認為是食古 不化或在某些 方面很困難。 希望你願意這樣做,臉上帶著微笑,會給其他人留下最深刻的印象。 這也可能是一個機會,以艱難但最好的方式學習一些東西,它可能對你以後有廣泛的應用 。1
[情報] 25/07~01/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 26 - 8月 1 Communication is a strong theme for you this week, Moonchild. Although you are very expressive in certain ways - perhaps through music, art, or writing - yo u sometimes struggle with personal interactions. That may be because you don't like feeling vulnerable, so you crawl into your shell or become tough when ce1
[情報] 08/11~14/11/2021 Weekly Horoscope月之子,你想要什麼樣的一週呢? 如果你可以選擇任何事情,你可能會要求一個平靜、無憂無慮、給你安全感的一周。 你可以擁有這些,或者你也可以給自己一個充滿壓力、焦慮和擔憂的一週。 選擇權其實就在你手裡,所以如果你能選擇,那就選擇前者。 這一切都來自你自己的期望以及你決定的心態和前景。