[情報] 03/01/2021 Daily Horoscope
The big things you are now focusing on in your life are happening in
exactly the way they are meant to happen. You may find that hard to
believe, Moonchild. You may feel that the troubles, struggles, and the
sense of hopelessness that you have felt recently are indicators that you
are not where you should be, and that you have been headed in the wrong
direction for too long to turn around. That is not so. Give yourself a
chance to acclimate. An upcoming event will prove to you, without a doubt,
that you are headed toward the right destination.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/16親愛的阿牛,事情正在朝著好的方向發展,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。也許你無法確 定具體會發生什麼變化,但你應該對你的生活與未來有種正向的預感。然而,你是個眼見 為憑的人,你通常會需要證據來證實一些事物。試著用信念代替吧,你的驗證只是種為了 讓自己放心而產生的良好感覺而已。但你的確正朝著正確的方向前進著。 ———4
[情報] 06/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may need to be reminded today that it is sometimes wiser to judge someone by their intentions rather than their actions. When someone makes a mistake or does the wrong thing, but their intentions were to do good and to be honorable , you can hardly blame them since we don't always know how things would turn out in advance. You may be faced with a situation today where someone has done3
[情報] 2023/03/21 Daily Horoscope星期二 3月21日的巨蟹座運勢 某些事情正神奇地、完美地開始落位。 親愛的月之子,當你變得沉迷於將某些事情實現時,你往往希望監督和掌控它的每一個方 面,因為你擔心會出現問題。 然而現在的發生似乎是命中注定的,盡管你可能會害怕這樣想。2
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[情報] 17/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期五 9月 17 Something that you have become involved in may currently seem to be disorganiz ed and out of your control. That's okay. Relax with it. Have fun with it. Adju st your expectations to unexpected happenings that will lead to exactly what y ou want, despite the detour. You are on the right track, Moonchild, even if it2
[情報] 01/19 the daily horoscopeIt is much more difficult, if not impossible, to reach a destination by walkin g backwards. You would walk much slower if you did that, and you would certain ly bump into things or trip many times along the way in unseen potholes. This is a silly idea, of course, but right now, Gemini, you may be doing something similar. You are headed in a very good direction - either in a relationship or2
[情報] 08/02/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,如果你太專注於最近出錯的事情或者太擔心錯誤延續到今天,你可能會沒 有注意到所有正在進行的事情。 而且實際上,有很多事情是在正確的道路上。 你已經達到了某個被接受和有聲望的地方。 雖然你可能對如何進行有點畏懼,擔心誰可能會在你的肩膀上看著你,但如果你給一個機2
[情報] 01/04/2022 Daily Horoscope人們可能會告訴你,你太過努力地想讓某些事情發生。 如果這是命中註定的,就不會那麼難。 但這怎麼可能呢? 如果你自滿地坐下來,等待好運降臨到你的門前,它可能永遠不會到來。 你要等多久呢?2
[情報] 17/05/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你可能需要對自己不要那麼認真。 你會陷入於已經發生的負面事情,彷彿只要你想得夠久就能改變它們。 但顯然不是這樣的。 如果你犯了一個錯誤,或者最近發生了一些不好的事情,你需要從它那裡繼續前進。 試著以一種更輕鬆的方式來看待這個世界。