[情報] 04/06 the daily horoscope
You may be angry about a situation you have gotten involved in, most likely not by choice and not because you were at fault for anything. You may be ready to charge forward with demands and plans to get yourself out of that mess, butthat might not be the best way to do it. Instead of being angry, just remind yourself that you are not in this situation because of your doing, and you arenot responsible for it unless you choose to be. Handle it with charm and logic, and you will be fine.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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※ 編輯: tsaosp ( 臺灣), 04/05/2023 06:48:07
首PoTomorrow is not promised, and that's why they call today the "present" - becau se it's a gift. We hear so many inspirational messages of this kind that they begin to feel like cliches. But if you are now in need of inspiration, dear Ge mini, this is a good one to think about. If you concentrate on enjoying, learn ing from, and relishing every moment today, you will see things that you would1
首PoA current pursuit of yours may be starting to feel a bit like a "wild goose ch ase," or a futile effort. What once seemed so promising might now seem just fo olish - but don't be so sure about that just yet, Gemini. You have come this f ar, and you have already invested yourself, at least to some degree. It can't hurt to keep trying for a little while longer. It is likely that you will soon2
首PoA new experience you are now or will soon go through may be very much like som ething you have been through before, Gemini. And while you may feel that you h ave "been there and done that," and you aren't looking forward to the experien ce, you should allow yourself to be open to enjoying it. Even though there are similarities, this does not mean that any negative elements from the past wil1
首PoSomeone may have relayed information to you recently that set you on a path to ward doing something connected to what they shared with you. However, Gemini, you may have discovered after the fact that there was a lot of information mis sing or that what you heard was not as it appeared. That's okay. This could st ill be a good thing. Use your creativity to replace the elements that you don'
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[情報] 03/03 the daily horoscopeYou may be avoiding a conversation with someone in your personal life because you fear it will easily devolve into an argument. You may be right, Gemini. Th ere is potential here for inflamed emotions and angry comments. But an argumen t is not the worst thing that could happen. In fact, this kind of conflict, if handled properly and with respect, can lead you to an important insight. Be t2
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[情報] 09/04 the daily horoscopeTravel or adventure plans could be stymied today, Gemini. Although that may be the last thing you would want to hear, it is for the best. You love to keep m oving and exploring, and you are never happier than when you are out and about . When you discover that something you were looking forward to isn't going to happen - right now, at least - it may be a big disappointment. But things real1
[情報] 09/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe things that happened to you in your long-ago history - even if it was so impactful that you recall it from childhood - can have a strong influence on the way you see things today in the present moment. But the trick, Cancer, is that it can affect you in either a positive or a negative way. It is mostly up to you how you choose to deal with it. A1
[情報] 01/24 the daily horoscopeAlthough you can usually get along with just about anyone when you choose to, you probably don't see yourself as a peacemaker or a mediator. But with your a bility to see all sides of a situation, it makes you someone who could actuall y be quite good in that role. You may find yourself in a position to help some one out in that way today, Gemini. You could choose to stay out of it, but the1
[情報] 07/10 the daily horoscopeA thought may keep coming to your mind about a situation you are trying to vee r away from, dear Gemini. Or maybe it isn't exactly a thought, but more of a f eeling - an uplifting, hopeful feeling. Even so, your logic may still be tryin g to steer you away from getting involved. But if there is no other reason for this thought or feeling to keep returning to you, then you should probably pa- Someone in your life may have made big promises to you to lure you into someth ing they wanted to do. But now you may be seeing that there was some exaggerat ion involved, and that the situation is not living up to your expectations at all. That may be disappointing, and it may even cause you to be angry with the one making the promises. But what if there is more, dear Gemini? What if ther
- Don't overanalyze a choice you feel inclined to make. If you do, you might sta rt to distance yourself from that feeling, and you could gravitate to another choice entirely. Would that be a good thing? Probably not. Although you do hav e a discerning mind, and you are good at analyzing situations to separate the good from the bad, right now the best thing to do might be to follow what you