[情報] 12/01 the daily horoscope
Today is a great day for sharing a plan you are feeling excited about, Gemini. And the energy you experience while sharing your ideas will bolster you evenfurther and fill you with ambition. If you are seeking feedback, this is a great way to get it. And if you are trying to encourage and inspire yourself, you should find that the praise you receive will carry you forward. Don't hold back; show how passionate you feel so that others can understand your vision.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may be wondering if you will triumph in a challenge you are currently enga ged in, Gemini. The answer is yes, no matter how it turns out. Now keep in min d this is not a prediction of how things will go - you have choices and the po wer to take the direction that you feel is the best. But whatever happens, if you do what you think is best and you accept that the outcome will be the best1
首PoYou need to straighten out a problem, but you don't want to have to deal with the only person who can help you resolve it. That's a dilemma, dear Gemini, bu t only in your mind. This is not something you can't do - it is something you don't want to do, and that can't be avoided. However, if you let go of your ap prehension and you don't keep picturing a preconceived idea of how it will go,
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/21是不是心裡有個計畫可是不敢說出來因為怕其他人不懂?是不是擔心如果把計畫講出來,他們會被攻擊、誤解,抑或是做不到、感覺很蠢,阿牛?如果真的這樣發生了,可能會大大的澆熄你的熱情。但是老話一句,如果你想去分享你的想法,你也許能得到出乎意料的支持跟鼓勵。不是很好嗎?星象正在告訴你快用這股熱情去分享你的想法,你可能對於得到的回饋感到很驚喜。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jun 21 You may have held back from revealing a plan you have for fear that others won't understand. You may think that if you share your ideas, Taurus, they will be judged and deemed inappropriate, unattainable, or foolish. And if that were to happen, it might dampen your own enthusiasm. But then again, if you were to share what you are thinking, you might have a surprising amount of support and encouragement. Wouldn't that be nice? The stars are encouraging you to share your thoughts with the passion you are feeling, and you may be happily surprised by what you receive in return. --2
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeA set of concerns may keep cycling through your mind. The moment you feel good about a decision, those concerns come back to haunt you again. How can you ge t past that? If you're feeling very independent and you don't want to share th is with anyone else, that might be the problem. You aren't getting feedback to validate what you feel. If sharing your thoughts with someone isn't the answe2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear1
[情報] 09/11 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期五 9月 11 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 9月 11 You may be feeling a great sense of confidence about an endeavor you have yet to begin. This may be despite obvious signs to the contrary. If you can contro l an urge to be impulsive, Gemini, and you fully explore and plan for this, th1
[情報] 04/02 the daily horoscopeA meeting or an encounter today could clarify something you have been trying t o understand, Gemini. But it may not turn out to be the answer you were hoping for or expecting. But before you assume that all is lost with a certain plan, you need to look more carefully at what is happening and try to see the advan tages - because there are quite a few. But if you dismiss this out of hand, yo1
[情報] 04/27 the daily horoscopeYou are only as young as you feel. You are also only as old as you feel. You c an feel vibrant, passionate, and excited about life at any age, Gemini, and th at can give you a youthful exuberance. But when you allow yourself to fall int o a tired, bored groove, you make yourself a bit older simply because you lose your enthusiasm for life. If the latter is something you feel now, you don't1
[情報] 03/31 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life may have made an assumption about you some time ago that bothered you and because they have lived with that assumption, it has come to feel like a fact. You may want to grow closer to this individual, Gemini, but it doesn't feel quite right when they don't know the real you. Today, you may have the chance to show another side of yourself - the side that will dispel t1
[情報] 12/27 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life who is either observing or involved in a venture of yours may be sharing less-than-flattering opinions. They may be telling you that yo u are rushing through something, cutting corners, or giving some other critica l assessment. But you are doing what you must do, Gemini, and if you feel it's right, it's your choice to make. If they keep putting pressure on you, then a1
[情報] 02/16 the daily horoscopeA certain person's confident presentation and charming eloquence may be convin cing you - and perhaps other people - that they know exactly what they are doi ng. It may seem impossible that such a person would speak so loudly and with s uch gusto if they were wrong. But maybe they don't know they're wrong. And eve n if they're right, that doesn't mean there's not a better way to go. If you t1
[情報] 04/08 the daily horoscopeA change of plans today could turn out to be far better than what was original ly intended. You may be fighting it though, Gemini, because you don't think it will turn out all that well. Since there is not much you can do to alter the plan anyway, just sit back, relax, and let the experience unfold. If you choos e to make the best of whatever happens, then you will benefit significantly, a