[情報] 11/28 the daily horoscope
Be careful today about any records or information you receive that is supposed to support someone's claim about what they have done for you or what they owe you. It would be easy to take it all in and think it's all there. You can't do this quickly, dear Gemini. You have to spend some time making notes and recalling what happened from beginning to end. You may find that what you receiveis missing important information and elements. Getting this right will make abig difference.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou have not received the feedback or recognition that you deserve in an endea vor connected to work or a business partnership. Working without feedback from others who are involved can be difficult. It leaves you with no way to gauge how you are doing and if your efforts are admired or appreciated. But you can ask, Gemini, and if you are feeling a bit lost over this, then you should. It4
首PoIf you are up against a tough challenge now, Gemini, don't allow your thoughts to head toward resentment. Don't take on a "poor me" attitude, but realize yo u are in a good position and your near future is looking bright. Taking a ment al accounting of all that has gone wrong in your life recently and of things t hat did not turn out as you hoped they would is not a good or empowering way t1
首PoAs a child, you probably had certain food preferences and dislikes. At dinnert ime, your parents may have made you clean your plate - including eating those things you didn't like. So, even if you didn't like Brussels sprouts, for exam ple, you were expected to eat them anyway. As an adult, it may have become a h abit. In some other area of your life, Gemini, you have gotten so used to an o
[情報] 04/29 the daily horoscopeYou may be struggling with a decision about where to go next with a certain li fe objective. But luckily for you, Gemini, you may soon be gifted with a "look into the future" to see how things could play out with your choices. It is a rare gift to be able to travel forward in time, so to speak, but metaphoricall y that's the chance you should soon receive. You may see your options play out3
[情報] 10/09 the daily horoscopeYou may have something important to say or announce today, dear Gemini, becaus e you are feeling bold, brave, and impassioned. Even so, those you wish to com municate with may not be in the right state of mind to hear what you have to s ay, and therefore, they won't be receptive. Try to keep yourself fired up, tak e notes on your thoughts, and perhaps rehearse what you want to say in your mi3
[情報] 09/17 the daily horoscopeSomething you have been striving for is taking a long time to attain. You may be starting to wonder why it's taking so long, dear Gemini. Surely you are des erving, but the universe operates on its own timetable. And sometimes it is a gift to want and hope for something for a long time, because it helps you deve lop a greater appreciation for what you want to receive. Waiting can be a gift3
[情報] 10/04 the daily horoscopeSomeone may give you an answer today that you have been waiting for. But you m ay get the sense that they do not mean what they say. You may surmise that the y felt pressured or rushed to come to a decision, and you may be afraid that y ou are not getting the whole truth. But that's not for you to say, dear Gemini . If you have asked for an answer on an important matter and received it, then1
[情報] 04/11 the daily horoscopeYou may be biting your lip as you try not to share something you really want t o share, Gemini. This may be a mixture of criticism and inspiration, and you m ay worry that the critical part of it will stir up someone's ire. This could b e about improving a relationship - one that needs to change, but that you don' t want to give up on. And if this is your effort to make things better, then i1
[情報] 11/04 the daily horoscopeA pat on the back for a job well done, or for support and understanding, can g o a long way in someone's life. When a person is feeling alone, even that smal l bit of recognition can show care and love, and can make someone feel like th ey belong. You may be in need of a pat on the back now, dear Gemini, but it ma y be that no one has noticed or understands. That's okay. Give yourself a pat1
[情報] 01/20 the daily horoscopeYou may not be very happy with the status quo of some big element in your life . This could be a relationship, a job, your home, or something else significan t, dear Gemini. But while you may be feeling frustrated, try to remember that you do have some power over your situation. You can change what's happening by altering certain elements of it. Or you could withdraw yourself from it altog1
[情報] 01/24 the daily horoscopeWhen you have someone in your corner encouraging you and cheering you on, even the most difficult situation can be made easier and more palatable. Likewise, when no one is there for you, you can feel alone in your pursuits, and it may feel like no one believes in you or supports you. You are about to take on a challenge, Gemini, and right now there may be no one to hold you up and inspir1
[情報] 02/24 the daily horoscopeIs there some area of your life that has been lacking recently, dear Gemini? C ould it be that your social life is less than flourishing? Maybe it's your rom antic life that has lost its sizzle. Or perhaps you have not been indulging yo urself in the ways you should now and then. Whatever it may be, you could be f eeling like something is missing from your life - but that can certainly be ch- A boss or a person in an authority position - someone who has been on your min d - would probably love to hear from you today, dear Gemini. You may not want to cross that formal line that exists between you, but if you are feeling comp elled to reach out, then you probably should. You can make it casual. You can simply show you care and that you are thinking of the individual without being