[情報] 08/08 the daily horoscope
A promising idea may be circulating around in your mind right now, dear Gemini. It may be so tantalizing that you will want to share it right away. Even ifthis occurs during a brainstorming session where you are meant to share ideaswith others, you might be better off keeping it under wraps for now. Give yourself a chance to think it through more completely. Give yourself time to comeup with a way to implement it. And only then should you share it with others.Presenting it in a more polished form will increase your chances of gaining interest in it.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may be having a hard time getting into some creative project you have star ted. You may not feel the inspiration that you felt initially, or you may beli eve that your muse has abandoned you. Because of this, you may be giving in to other distractions, which is a hard thing for you to resist, Gemini. For now, let that happen. Get involved in something else. You may find that the inspir1
首PoA work or certain contractual situation may not represent your ideal, Gemini. You may be seeking to start over or to radically change something in one of th ese categories to make it better. That change may not happen now, and the star s are inspiring you to explore your status more thoroughly. There may be many good things here that you have overlooked or don't understand completely enoug
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/11今天你可能會有一兩個瘋狂的想法,因為你正在集思廣益,想要想出一些你覺得更沈穩的 東西。然而,如果這些想法一直在你腦中浮現,那麼你就有義務去關注它,親愛的阿牛。 你的潛意識試著告訴你一些事,促使你向某個方向發展。雖然你可能在準備或展示的內容 上比較保守,但探索更狂野的一面也無妨。有時最出色的解決方法是不會被預期到的。 ——4
[情報] 01/01 the daily horoscopeYou may be trying to get someone to join your team or help you in an effort yo u feel passionate about. And to do this, dear Gemini, you may be exaggerating about how fabulous it is going to be, even though you don't really know for su re. That's something that salesmen do all the time, but when you are dealing w ith a person - especially when it's a friend or a family member - honesty is r3
[情報] 02/20 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 2月 20 You may have decided long ago that a certain pursuit simply was not possible - or maybe someone else decided that for you. Now that idea may be ingrained in your brain, and you may not even consider that it is actually possible. When2
[情報] 07/23 the daily horoscopeNow that you have had some time and some space to think about it, dear Gemini, you may be starting to see certain emotional interaction in a different way. Maybe you, or maybe the other party overreacted, or maybe there was a misunder standing that was not handled very well. Having some distance from it though, and the chance to think it through, you have or you may soon begin to understa2
[情報] 01/13 Daily HoroscopeAn idea you would like to present, either at work or for an important personal project, is still gelling in your mind. Even though you have not fully fleshe d it out just yet, dear Leo, you are eager to get it out there. You want feedb ack. You want praise. You want approval. But you need to be patient. Even thou gh you are eager to get started in a serious way, it would benefit you to make2
[情報] 11/30 the daily horoscopeAt various points in your life, you saw yourself as having certain strengths. You may not be feeling very strong or gifted right now, dear Gemini, but there was a time when you felt confident in one or more areas. Try to recall that t ime, and try to remember what it felt like. You were self-assured. You had hig h hopes. You had ideas in your mind of endeavors that would lead you to succes2
[情報] 02/07 the daily horoscopeYou have been keeping something bottled up deep inside, dear Gemini. You long to share how you are feeling with someone, but you are feeling sad and lonely, and you don't think anyone will want to hear about it. There is someone speci al in your life, though, who has been wondering what's wrong. They haven't hea rd from you, or you just haven't been yourself. Don't be afraid to let it all1
[情報] 08/03 the daily horoscopeDon't allow a preconceived idea you may have about a new opportunity to stop y ou from at least exploring it. You may be tentative about accepting this chanc e, dear Gemini, because there are things about it that feel familiar - things that seem negative to you. But you can't base your choice on something that ha ppened before. Gather the facts. Ask the questions that are on your mind. Seek- 有時候,聰明的想法和建議可能來自於一個看起來很奇怪(或是古怪)的人。 奇怪的人,或者在某些方面不符合常規的人。我們可能不會對這樣的人抱有期望,但是這 樣的想法是對我們自己是不利的。 月之子,今天不要偏見你的腦海中那些看起來有點不同或 『不在常規』的人。 他們可能有一些與你分享的東西,絕對是革命性的。
- So what if someone laughs at an idea you have been incubating, Gemini? So what if they think it's foolish, unrealistic, or crazy? It does not matter, and it should not matter to you. You are the keeper of the ideas that come to you, a nd you owe it to yourself to express and share the ideas that are the most spe cial to you. You have big goals now, and your ambitions have much to do with t