[情報] 11/30 the daily horoscope
At various points in your life, you saw yourself as having certain strengths.You may not be feeling very strong or gifted right now, dear Gemini, but there was a time when you felt confident in one or more areas. Try to recall that time, and try to remember what it felt like. You were self-assured. You had high hopes. You had ideas in your mind of endeavors that would lead you to success. If you start thinking about all of that now, instead of how things aren't working out, you will begin to fit back into that old mindset. Try it.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may have formed a goal or a dream around someone else's expectations of yo u, Gemini. That's not like you, and so you may not realize it because it came about subconsciously. Someone with great influence over you may have kept feed ing you thoughts that you came to believe, and now you have the same expectati ons for yourself. But you are too independent to be happy living within someon2
首PoYour agenda or plan for a joint effort that you are leading might not make sen se to someone else. They may want you to take valuable time to sit down and ex plain your actions step by step, but there probably isn't time for that right now. This is when you need to ask for someone's trust and just proceed, Gemini . Although you may want to consider the opinions and feelings of others, doing1
首PoA change can be made that could work really well in an endeavor you have a par t in, dear Gemini. You can see it very clearly. You may even have some experie nce or perhaps some expertise in this area, and it wouldn't be hard at all. Th e only trouble may be that you will have to express your ideas to someone who happens to be in charge, and they may see themselves as the expert. It wouldn'1
首PoSomeone may now be giving you advice that you don't really need and guidance t hat you have no intention of following. They may not realize you don't need th eir help, but don't tell them that, dear Gemini. Any support you receive today - whether you need it or not - is coming from the heart. This means that some one cares deeply about you and wants you to succeed. That's something to be ex
[情報] 10/09 the daily horoscopeYou may have something important to say or announce today, dear Gemini, becaus e you are feeling bold, brave, and impassioned. Even so, those you wish to com municate with may not be in the right state of mind to hear what you have to s ay, and therefore, they won't be receptive. Try to keep yourself fired up, tak e notes on your thoughts, and perhaps rehearse what you want to say in your mi3
[情報] 07/15 the daily horoscopeYou may have let go of something recently in an effort to make more room in yo ur life for something else. But now it may feel like there is an emptiness the re, and you could be wondering if you've made a mistake. Nothing is certain, o f course, but you have to at least give this a try. You must have felt strongl y enough about your goal to make changes that would accommodate it, so keep th3
[情報] 03/16 the daily horoscopeYou have endured a stressful day or two, and it may have felt like it would ne ver end. This may have been happening because of something big you are prepari ng for, dear Gemini, and so it could not be avoided. But at the time, you didn 't even realize the effect that stress was having on your mind and body. You w ere tense, tired, and agitated, but now you can relax. Even though you know th2
[情報] 09/27 the daily horoscopeYou need to lead the way with a project you are invested in. Whether this is a t work or for yourself personally, dear Gemini, it probably felt initially lik e there was a lot at stake. But your desire for this involvement is waning, an d therefore your attention to it is waning too. At this point, you may just be going through the motions. To get the most out of what you started, you need1
[情報] 04/15 the daily horoscopeYou may be very confident that an upcoming decision is going to go very well f or you, dear Gemini. That's because you know precisely what you want. You can picture it. You can imagine what will happen after you acquire what you want. But that may be a problem in itself! You are ordinarily a very flexible person , but your idea about something you want now might be extremely specific. Try1
[情報] 10/27 the daily horoscopeYou may be questioning a recent decision even though you felt certain of it at the time. So how can you get back that initial feeling of resolve and assuran ce that everything was going to be fine with the choice you made? You can stop dwelling on fearful thoughts of things not working out. You can stop question ing yourself. You can go back and do your best to recall the way you felt when1
[情報] 02/12 the daily horoscopeIf you are thinking about following through on a recent offer or invitation, n ow is the time. If you think about it and put it off for too much longer, dear Gemini, it may make its way to someone else who will greedily accept it. This could be the chance of a lifetime to attain something you have thought about for a long time, and while it is wise to consider all the angles and to want t1
[情報] 10/29 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling extra ambitious today, dear Gemini, and you happen to be ve ry creatively persuasive. That makes this a great day to reach out to people w ho can help you make a goal of yours come true. Your ideas are not enough. No matter how much you fantasize about something you want to do, it will come to nothing if you don't start making it happen. Now is the time to get going. The- If you felt like you were drowning, the tossing of a life ring would be a welc ome surprise. But until someone saw you in distress and threw you that life ri ng, there would be fear and panic. Scary thoughts might rush through your mind . If you find yourself in a situation now where you feel like you are going do wn for the last time - or maybe you even feel doomed - know that a life ring a
- If you have an important message to communicate to someone, today is the day t o try it. You may have made attempts to do so in the past, dear Gemini, but yo ur thinking on this matter has become clearer, and you have formed more creati ve thoughts in your mind that you can now express. This is an excellent time f or negotiating, for presenting, and for convincing others of your ideas, and a