[問卦] 只許州官放火! 英文怎麼翻?急!

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 只許州官放火! 英文怎麼翻?急!作者
時間推噓57 推:57 噓:0 →:20







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james732 12/18 14:04Green can, You can't

zyxx 12/18 14:04this is a pen

VVizZ 12/18 14:04go fuck yourself thanks you are welcome

kming327 12/18 14:05I win all,you nothing

QnxQn 12/18 14:06一樓多益900?

starwillow 12/18 14:06dpp can but you can't

Lowpapa 12/18 14:06lie

leptoneta 12/18 14:06Value of Taiwan

crassus7217 12/18 14:06LINE

a03520 12/18 14:06dpp

Sunerk 12/18 14:06You can I can’t

Sunerk 12/18 14:08說實在講 雙標就好了 double standards

clydebbman 12/18 14:09I'm DPP

willieliu 12/18 14:09一樓多益超過990分!XD

derrick1220 12/18 14:09推11F

STi2011 12/18 14:09lie can

ProE 12/18 14:10You lie,no light.

RWT512 12/18 14:12DPP is right

q123212 12/18 14:12talk to my hand!

fm99772002 12/18 14:12Green can do whatever he wants, but

fm99772002 12/18 14:12 deprive others of their lawful rig

fm99772002 12/18 14:12hts.

rommel1990 12/18 14:13double standard

Ashuya 12/18 14:14fire in the hole

coneflwer 12/18 14:15dpp yes

mmchen 12/18 14:15dpp

zckater 12/18 14:15when you lie, you lie

kenco 12/18 14:16dpp CAN do anything!

pnsboy 12/18 14:16the more I lie, the more people die

lordwill 12/18 14:18DPP

Mrchungken 12/18 14:21Green can,you can’t.

dknymaster 12/18 14:21YOU ARE NOT GREEN

shintz 12/18 14:22dpp talks

edison901 12/18 14:231樓駐美代表擔當!

tupacshkur 12/18 14:26One man may steal a horse, while

tupacshkur 12/18 14:26another may not look over the hedg

tupacshkur 12/18 14:26e.

Insania 12/18 14:27say my party

berryc 12/18 14:27Green is inevitable.

Hsu1025 12/18 14:29Min Jin Tang

spring53287 12/18 14:33DPP

frankfipgd 12/18 14:42lie cheater

x58420 12/18 14:42DPP

setunarx 12/18 14:42taiwan no.1

DeepBlue10 12/18 14:44lie to me

zekelin 12/18 14:48the pot calling the kettle black

cobrasgo 12/18 14:56對不起,英文拒訪所以什麼都不會說

jim830724 12/18 15:05only Zo Guan Shu set the fire.

zzxcasd 12/18 15:07I am Lie

hinajian 12/18 15:11da nice

JoeGibsonJr 12/18 15:15推1f

echochrome 12/18 15:16U can BanHuei I can't

nelsonchu 12/18 15:17"There is only privilege for the ar

nelsonchu 12/18 15:18istocracy, not the proletariat."

bleach5438 12/18 15:20dpp

cocogg 12/18 15:21Only you can fart.

yyan1218 12/18 15:27Lie lies right.

TomChu 12/18 15:28一樓正解

lababear 12/18 15:36no one can stop DPP

b9713228 12/18 15:36team taiwan

runedcross 12/18 15:36DDP only

galium 12/18 15:37DPP is truth

daJas 12/18 15:38dpp

snoopy790428 12/18 15:41only green can light a fire

snoopy790428 12/18 15:48but we can't bring it to light

offstage 12/18 16:13Green is right

dream0131 12/18 16:24Green all ok , you people 7414

howdo1793 12/18 16:25Yes Green can !

karta1271642 12/18 16:55lie can you can’t

foxher 12/18 17:30DPP is god, DPP is everything.

justho 12/18 18:26Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

blue500 12/18 18:44一樓是英文老師吧

villagemen 12/18 19:26ee

micoun828 12/18 23:38Do the lie thing ,do thing lie

wubaimoo 12/19 03:14position makes privileges

godchildtw 12/19 15:27Democratic Progressive Party card