[問卦] 台灣、中國、美國,誰比較會踩紅線?
'Impossible’ for Communist China to become our motherland as we’re older,
Taiwan’s president argues
China encircles Taiwan with 41 military aircraft, warships
Taipei, Jan. 23 (CNA) Chinese military planes and ships surrounded Taiwan on
Wednesday during a drill, with some of the aircraft crossing the median line
of the Taiwan Strait, the defense ministry said Thursday.
US drops website wording on not supporting Taiwan independence
各位看倌, 3 個國家,哪個會先忍不住開戰?
2027 要到了,還沒移民的,快喔。
※ PTT 留言評論
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投降也要開戰後,才有用啊。 現在哥的問題是,紅線要怎麼踩,才會開戰?而且誰會先忍不住?
※ 編輯: usingPTT ( 臺灣), 02/17/2025 17:39:33爆
Re: [新聞] 中國大陸火箭飛越 外媒報導稱台灣亂了套1. Washington Post 華盛頓郵報 Taiwan’s Defense Ministry mistranslates an alert, erroneously saying China laun ched a missile 2. The Guardian 英國衛報 Chinese satellite launch triggers emergency alert across Taiwan89
[花邊] Enes Freedom IGTaiwan is NOT a part of China and NEVER will be! Taiwan will never surrender to the EVIL Chinese Communist Party. Congratulations to Lai Ching-te on being elected as Taiwan’s next President, and the people of #Taiwan on a successful, peaceful, and democratic election. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with Taiwan’s next Vice President, @bi29
[問卦] 若中攻台 會派美軍嗎? 賀錦麗:假設性問題"If China attacks Taiwan, would we use military force to support Taiwan?" 如果中國攻擊台灣,我們會動用軍事力量支持台灣嗎? "I’m not getting into hypotheticals, but we need to maintain a one-China policy while supporting Taiwan’s ability to defend itself and ensuring the27
Re: [新聞] 「國軍被美國批得一文不值!」吳子嘉狂轟剛去找了外交政策的這篇來看 Taiwan Can’t Rely on ‘Daddy America’ to Solve Its Problems 台灣不能依賴美國爸爸解決問題 下面截取幾段比較重點的翻譯一下,可以直接看中文部分。14
[問卦] 所以今年台灣會打仗嗎?早上一大堆西方新聞都在爆 中共看來今年很有可能打台灣 想想幾天前美國在那邊一直放話說要打了 結果某位我大中華民國高官 還說烏俄戰爭機率不高11
Re: [新聞] 美國3學者:賴清德應考慮凍結台獨黨綱這一篇文章 Taiwan and the True Sources of Deterrence Why America Must Reassure, Not Just Threaten, China By3
Re: [新聞] 拜登時代雜誌專訪重申不排除動武保台 先怎麼中央社的新聞用字和別的報導不太一樣? 保衛台灣? 拜登:派不派兵差很大 記者張文馨/華盛頓報導 2024-06-04 14:39 ET 下面是時代的專訪原文中和台灣有關的部份1
[討論] <看政黑說英語> drill是鑽頭也是演練~President Lai vows to safeguard Taiwan ‘PROVOCATIVE’ DRILLS: The Ministry of National Defense had seen signs of Chinese military exercises earlier, so they were not unexpected, an official said