Re: [新聞] 「國軍被美國批得一文不值!」吳子嘉狂轟

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 「國軍被美國批得一文不值!」吳子嘉狂轟作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:41

: 美國權威雜誌《外交政策》雜誌近期「台灣不能依賴美國爸爸解決問題」一文,揭穿蔡政: 府面臨台海危機時,似乎還沒有做好應對後果的充分準備。對此,《美麗島電子報》董事: 長吳子嘉今(3)日就狂轟民進黨,「現在國軍被美國世界雜誌批評的一文不值,這就蔡: 英文搞出來的」,引發討論。

Taiwan Can’t Rely on ‘Daddy America’ to Solve Its Problems


Taiwan’s government seems to want it both ways—to spur foreign countries to
take action to support Taiwan in the face of China’s threats while, at the
same time, disregarding those threats and not acting to solve significant
military problems at home. The mixed messaging was noticeable as several
op-eds by local and diaspora Taiwanese came out during Pelosi’s visit,
criticizing the international community for worrying too much about Taiwan
and discussing war. Yet within the past week, Taiwan’s foreign minister
claimed China was making preparations to invade while a ruling party officialpublished an op-ed urging the “free world” to defend Taiwan. The seeming
complacency and inability to take significant action to improve national
self-defense is unfortunately largely due to a reliance on “Daddy America”
to come to Taiwan’s aid quickly if it is attacked.



Taiwan’s authorities and the press emphasized how calm things were on the
island. But in effect, China implemented a semi-blockade that in wartime
conditions could be used to cut off food, energy, and other shipments to and
from Taiwan.


China also launched several ballistic missiles into different locations in
waters north, east, and south of Taiwan. However, Taiwan’s defense ministry
neglected to tell the public that several of those missiles that landed in
the east had actually flown over Taiwan. It was only when Japan’s defense
ministry announced the paths of these missiles, several of which had landed
in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, that people in Taiwan realized this.
When North Korea fired missiles that flew over Japan’s northernmost main
island of Hokkaido in 2017, sirens sounded and text message alerts were
broadcast to the public.



Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen gave a televised speech about the drills to
the public on Aug. 4, but it was brief, coming in at less than 4 minutes.
Meanwhile, Taiwan’s military put out videos and tweets trying to assure
people that it was monitoring the Chinese planes and ships and on alert.



※ PTT 留言評論
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※ 編輯: TouchAgain ( 臺灣), 09/04/2022 20:39:17

DuvetLain 09/04 20:39其實就是美國希望台灣打久一點才能維

DuvetLain 09/04 20:39持爸爸的利益

x7834210 09/04 20:40放心啦 頂多赤化 進集中營再教育

phoenixhong 09/04 20:40到現在還不知道哪個人渣國安高層隱

phoenixhong 09/04 20:40瞞飛彈飛越台灣上空的,這種重大事

phoenixhong 09/04 20:40件竟然不了了之!他媽的!

pauljet 09/04 20:40沒興趣啦 大家都在討論260元的魚粥

DuvetLain 09/04 20:40最好是像烏克蘭亞述營一樣有特權的民兵

DuvetLain 09/04 20:41組織可以督軍,槍決想和平的百姓

DuvetLain 09/04 20:41黑熊部隊之類的

priestwhite 09/04 20:41don`t look up

elibra01 09/04 20:41顆顆 塔綠班看不懂啦

x7834210 09/04 20:42反正台灣人怕死 愛財 好面子 國不像國

Anvec 09/04 20:42自己沒有足夠的準備

x7834210 09/04 20:42 怎樣都行

dg01 09/04 20:43新情況是中線沒了,加隨時或面臨彈到彈演練

x7834210 09/04 20:45反正高層賤畜想法就是能撈就撈 撈完移

dg01 09/04 20:45日常化航線巡演

x7834210 09/04 20:45民 who cares

castjane 09/04 20:46北韓之前飛彈也越過 日本邊界 也沒怎麼

castjane 09/04 20:46樣 若超越早打下來了

dg01 09/04 20:47東亞開始釋出撤僑案討論資訊

dg01 09/04 20:48怎麼想都不太妙巴

dg01 09/04 20:48還有什麼有隱瞞大眾的

QQdragon 09/04 20:49倫敦政經

assian 09/04 20:49連民用無人機都不知如何反制,有夠弱...

dg01 09/04 20:49勸所謂的國安高層早點出來解釋

dg01 09/04 20:53FP雜誌不會沒事接受這樣嚴肅指控的記事刊載

seasinger 09/04 20:54反正有心理準備了 最壞就是一條命 想

seasinger 09/04 20:54一想至少都經歷過了

newking761 09/04 21:03美國才是全世界的敵人

tiki0225 09/04 21:08台灣承受第一擊的時間能撐多久

chihhua 09/04 21:09反正老美就是要到處挑事端

LoveMakeLove 09/04 21:11沒事兒 中秋節快樂

Kaids 09/04 21:13我是不知道這期刊如何審稿的。但是你看作

Kaids 09/04 21:13者就是個台灣記者,行文也沒什麼特殊見解

Kaids 09/04 21:13,只不過是把台灣反蔡陣營的意見陳述了一

Kaids 09/04 21:14下罷了,並非什麼美國戰略專家的意見…

我是不知道作者國籍 但既然能發在美國有名的雜誌 而且寫的基本也是事實 我想沒有什麼否認的必要 再者他個人是否有什麼政治立場我不清楚 但這篇文只在最後提到蔡英文一次演講的事情 這樣就判定作者是反蔡陣營是否太過武斷?

refusekkk 09/04 21:20會有塔綠班跟你說這是認知作戰

tony3366211 09/04 21:21丟臉丟到國外去...

wate5566 09/04 21:22中國封鎖台海 只能靠美日幫忙運送物資惹

deco 09/04 21:22哈,一個台灣記者這樣就可以讓柯基們高潮

deco 09/04 21:22我就問中國怎麼封鎖台海啦

rada118 09/04 21:27美軍駐台 省事

greenpeter 09/04 21:59國之將亡,必有七患

luckydogasdf 09/04 22:00寫英文就以為全美思想?愚民

沒有阿 只是一本美國權威雜誌的刊載而已 你也可以把它當野雞雜誌啦

※ 編輯: TouchAgain ( 臺灣), 09/04/2022 22:03:55

xiaoxiao 09/04 22:12軍方爛很久了,那些將軍沒幾個會打仗,

xiaoxiao 09/04 22:12連應對的sop都沒有

heavensun 09/04 22:55很有名的雜誌 得很多獎

awayaway 09/04 22:55你覺得這本野雞雜誌有咱軍武版的高手厲

awayaway 09/04 22:55害嗎?去問問軍武版的高手啦,他們都覺

awayaway 09/04 22:56得一定會有美國代射服務的~沒事沒事.

heavensun 09/04 22:56創辦人 亨廷頓 94國際局勢大師

allofme 09/04 23:05美國爸爸,原來他們知道覺青真的在認爸

allofme 09/04 23:05

mitic1029 09/04 23:07台灣就是只剩嘴巴而已,最好保佑世界和

mitic1029 09/04 23:07

allofme 09/04 23:08怎麼封鎖 你沒注意軍演實彈射擊的位子

allofme 09/04 23:08

taiwanrules 09/04 23:44感謝轉載 讓大家知道這就台灣記者的

hubertmax 09/05 00:38淚推!!!

godlikeking 09/05 00:44這篇報導還是可參考一下 不用因為它

godlikeking 09/05 00:44點出問題就否定 這樣的心態太過逃避

vipgk2002 09/05 00:44台灣人這樣才覺得安穩啊 不然怎麼催出8

vipgk2002 09/05 00:4417萬票

godlikeking 09/05 00:45更何況這雜誌已經是具有指標性的刊

godlikeking 09/05 00:45

changefly 09/05 01:51原文還真的寫美國爸爸