[問卦] 幹 是要拍幾次啦?72不煩我都煩

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k385476916 04/28 19:48你去保護他啊

powrtoch 04/28 19:48流量世代 有蹭有賺

oibmk 04/28 19:49重複仔被認出比較可悲

kenkenken31 04/28 19:49她是不是沒要去啊,感覺夜市沒那麼遠

ae8656tw 04/28 19:49曾經有個暗夜行者 但是被綁去精神病院了

as314 04/28 19:49還沒到西部耶

sd09090 04/28 19:51聖頓騎士團熱身

sd09090 04/28 19:51照相仔請退後

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52Russia has launched a wave of ai

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52r strikes against cities across

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52Ukraine, including Kyiv, leaving

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52 at least 13 people dead.

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52Eleven people including a child

tylallyn 04/28 19:52礙到你了?

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52were killed in an attack that hi

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:52t a block of flats in the centra

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53l city of Uman, officials said.

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53And a woman and her three-year-o

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53ld daughter were killed in the c

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53ity of Dnipro, according to the

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53local mayor.

m54k600ive80 04/28 19:53Explosions were also reported in

hvhiiavjqmp 04/28 19:58其實我相信他要作這件事他早就知道

hvhiiavjqmp 04/28 19:58會有人去找他拍照這問題

littlegreen 04/28 19:59重複仔xdddd

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:01 the city of Kremenchuk in centr

whitenoise 04/28 20:02企鵝廢文也很煩,滾

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02al Ukraine.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02Ukrainian President Volodymyr Ze

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02lensky said the apartment block

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02was among 10 residential buildin

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02gs that were damaged in Uman. Th

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02e state rescue service said the

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02child killed in the city was bor

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02n in 2013 and another 11 people

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02needed hospital treatment.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:02Mr Zelensky said the attacks sho

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03wed further international action

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03 needed to be taken against Russ

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03ia.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03"Evil can be stopped by weapons

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03- our defenders are doing it. An

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03d it can be stopped by sanctions

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03 - global sanctions must be enha

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03nced," he said in a tweet.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:03The head of the Kyiv city milita

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04ry administration said it was th

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04e first Russian missile attack o

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04n the capital in 51 days.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04There are no immediate reports o

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04f civilian casualties in the cap

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04ital.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04Twenty-one out of 23 missiles an

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04d two attack drones were shot do

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04wn by Ukraine's air defence syst

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:04em, officials said in a post on

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:05the messaging service Telegram.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:05Russia has said that seven peopl

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:05e were killed in the separatist-

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:05run city of Donetsk when Ukraini

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:05an shelling hit a minibus. BBC N

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06ews has been unable to immediate

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06ly verify the claim.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06A video posted on Telegram by Uk

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06raine's State Border Service sho

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06wed a badly damaged apartment bu

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:06ilding in Uman after the strikes

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:07.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:07A resident of one damaged block

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:07of flats, Olga, told the Reuters

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:07 news agency that windows were b

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:19lown out of her apartment "then

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:19came the explosion".

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:19One man cried as he watched the

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:19emergency services carry a body

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20away on a stretcher.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20Another local resident said he h

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20eard an explosion at 04:30 local

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20 time (02:30 GMT), and "there we

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20re two very strong explosions, e

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20verything started to burn, cars

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20started to burn."

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20The attacks come as Ukrainian fo

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20rces say they are ready to launc

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20h a military offensive with new

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:20equipment, including tanks, supp

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21lied by Western allies.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21"As soon as there is God's will,

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21 the weather and a decision by c

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21ommanders, we will do it," Ukrai

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21nian Defence Minister Oleksii Re

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21znikov told an online news brief

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21ing on Friday.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21Russia has struggled to make hea

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21dway in a winter offensive inclu

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:21ding a 10-month battle for contr

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22ol of the strategically importan

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22t city of Bakhmut.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22The Russian defence ministry sai

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22d on Friday its military had tar

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22geted Ukrainian army reserve uni

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22ts with long-range strikes using

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22 high-precision weapons, accordi

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22ng to a report by the state-owne

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22d RIA news agency.

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:22Moscow has previously said it do

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:23es not deliberately target civil

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:23ians, but thousands have been in

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:23jured and killed across Ukraine

m54k600ive80 04/28 20:23since Russia's invasion.

akumo 04/28 20:27甘我屁事

kakaci123 04/28 22:02真的是吵整晚