[問卦] 被老外問how are you都怎麼回

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 被老外問how are you都怎麼回作者
時間推噓推:181 噓:29 →:93


剛剛在路上遇到一個老外親切的打招呼說:how are you


就下意識回他:I'm fine! thank you. and you?





鄉民被老外問how are you都怎麼回?


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diabolica 07/04 12:23I'm fuck

franchy 07/04 12:23Good就好

jackycheny 07/04 12:23I am horny

Insania 07/04 12:23I have an apple.

abellea85209 07/04 12:23fine

cc02040326 07/04 12:24Piss off

Raikknen 07/04 12:24I am cheap

SaintSeven 07/04 12:24回它:what the mother fucker?

Miyanishi25 07/04 12:24I are very happy

ifuckchina 07/04 12:24I Fxxk u thank you

z842657913 07/04 12:24唉欸母 ㄈㄞˋ

ryusenming 07/04 12:24老外根本不會這樣問


ph777 07/04 12:24fxuk u

derrick1220 07/04 12:24Would u please suck my cock

jforce 07/04 12:25fine fuck you

sareed 07/04 12:25are easy

kdpeifay 07/04 12:25認真回,Good! How are you?

Riya520 07/04 12:25What's uuuuuuuuup~

SABA0 07/04 12:25維大力

xjapan329 07/04 12:25you咩休感mo

h888512 07/04 12:25老外會這麼問 但更常用其他方式問

chloeslover 07/04 12:25how are you going

kevinpc 07/04 12:25you want fuck?

hmt17 07/04 12:26上次中美軍演美國大兵來海邊紮營,對我親

nicholassys 07/04 12:26how dare YOU

hmt17 07/04 12:26戚喊好賭又賭啦

ebeta 07/04 12:26發Q回他

ssss3566 07/04 12:26How da oh!

Dorae5566 07/04 12:26fuck off

milkykao 07/04 12:26真的回Good就好!


meatbear 07/04 12:26Good. How are you?

yyc210 07/04 12:26課本裡的老外才這樣問

farua5566 07/04 12:27fuck, thank you, and you?

※ 編輯: et310 ( 臺灣), 07/04/2023 12:28:27

WIGGINS22 07/04 12:27Good, may show gun more?

devicer 07/04 12:27not bad

nanahala 07/04 12:27go fxck yourself

Insania 07/04 12:28I've got a little itch down there, wo

Insania 07/04 12:28uld you mind~

macauboy 07/04 12:28回:I want you ass

joesex1003 07/04 12:28Great

mynews 07/04 12:28Who are you ?.Do I know you?

xjapan329 07/04 12:28wellcome to the 鬼島

Endranoe 07/04 12:28How dare you

jkhz 07/04 12:28GREAT

Luciferous 07/04 12:28老外不是都問:你信教嗎?

doubleperson 07/04 12:28How do you turn this on

LincolnBoy 07/04 12:29im fine thank u and u

Stupidog5566 07/04 12:30shut the fuck up bitch ass

imhan705 07/04 12:30i’m fine thank u n u?

TECHMONSTER 07/04 12:30good 維大利?

mellow0116 07/04 12:30I am pretty tight

gabimilktea 07/04 12:30I am straight

appledavid 07/04 12:30這跟在廁所問你吃飽沒一樣

final9711 07/04 12:31回thank you真的很假掰

fezexp9987 07/04 12:31stfu

lats 07/04 12:32I am fucking good

paulg 07/04 12:32I am 30cm , and you?

syun937 07/04 12:32說老外不會問的認真嗎 我在美國我同事天

syun937 07/04 12:32天問

c7683fh6 07/04 12:33Sup yo

motan 07/04 12:33愛恩古雷特

kunxue0320 07/04 12:33What's up nigger?

AKB5566 07/04 12:33u good igood

paul1951 07/04 12:33老外不是都說里厚嗎

aggressorX 07/04 12:33蛤啦

rogergon 07/04 12:33怎麼是你?

skygray2 07/04 12:34How三小辣幹

maximu 07/04 12:34咩(may)…..

tree748596 07/04 12:34not much

yfhao 07/04 12:34直接回how are you

Katsugari 07/04 12:34在外商遇到的老外也是常問..平行世界ㄇ

mmx3259 07/04 12:35歐巴馬去買東西 遇到民眾 常這樣用呀

Ayanami5566 07/04 12:35FQ

shikao 07/04 12:35認真說 咕 就好啦 其他都反串

lkdsa 07/04 12:35not bad

mmx3259 07/04 12:36以前常追他出白宮買東西的影片

machiusheng 07/04 12:36Fuck my ass

AlianF 07/04 12:36a:I'm gay

lkdsa 07/04 12:36這用法真的很像台灣問吃飽沒一樣

auowentai 07/04 12:36So So

negotiates 07/04 12:36我是fine thank u

poasdm 07/04 12:36簽名檔是誰?

xabcxabc0123 07/04 12:37一律請回工三小

oyaji5566 07/04 12:37回他Get the fuck off

jumilin927 07/04 12:39認真回 Fuck you.

fransiceyho 07/04 12:39Fuxk thank you


ComeThrough 07/04 12:39fuck off

Fuzishan 07/04 12:39could be better

link4517 07/04 12:40ni hau

s060111 07/04 12:40I am fine,fuck you

gowet 07/04 12:41No, I'm howhow

cmelo1515 07/04 12:41Haiyya

Mrchungken 07/04 12:42薩科買第

aasssdddd 07/04 12:43lets fuck

j87001333 07/04 12:44簽名黨啦

Nigger5566 07/04 12:44維大利

Kaine7935 07/04 12:44FAQ

fir191938 07/04 12:46Good, do you know EE tsai?

juncat 07/04 12:47Stay Awhile and Listen

zero549893 07/04 12:48就問候語 也不用認真回答啦

fish3932000 07/04 12:48FAQ

GyroZep 07/04 12:48遇過一個老外這樣問,我故意回你這句課

GyroZep 07/04 12:49本的,結果他啥也沒說

Gamelop 07/04 12:50用K/H/S回他啊

TomChu 07/04 12:50認真 回how are you

nanalove45 07/04 12:51簽名檔是誰啦

em4 07/04 12:52有個視頻好像就是講這個 說若回答什麼表示英

em4 07/04 12:52文不好

yckevin 07/04 12:52not good

yyek110575 07/04 12:52my room is big

em4 07/04 12:52這垃圾視頻後面也沒講答案

Azabulu 07/04 12:53This is a pen

pslr1 07/04 12:53這不是要你回答的 這個是打招呼用的 你跟他

dong80 07/04 12:53尼哥版:Yo,what's up dude?

pslr1 07/04 12:53Hi即可

aaron1226 07/04 12:54G’day mate!

xxx60133 07/04 12:54尼哥

kamisanma 07/04 12:54現實中只遇過摩門教會問這句

idxxxx 07/04 12:55oh, hi Mark!

flow5168 07/04 12:55Great!

wwf1588 07/04 12:55回 說中文

clarkyoona 07/04 12:55Not too shabby!

godygol 07/04 12:55fakap

sunnyyoung 07/04 12:56Damn. Fuck you.

Oisiossos 07/04 12:57Good. How r u

obovqq 07/04 12:58Fuck you

idxxxx 07/04 12:58is it good to drink?

new71050 07/04 12:59義大利?

HodorDragon 07/04 12:59fuck off

s111228s 07/04 12:59How do you do啦

mdkn35 07/04 13:01how old are you

idxxxx 07/04 13:01Say My Name!

jipq6175 07/04 13:03

killermax 07/04 13:03How do you turn this on

kimura0701 07/04 13:05Shut ur mouth up and fuck off

inconsequent 07/04 13:06who the 簽名檔 is?

vs98and99 07/04 13:07老外那裡不會這樣問...只是不常見而已

mopigou 07/04 13:08回他中文

plauge 07/04 13:08

EugeneSue 07/04 13:09Doing great. Thank you. How are you

DS196457 07/04 13:10fuck you thank you

Anvec 07/04 13:11還不簡單 下次你搶先問啊

EEzionT 07/04 13:11好大

Anvec 07/04 13:12hey how are you

st2913sbck 07/04 13:14Who is your daddy

jeff12280 07/04 13:15Not bad

Mubing 07/04 13:16How do you turn this on

dogdream 07/04 13:16yooooooo

t2134563 07/04 13:17簽名檔誰?

johnny3 07/04 13:18gud

ceuko 07/04 13:19Hello man

jimmy508 07/04 13:22sucks

tksq 07/04 13:24回中文

gorock 07/04 13:25Fuck off

john79803 07/04 13:28I am 廢物 3Q

dobe 07/04 13:28Good. How are you? 就好

orzkk88 07/04 13:29Bad.

junshinw 07/04 13:31I am so hungry

mario2000 07/04 13:32陳滋昊身體好不好 我哪知道

any7866 07/04 13:32直接how are you

basslife 07/04 13:32my name is sigmaZZZ

CSFV 07/04 13:32I am so horny

d8731400 07/04 13:36Fuxk off

chanterelles 07/04 13:38認真回:good, how are you? 其實就

chanterelles 07/04 13:38是Hi的意思,如果你多說人家還會很

chanterelles 07/04 13:38困擾的。

f771213 07/04 13:39Go die. 給你參考

f771213 07/04 13:40簽名檔是誰!

darkinly 07/04 13:43good, thanks, you?

pov 07/04 13:44not your business

KusoJontaro 07/04 13:45how da o

Fukker 07/04 13:49tight! tight! tight!

btman007 07/04 13:51洋人閉嘴

BestSonaTW 07/04 13:51i'm fat

james0146 07/04 13:53Not your business.

yannwei 07/04 13:53幹!簽名檔是誰?

engineer1 07/04 13:54IKEA

vikingman 07/04 13:56I’m good 或是也問他how r u?

hihisc 07/04 13:59Go fuxk yourself?

hihisc 07/04 14:00Fuxk off

realmiddle 07/04 14:00Shut the fuck up

s9812508 07/04 14:03誰管你hwu,簽名檔呢

gynd31517 07/04 14:05Likewise

willieqoo 07/04 14:06求簽名檔

WCG041 07/04 14:07昂發 腎q

chrisdddd 07/04 14:08一律回覆 fuck off

EXTECH 07/04 14:10假老外,正確是how are you doing,別被課

lizardc1 07/04 14:11I'm pretty tight

EXTECH 07/04 14:14本騙了

azzc1031 07/04 14:15我都回我老闆 I am doing good, you?

azzc1031 07/04 14:16或著就直接回hey, how are you doing

rebeliao 07/04 14:16你是不是想 咪兔

Centauro 07/04 14:20簽名檔?

kurumeow 07/04 14:21打招呼而已別太在意

coolptt 07/04 14:22hole li shirt

yyan1218 07/04 14:24It’s good to drink

buslover 07/04 14:24飯3Q 啊 嘻嘻

vigorhsieh 07/04 14:27A a apple, B a boy

bigtien6292 07/04 14:292000 per her, 5000all night

fucKMT5566 07/04 14:29卡簽名檔

steven5026 07/04 14:30Ho da yo

jj782995 07/04 14:31I can fuck! and you?

demotion 07/04 14:36簽名檔

simon0731 07/04 14:37在國外一年沒聽過一個外國人這樣問

Rueishiuan 07/04 14:40我只看到團

billionaire 07/04 14:46may show gun more?

potionx 07/04 14:48改成I'm fat !!!!! thank you. and you?

FORDMUSTANG 07/04 14:51I’m fxxk up

mrp5186 07/04 14:53靠邀喔 簽名擋是誰啊

z900215ro 07/04 14:53Tight! Tight! Tight!

bluemmb 07/04 14:56say my name

aj064534 07/04 14:57

leave111211 07/04 14:58講中文啊 這裡是台灣

z19880215 07/04 15:05我好了

mobetaw007 07/04 15:05卡簽名檔~

potatobb 07/04 15:06老外就是會這樣問好嗎。沒有接觸外國人

tihs104 07/04 15:06花岔 尼哥

potatobb 07/04 15:06不用硬回。

roc0212777 07/04 15:10日本人韓國人也這樣學 到底哪來的

BeggarHarden 07/04 15:13快笑死,推文一堆人想展現優越感說

BeggarHarden 07/04 15:13不會這樣問,明明就會好嗎,每個人

BeggarHarden 07/04 15:13喜歡用的打招呼方式不一樣,哪有什

BeggarHarden 07/04 15:13麼一定

q22w 07/04 15:18shut the fk up

dieselptt 07/04 15:21簽名檔

leastsquares 07/04 15:21fuck off speak Chinese

sallyhelp 07/04 15:24I fine,fuck u

mygogocow 07/04 15:25Why are u so seriousssssssss~

ll1117 07/04 15:29go f yourself

bossme09 07/04 15:32求簽名檔

zexon97 07/04 15:32說老外不會這樣問的不要裝懂好嗎

pr9558 07/04 15:35歪國人又不會這樣問= =

etiennechiu 07/04 15:37我之前長期住國外,告訴你大多時候這

etiennechiu 07/04 15:37句話其實沒有意義,只是打招呼用的,

etiennechiu 07/04 15:37外國人問這句並不是真的想知道你好

etiennechiu 07/04 15:37不好

SapphireNoah 07/04 15:38hao da o

etiennechiu 07/04 15:38樓上某樓,外國人會說這句

etiennechiu 07/04 15:40他這樣問你就回good就好了,事實上他

etiennechiu 07/04 15:40根本不care你回什麼,就是打招呼類

etiennechiu 07/04 15:41似hi的用意而已

LivveTi 07/04 15:44可以回about this good most of the time

yannwei 07/04 15:47馬的,還不回簽名檔?把你噓回來

misslover 07/04 15:53Good ! Hau?

xiaoxing0228 07/04 15:58媽的發科

eh07 07/04 16:06I M E Z

Jiajun0724 07/04 16:09U STFU

neo72 07/04 16:11MDFK 回他囉

svcgood 07/04 16:24照課本回真的超尷尬

neweb 07/04 16:25東踏取密

selvester 07/04 16:30Ho Da la

jasonae86 07/04 16:31Good good

winteryoyo 07/04 16:31Get to my bed now

Suntia 07/04 16:31Good,how are you?或Good,thanks.就好

KittyDog 07/04 16:31我都回 講中文啦操

DdaDda 07/04 16:34ChainMingDon

kkevinhess1t 07/04 16:37NO MONEY NO GOOD

kiopl 07/04 16:40干you屁事

junsport 07/04 16:42回go fuck yourself

kevinwphard 07/04 16:51This is a book.

town7024 07/04 16:51簽名檔啦!

applewarm 07/04 16:55假的啦

WilliamXZ 07/04 16:56這簽名檔至今無人解答

scissorman 07/04 17:27我英國朋友都這樣問,我也只回答goo

scissorman 07/04 17:27d or fine

NVCat 07/04 17:31Good. How dare you?

bgklye 07/04 17:42跟他說不會講中文就不理你

luleen 07/04 17:43發q

couresy 07/04 17:58唉都斯比可英哥利噓

monicayuan 07/04 18:06簽名檔

cc001225 07/04 18:11景文高中不知道回不回答得出來@@?

huhusir 07/04 18:11簽名檔到底找到沒

deolinwind 07/04 18:20how do you turn this on

pj1004 07/04 18:29回他Not good,my boss is a shit!

nickh2k6 07/04 18:31fuck off

Mike1109 07/04 18:35I’m fine fuck you

LSDsochill 07/04 18:42回他my ass is big, fuck me man~

SphereDavid 07/04 18:55耗爹油

ganjuro 07/04 19:08i'm great,fuck Q

woggininder 07/04 19:16fuck off

diablohinet 07/04 19:30HAO DA O !

EXZUSIC 07/04 19:34yep就好

whitelady 07/04 19:42這種就跟問"呷霸咩"一樣 招呼語 不用太

whitelady 07/04 19:42認真想要怎麼回答,重點是你也要跟對方

whitelady 07/04 19:43打招呼拉

aasslleepp 07/04 20:15fine, morning ne ne how how one

e1q3z9c7 07/04 20:19IFTYAY

viwa77068194 07/04 20:27

wolve 07/04 20:31this is a book

revise 07/04 20:54May show gun more

asn789451 07/04 21:07之前路上對眼到老外 他也會寒暄 東 西

asn789451 07/04 21:08方真的差很多

AdeWo 07/04 22:37good, how about you

jerryvm0 07/04 22:45I’m 20 years old.

vking223 07/04 23:26豪-大-喔

vking223 07/04 23:27蠔爹油

nat50601tw 07/05 00:43直接無視 裝沒看到?

unazz 07/05 03:16事實是老外超多人這樣問的啊 都不知道為什

unazz 07/05 03:16麼洗腦成國外沒人用How are you

ffggzz2 07/05 08:28How dare you

loJ1206 07/05 13:33咩休幹謀

Ptomaine 07/05 14:48How you doing