[問卦] 「越想越不對勁」英文怎麼說?

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時間推噓62 推:66 噓:4 →:33





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sandiato 05/27 16:02英文什麼都沒說

kcclasaki 05/27 16:02He can,you don’t

hellogoodbye 05/27 16:02feel much better

k7202001 05/27 16:02Too think too strange

SDNS 05/27 16:02give me money

touchbird 05/27 16:02think think no right

JuiFu617 05/27 16:03

kjsy99 05/27 16:03i believe i can fly

ltytw 05/27 16:03kimochi good if you think too much

LanLanLue 05/27 16:03YSYBDG

valley 05/27 16:03Give me money

citizen5566 05/27 16:03google很難

a0986188522 05/27 16:04shut up and give me money

zebra101 05/27 16:04On a second thought

booth 05/27 16:04 The Rebel Pussy, TRP

dkswktj 05/27 16:05mei show gan mo

flymyfinger 05/27 16:05i want you money

kent 05/27 16:05no pay no sex

macair 05/27 16:06Costco become IKEA

gattttt 05/27 16:06dont worry

tokinosituji 05/27 16:06me too

sustaining 05/27 16:06MDFK

flicker36 05/27 16:06think the wrong things

flicker36 05/27 16:07think things wrong

albertfeng 05/27 16:07I am taiwan girl

ganninian 05/27 16:08USUBDJ

rondox 05/27 16:08你們要自立自強

jalai 05/27 16:08The more I think about it, the more it

Padfoneman 05/27 16:08嗯...呃..7年來 房價越來越高

jalai 05/27 16:08doesn't feel right. by chat GPT

A80211ab 05/27 16:08維大力

jalai 05/27 16:09ChatGPT很好用 還google咧 上個世紀?

JuiFu617 05/27 16:09看下來,結果還是gpt翻最好

JuiFu617 05/27 16:10google翻成這樣

JuiFu617 05/27 16:10more and more wrong

Takhisis 05/27 16:11I jump,you die.

gn01993343 05/27 16:13I want your money

isequ 05/27 16:14shut up & gimme the money

gerund 05/27 16:14something is wrong

wahaha99 05/27 16:15Think more, more weird 認真回答

Wall08377 05/27 16:16Who car

meowchen 05/27 16:17something go wrong

deeeplove 05/27 16:17Ji pai Mei

NAND 05/27 16:17Show me the money

ajeoirgh 05/27 16:18moon think moon not right close

kanokazurin 05/27 16:20Now I need money

fcz973 05/27 16:21I need money, a lot of money.

DeaGoo 05/27 16:21Give me fucking money

voyhanxu 05/27 16:22moon think moon no right near

stockton19 05/27 16:23show me the money

su3cp3ruj9u 05/27 16:26kimochiwarui

stlevi811101 05/27 16:27$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

crazylag 05/27 16:28Guitar

stayforever 05/27 16:34greedisgood 99999

knik119 05/27 16:36think more unhappy

Evoque 05/27 16:38Fuck off

LouisLEE 05/27 16:39Me too

d0068267 05/27 16:40may show gun more.

holiybo 05/27 16:42Give me your money

pshuang 05/27 16:44too think too no right

wake7078 05/27 16:46show me the money

peteryang 05/27 16:48呃…這個…呃

chris11522 05/27 16:48how dare u

parappa 05/27 16:49Show me the money

sheepfeather 05/27 16:49well...something wrong

ccjj8 05/27 16:58gold digger

xmorrisx 05/27 17:01No money no bb

VOLK11 05/27 17:02Si Si

lchief 05/27 17:13你是指房價還是其他? 防疫物資就免了

pov 05/27 17:17you cant see me

maxjack 05/27 17:18I was so happy , but not enough

gamesame7711 05/27 17:22show me the money

scuderia 05/27 17:24What am I done...Fuck!

aincrad0212 05/27 17:24me too

jevin 05/27 17:32think think feel more bad.

qazzaq3977 05/27 17:36Give me money.

schula 05/27 17:38fishy 即可

greg7749 05/27 17:56東踏取蜜

FraNap 05/27 18:00you no rich

damien12343 05/27 18:17Mee too

killeryuan 05/27 18:27yuo shian yuo bu due jin

thaddeus9600 05/27 18:36The more I think about it, the

thaddeus9600 05/27 18:36more I feel wrong.

leolight 05/27 18:42英文說:你怎麼不跟你老闆說?

daye2012 05/27 18:44dick fuck ass

jo0903 05/27 18:50dpper deeper

super10000 05/27 18:54Wait... something's wrong...

pc0805 05/27 19:00show me the money

FRANCO11 05/27 19:31BLM

iichiro51 05/27 19:58 How do you turn this on

NN9 05/27 20:39mo think, mo wrong

Ligamenta 05/27 21:09more thinking more incorrect

KFC007 05/27 21:12something wrong but...

ikurin666 05/27 21:16as thinking deeper,

ikurin666 05/27 21:16doubt grow larger

small28 05/27 21:53EE EE

saur 05/27 22:58I have a bad feeling about this

yymeow 05/27 23:37#me too

Ron51320 05/28 09:29loo shoo loo um deo

tony70017 05/28 09:49幹推文沒一個懂英文的 肏

zzz50126 05/28 14:04something is going wrong

guenhwyvar 05/28 17:43"#me too"

hodj 05/29 11:05Give me money