Re: [爆卦] CNN訪高端:不知保護力能打?高端:有比沒有

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Google關鍵字: CNN Taiwan Vaccine 找影片


One hand I feel exciting our vaccine is coming
And the other hand, I also feel very sad. Even one month earlier, maybe we
are able to save more people's life.

What will you say to people here in Taiwan who might be reluctant to take
the domestic produced vaccine?

Once the data and the resuld is transparent and convincing, I think people
will very much then being convinced.

Chen says that data shows their vaccine is safe.
It produces anti-body 99.8% of patients.
What they don't know, is the efficacy rate.
Taiwan had almost no active cases until just over month ago.

How do you develop vaccines when you don't have active cases?

Heh... Yah... It's...It's a di... difficult question.

Overseas Business Develpment Dicrctor Paul Torkehagen says Medigen just
finished Phase II Clinical Trials.

So what we did is design a really really large Phase II.
A usually phase II is about few hundred people, our Phase II is 3800
So we want a very large safety data.
(這一句large 跟 safety中間有一個m開頭單字聽不出來 有沒有大神可以教我?)

Seems you don't know efficacy.
Is it too soon to get emergency use and start vaccinating people?

What's the concequence of(if) not vaccinating and being not protected?

Would you be getting your vaccine, your company's vaccine when it's available?陳燦堅:
No question?
No question.

But there, our question is:
How effecive is Taiwan vaccine.
Here is a matter of life or death.


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s505015 06/18 20:46其實這就是問題 到底哪句被翻成有比沒有

s505015 06/18 20:46

g5637128 06/18 20:48large amount of safety data

AxelGod 06/18 20:48幹你娘高端 就是不知道保護力啊 幹

AxelGod 06/18 20:48回一堆屁話 就是不知道 全台白老鼠預備

starfishfish 06/18 20:49真的很無言

IronCube 06/18 20:49What's the concequence of(if) not vac

lingya 06/18 20:49What's the concequence of(if) not vacci

IronCube 06/18 20:49ccinating and being not protected?

IronCube 06/18 20:50lingyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

shenrong 06/18 20:50What's the concequence of(if) not vac

virkin 06/18 20:50不知道保護力 跟沒有保護力 是兩碼子事

g5637128 06/18 20:50原影片:

謝謝您 小弟忘記新聞有沒有新聞額度不敢貼連結

AxelGod 06/18 20:50轉移焦點的回答 高端疫苗能有1%保護力嗎?

AxelGod 06/18 20:50他根本不知道高端疫苗有沒有保護力啊 幹

virkin 06/18 20:50你沒打過炮 跟你沒辦法打砲 一樣嗎

※ 編輯: jerry093000 ( 越南), 06/18/2021 20:52:13

virkin 06/18 20:52台灣就是在沒有疫苗的緊急時刻 賭他有保護

virkin 06/18 20:52力 不懂嗎

virkin 06/18 20:53如果今天台灣已經有一億劑 就不用EUA就等

virkin 06/18 20:53他慢慢三期就好了啊 這樣愚民懂嗎?

AxelGod 06/18 20:55你要打你先打啦 其他人打國外

AxelGod 06/18 20:55現在沒疫苗就是民進黨故意創造出來的時刻

sambible 06/18 20:56台灣就是可以買疫苗的時刻 不買 現在才

AxelGod 06/18 20:56沒國際認證 萬一又沒效 之後你要混打?

kinoko1224 06/18 20:56一成保護力我也是賣811元,有差嗎?

AxelGod 06/18 20:56打了沒效沒事還好 萬一出事DPP負責?

sambible 06/18 20:57講的林全的那3千萬劑是外星人搶走

sambible 06/18 20:58要打高端拜託你個資po出來啊

sekai 06/18 20:58回答是反問 沒接種又沒保護力,會怎樣呢

edison 06/18 20:58陳的那句話意思就 better than nothing

lovedls 06/18 20:59狗屁急迫勒,去年10月沒本土疫情衛福部

lovedls 06/18 20:59和國產早就談好用二期過EUA了,不然你以

lovedls 06/18 20:59為國產為什麼要把二期擴大3000人?

isu0911 06/18 20:59沒打過炮跟不能打炮都不會死啊,高端保

isu0911 06/18 21:00護力不夠的情況下,你打到全人口接種疫

isu0911 06/18 21:00苗也沒有用啊

lovedls 06/18 21:03還賭勒,不知道有沒有保護力的情況下要

lovedls 06/18 21:03不要放鬆警戒等級?能不能內用?能不能

lovedls 06/18 21:03開放不戴口罩?萬一沒保護力然後再炸開

lovedls 06/18 21:03,拿人命來賭嗎?

myyalga 06/18 21:04進口中國上市的次單位疫苗,並做免疫橋接

myyalga 06/18 21:04來打臉這些擋台灣國產疫苗的廢物啦!

Sacral 06/18 21:10這不是簡直謀殺嗎

rogergon 06/18 21:14各位,最新開發的薛丁格疫苗,保護力介

rogergon 06/18 21:14於有和沒有之間

tomjanyan 06/18 21:15cnn一定覺得台灣人真勇敢

linahou 06/18 21:20沒有保護力的數據 好奇如何訂公衛政策?

caelum 06/18 22:52有1%的保護力也好?幹,工三小

Heiken 06/19 00:49沒保險套用保鮮膜 有比沒有好