[問卦] notability 轉彎啦@@
We heard you all and we want to make it right. We are making changes to our subscription so that our existing users will have lifetime access to their current features and content. See our blog for more details
不知道這是不是一種行銷啦 呵呵
免得哪天尿性又發作= =
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※ PTT 留言評論
Re: [情報] 四月社群日童偶熊Community Day Adjustments We also wanted to take a moment to discuss some changes to the Community Day format we’ll be testing. In 2020, we doubled the length of our Community Day events, extending them from three hours to six. Since then, however, we’ve found that only five percent of our Trainers tend to participate in the event for more than three hours. One of the biggest pieces of positive feedback that we received after January’s three-hour Community Day Classic was that players and community leaders noticed how much more of the community was out and about during the event. So, for Stufful Community Day, we’re returning to three-hour format. Our hope is that doing so will create even more opportunities for Trainers to play together and connect outside as they’re exploring. We know that Trainers have enjoyed all of the extra resources that can be collected during longer events, so we’re adding some new and exciting perks to Stufful Community Day to give you the ability to collect just as many resources during gameplay. Check them out below!42
Re: [情報] Notability在App Store 免費下載(改為訂閱制)更新 We heard you all and we want to make it right. We are making changes to our subscription so that our existing users will have lifetime access to their current features and content. See our blog for more details21
[CSGO] s1mple IEM Katowice 賽前談話全文+翻譯影片 英文全文來源 Hello guys. 在場的各位大家好。 First of all I don't have lots of words to say,but I want you to know thatX
[情報] 馬丁利覺得有些事情需要改變Don Mattingly is among those that believe Major League Baseball needs to take more action. The Miami Marlins manager supports more rule changes in the game. "As far as rules go in general, we have to continue to be aggressive,"8
[閒聊] SUBVERSE TRAILER & 3/26發佈安安 我175盤子包贊助者啦 終於要放出遊戲了QQ 影片有設年齡限制就不貼了 IT HAS ARRIVED! Thanks to the wonders of age restriction, Daddy Google won't let us embed this o6
Re: [心得] 從蘋果發表會看台積電三率三降法說會解釋毛利下降的原因. let me explain to you. The sequential decline is mainly due to mix as the contribution from N5 will increase, but it still carries a dilutive effect. And secondly, we see a slower rate of cost improvement as our fabs continue to run at a very high level of utilization, leaving less time to do cost improvement
[爆卦] 要衝了嗎?爆
[問卦] 為什麼十年前你選擇上街 這次卻選擇在家?爆
[爆卦] 立院攻城戰開打爆
[問卦] 大家評價一下我爸的成品爆
[問卦] 這個記者是不是要失業了 QQ爆
[問卦] GPT: 有哪些執政黨喊過革命爆
[問卦] 欸不是 立法院前面那些人平常不用工作?爆
[問卦] 沖繩JK來參訪立法院被拒之門外在想啥?爆
Re: [新聞] 柯建銘:未來1個月是國家存亡關鍵時刻 籲89
[爆卦] 綠委邱議瑩:來來來~快進來~~78
[問卦] 雙方團結力差這麼大的原因是什麼?85
[問卦] 拒絕少數服從多數的通常是怎麼樣的人?5X
[問卦] 悲!過了十年,八卦嘲笑公民運動?67
[問卦] 上次說要戒嚴,這次喊要革命,下次?60
[問卦] 所以民主是什麼啊?51
Re: [新聞] 柯建銘:未來1個月是國家存亡關鍵時刻 籲44
[問卦] 台灣現在到底在幹嘛啊?40
Re: [新聞] 全聯倉儲大火 消防局曝最新跡證:疑焊41
[問卦] 世界歷史上有執政黨發動革命的嗎?43
Re: [新聞] 起訴前震撼彈!法官裁准柯文哲寄「黨主53
Re: [問卦] 香港衰亡 就是從「偷渡惡法」開始30
[問卦] 誰能解釋一下立法院到底怎麼運作 ??28
Re: [新聞] 柯文哲寄信辭黨主席 民眾黨嗆法官:自行判定辭職生效30
[問卦] 喊革命的人,算是內亂罪嗎?27
Re: [新聞] 柯文哲寄信辭黨主席 民眾黨嗆法官:自行判定辭職生效30
[問卦] 做工的大部分不遵守工安是正常嗎28
[問卦] 類單眼是時代的眼淚了嗎18
[問卦] 民主國家不是少數服從多數嗎?24
[問卦] 小學五年級看A片是不是太早了?(*′艸`*)22
Re: [爆卦] 立院攻城戰開打