Re: [問卦] 都市巷戰怎麼打?
※ 引述《kevin86tp (吉吉天兵)》之銘言:
: 大家晚安
: 吃宵夜沒
: 如題
: 先說魯宅我是四個月的軍事訓練役
: 這短短的幾個日子
: 每天不外乎打靶行軍跟拿六六模型彈瞄啊瞄
: 關於都市巷戰教育班長還真的隻字未提
: 問題來啦
: 萬一哪天習維尼發神經
: 台海打起來
: 義務役沒受過巷戰訓練
: 要怎麼跟老共互幹啊
: 光有滿腔熱血沒技術不是等於直接送頭?
: 有沒有軍事宅可以指點迷津一下
Slava Ukraini!
I am a former U.S. Marine and am of Ukrainian ancestry. I can’t even believe
I am making a post like this and it will probably get buried, but if someone has the ability to translate it to Ukrainian please do. I fought in Iraq and was an urban warfare instructor.
For the defenders of Kiev, here are a few tips I can offer that I can say worked in Iraq (to the Iraqis advantage) :
1.) Stay out of the street.
2.) Stay out of street.
3.) For the love of God, stay out of the street. The worst place to be in an urban warfare environment is to be outside.
4.) Doors are called “the fatal funnel.” It is human nature to try and enter
through a door. Aim all your weapons at the door to maximize the number of kills.
門戶被稱為「致命通道」。人的本能是從門進入(室內)。將武器瞄準門以最大化傷亡。5.) Block the door from the inside with anything you can, furniture, chairs, booby-traps (explosives). The idea is to make the invaders think the door isn’t blocked. That way when they try to enter they remain exposed for the longest amount of time possible.
6.) Stairways are another good killing zone. Block stairways with any obstacles you can to slow down invaders.
7.) if you throw grenades downstairs, have your magazine fully topped off andready. The invaders will most likely run up the stairs to run past the grenade blast. You’ll need all the ammo you have to gun as many down as possible.
8.) When possible, cut small holes in the floor into the rooms below to fireinto. People breaching rooms will look for threats directly in front of them and usually don’t look above or below until last.
9.) Don’t sling your weapon around your body. If things go hand-to-hand it will hinder you.
10.) Have a knife, spade, or club close by and readily available. If you have to fight hand-to-hand it’s much more handy than a rifle.
11.) Never fire from the same window twice.
12.) Never stick the muzzle of your rifle outside of a window. Don’t expose
13.) Shoot from deep inside the room out of the window. It will help hide themuzzle flash and reduce the noise making it hard to tell where it came from.
14.) If you wound an enemy, don’t kill him. Let his friends come to help him. Moving a wounding a soldier means it will take 4 men out of the fight to carry him away. That’s four less rifles firing at you.
15.) Shoot the men trying to evacuate the wounded soldier. It will demoralizethem and take even more men out of the fight to evacuate him.
16.) Keep as many carbohydrates on you and remember to eat and hydrate. Urbanwarfare is incredibly intensive.
17.) Keep moving. Never stay in one spot very long.
18.) One very accurately placed shot can hold up a lot of people for a very long time. You don’t have to be a sniper. You just have to convince them there
is one in the area.
19.) Utilize the sewers in subways to move whenever possible.
20.) Whenever possible, try to let other friendlies know where you are at toavoid friendly fire. It’s very easy to start shooting at each other in an urban environment.
如果可能的話,讓友軍知道你在那裡以避免友軍誤擊。在城鎮戰中很有可能會友軍誤擊。 21.) It may be consuming, but take the tracers out of your ammunition supplyand refrain from using them.
22.) have one magazine of all tracer rounds. Use this magazine only when youneed to let everyone else (friends) know where an enemy is located at. (Across the street, in a park, which window). After using it run like hell and get away from where you just were.
I don’t know what else to write, and I hope to God none of you ever have to use it. God be with you all. As someone with Ukrainian ancestry it tears
me apart to not be able to be there with you.
Glory to Ukraine.
Edit: A few extras.
23.) Ammunition goes fast. Conserve what you have.
24.) 10 men firing from several different buildings can appear to be a small army and stop a lot of people.
25.) Rip down street signs, deface building names, and do anything to strip the identity of where you are at. This will add confusion to an invading force.扯下路標,掩蓋建物名稱,盡量掩飾你的位置。這會迷惑侵略部隊。
26.) Evacuate your wounded in a timely manner possible.
27.) if the enemy suddenly pulls back, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE AREA. It doesn’t mean you’re winning. It means they are going to call and heavy artillery
or an air strike on your position.
28.) if you are going to lose an area, poison common water supplies. Most likely an enemy will try to refill their supplies at the closest source.
29.) Cluster your booby traps in close proximity to create paranoia.
30.) Always keep on the move. Never stay in the same place for long.
新知識 學到了
推一個 八卦果然有專業的
撿吧 總會有軍人死
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