[問卦] 畢竟是死忠的 英文怎麼翻比較道地

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最近好像這句 畢竟是死忠的 很常用




※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

a5687920 03/03 19:05diehard

sturmpionier 03/03 19:05DPP

Gallardo 03/03 19:05idiot

DogBe105 03/03 19:06@$#&+!

YumingHuang 03/03 19:06DPPforever

a3221715 03/03 19:06You are idiots.

neoa01 03/03 19:06Dpper?

whiteadam 03/03 19:06dpp's follower

news1325 03/03 19:07It’s your choice.

skullno2 03/03 19:07They are my slave at all

syntax123 03/03 19:07you're brain dead

destroytw 03/03 19:07finally we green fans are stupid and

manlike 03/03 19:07Faithful after all

Lhmstu 03/03 19:08begins stronger

hesashiaaron 03/03 19:08DPPer

meatybobby 03/03 19:08Faithful believer

destroytw 03/03 19:08loyal.選我正解

bigbowl 03/03 19:08自己的作業自己寫

sheagia 03/03 19:09Trash

fan5566 03/03 19:09suck my dick

Overmind 03/03 19:09idiot

tyler11342 03/03 19:10real DPP

keepkef 03/03 19:10you are my bitch. 選我正解

fedona 03/03 19:10dpp fans

villagemen 03/03 19:10idiot

aglet 03/03 19:11FuKing dpper

Kuru991 03/03 19:11DPPer

starport 03/03 19:11you're almost the green fans.

meatbear 03/03 19:11bitch is strong

hikaru77613 03/03 19:11Over my dead body

Aliensoul 03/03 19:11time china

sdg235 03/03 19:11dpp idiot

adk147852 03/03 19:11Vote KMT?

lemonshine 03/03 19:12duck bu bi

heci1941 03/03 19:12

RanceTsai 03/03 19:12DPP forever

Benbenyale 03/03 19:12forerverGreen

mogli 03/03 19:12Hello my little green friends.

ccjj8 03/03 19:12Taluiban

bluemanhaha 03/03 19:13ing wen doesn't care the fuck abou

bluemanhaha 03/03 19:13t you

derrick1220 03/03 19:13MILF Gangbang

huangjyuan 03/03 19:13stupid

lanchenchen 03/03 19:13DPP Forever

danger5487 03/03 19:14u die

dream77125 03/03 19:14DPP forever

chouvincent 03/03 19:14idiot forever

danniel21 03/03 19:14Die for green

venomsoul 03/03 19:14Imhotep

baboosh 03/03 19:14stupid

hackfox 03/03 19:15AAMOF,ur loyal

huangjyuan 03/03 19:15no dpp no taiwan

duxxlux 03/03 19:15near clock

a22880897 03/03 19:15DPP

garcia 03/03 19:16Hail DPP

leevarchu 03/03 19:16Dpper

kai3368 03/03 19:16#standwithDPP

sqe123456z 03/03 19:17しょせんバカな奴だ

nba655082 03/03 19:18diehard

GimO 03/03 19:18Saint Dpper

yao03911 03/03 19:19Dpp fans

smart8122 03/03 19:19DDP forever

gourmand 03/03 19:20you idiot

super5566go 03/03 19:20DPPer

protoss666 03/03 19:20Go fuck yourself.

sliencesky 03/03 19:20IQ 87

Evoque 03/03 19:21Suck my tongue

g9xuggf 03/03 19:22Dog of DDP

liangda 03/03 19:24DPP’s dog

sept9048 03/03 19:25傻B

mysterydream 03/03 19:25after all is die middle

ChrisVolstad 03/03 19:26semper fi

Howard61313 03/03 19:26You deserve it

iPadProPlus 03/03 19:30You are Ta Lue Bian

AnnaOuO 03/03 19:31我的建議是:SB

ericilan 03/03 19:31you are fuxking my slaves

testttt 03/03 19:32Who cares

ericilan 03/03 19:32you are fuxking my slavery puppy.

deann 03/03 19:34stupid

sbflight 03/03 19:34Dpper

Cactusman 03/03 19:35認真回 You are faithful 吧

stevenyu82 03/03 19:35you are retarded

checcc 03/03 19:35Pure gay

kiopl 03/03 19:37DPP forever 相當傳神

eeccms 03/03 19:40

cobrasgo 03/03 19:41I am lucky you all are idiots.

zerowingtw 03/03 19:43stupid

porter7 03/03 19:44I’m happy! who is your daddy!?

Howard61313 03/03 19:45You’re loyal anyway.

weijinsusu 03/03 19:49go die

hkr91511208 03/03 19:52DeePPer

tony5361627 03/03 19:53獸人永不為奴

ULSHAN 03/03 19:56all you fucking idiot

jimmmh888 03/03 19:564%

Wacha52 03/03 19:56Dumbass

DOOT 03/03 20:01For the horde ~

ihczfu 03/03 20:02DPPer

Jimmywin 03/03 20:03die hard

gin10791 03/03 20:05good dog

gin10791 03/03 20:07nice puccy

sjr500 03/03 20:10The dark

rainkids 03/03 20:15only fans

eterbless 03/03 20:18you idiot

JASONGOAHEAD 03/03 20:21Dpper

tlnrs 03/03 20:23dicksucker

Rootless 03/03 20:25Froggy

Rootless 03/03 20:25Froggy

catvsdog 03/03 20:291.5Jobs' dogs

brian3639 03/03 20:41B gen 44中 der

kerry0496x 03/03 20:45You fools.

kerry0496x 03/03 20:45Die! fools!

lupin2401 03/03 20:52 be jin ni men 4 s Jhon der

magic83v 03/03 20:57fucking idiot

B9702115 03/03 20:58really unmoved

mario2000 03/03 21:11Only you're all Diehard fans

dknymaster 03/03 21:17Fucking stupid asshole

pantakill 03/03 21:22Heil DPP

evan000000 03/03 21:35idiot

chunyee 03/03 21:43Blind loyalty at all

ptt80357 03/03 21:48I love DPP

xgodtw 03/03 22:20Dumb as shit

colorsnows 03/03 22:59you fool haha

keykid 03/04 00:1214504444444444444444444 44

imtlow 03/04 02:40These is Talueban

ganbastar 03/04 03:39DPP forever 我喜歡

zzzprince 03/04 07:28You’re Dumb Shit

Tossdog 03/04 14:47DPP idiot

HNO3 03/05 03:52you're 96%