[問卦] 「你們畢竟是死忠的」英文怎麼表達?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「你們畢竟是死忠的」英文怎麼表達?作者
時間推噓14 推:21 噓:7 →:15






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shiriri 04/09 18:13DJKF

derrick1220 04/09 18:13在那叫什麼

WIGGINS22 04/09 18:14Forever Love DPP

Neisseria 04/09 18:14die-hard

kongtson 04/09 18:14Go die don’t cry

dbyellow 04/09 18:14we cares

Busufu 04/09 18:14I love cumshot

Neisseria 04/09 18:14die-hard fan

n3688 04/09 18:14no Korea no head

cpblgogogo 04/09 18:15你好可憐 英文怎麼表達?

frankfurt 04/09 18:16you should be fucked!

coyoteY 04/09 18:16AFTER ALL U R DOG

MrSteve 04/09 18:17endless loyalty

halfmountain 04/09 18:17after all u all will swallow it

BKcrow 04/09 18:17Suck my duck

james0146 04/09 18:21 DPP' fans

fonzae 04/09 18:22We are 817

pttenjk 04/09 18:24TMDogs n DPPers

stevenyu82 04/09 18:26after all you’re retarded

wellzx 04/09 18:28you are my bitches

biggian 04/09 18:29hi, moron

mw3 04/09 18:31suck it!

cwt0115 04/09 18:32被老闆罵是狗還是不辭職抗議,畢竟是死

cwt0115 04/09 18:32

wsmallmau 04/09 18:33All u are stupid

ZirconC 04/09 18:39You are patriot

garcia 04/09 18:40Hail DPP

hanchueh 04/09 18:41After all, you are all mindless minio

hanchueh 04/09 18:41ns.

blueskyqoo 04/09 18:43you always my family

AJCole 04/09 18:54sox chna kmd

neverending 04/09 19:09you are fuc**** dapper

neverending 04/09 19:09dpper

RrEpic 04/09 19:09Y’all sucker after all

jackietom 04/09 19:20English fans

wwwwhite 04/09 19:28“被高雄傷的很深”,你會翻嗎?

stja 04/09 19:34

Subliminal 04/09 19:59You're pathetic!

Oswyn 04/09 20:39U, Dumb

abadjoke 04/09 20:48You are DPPer

a60414010299 04/09 20:48You live in Kaoshiung

benza 04/09 21:29Dotoroid and retarded together forever

guppys2005 04/10 00:02stupid