[問卦] 外商英文面試 要怎麼唬爛成功

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 外商英文面試 要怎麼唬爛成功作者
時間推噓83 推:96 噓:13 →:45








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e2167471 04/20 16:32

bocaca99 04/20 16:32May show gun more?

bill403777 04/20 16:32may show gun mo?

Gief 04/20 16:32I am your father

tml7415 04/20 16:32你把貓 關籠子喔???

什麼籠子 我自己裝的陽台防護網內

alqozmg1 04/20 16:32Hey bro,what’s up

izzylife 04/20 16:32IKEA Costco

derrick1220 04/20 16:32would u please suck my dicks

yes4568526 04/20 16:32還用說 國外留學工作經歷先爆出來

testone 04/20 16:32我有黨證

Killercat 04/20 16:33其實最多人被困住的反而是第一句

pinkowa 04/20 16:33幹 有貓給噓

FireJ 04/20 16:3354088

Killercat 04/20 16:33hey how are you

fire124 04/20 16:33hi, my father is

Killercat 04/20 16:33很多人聽到how are you today整個愣掉

nekoares 04/20 16:33這是窗台?

※ 編輯: Changyaya ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 16:33:52

ruthertw 04/20 16:34My father's nickname is Jelly.

jackycheny 04/20 16:34who's your daddy?

HAYABUSA1207 04/20 16:34How are you? Fine thank you.

unojazz 04/20 16:34This is a book

midnight1981 04/20 16:35black sheep wall

Daniel0712 04/20 16:35Show me the money

Nigger5566 04/20 16:35what's up, my nigger

ruthertw 04/20 16:35His last name is Guo.

ppav0v0v 04/20 16:35Greed is good

jessbianrad 04/20 16:35How dare you

ppav0v0v 04/20 16:35Who's your daddy

thelittleone 04/20 16:36Meow Hello

Imakamenride 04/20 16:36Hi Jason

zsyian 04/20 16:36knowledge is important. I am the best.

neil0611 04/20 16:36Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen

revise 04/20 16:36hello world

ruthertw 04/20 16:37Trump called my father Terry.

flex10405 04/20 16:38greedisgood

vdml 04/20 16:38想看我家貓貓嗎 wanna see my pussy?

JamesForrest 04/20 16:39Eat dick ching chong

deann 04/20 16:39May I speak Chinese ?

Cyuhsuan 04/20 16:40A lowely tarnished, playing as a lord

Cyuhsuan 04/20 16:40I command thee, kneel!

hamasakiayu 04/20 16:40The winter is coming

death410 04/20 16:40法客優歐 優薩克死 愛維有歲符優

ruthertw 04/20 16:40Hi, I want to play a game.

wifeishonoka 04/20 16:40把各種動物說一輪 說自己是齊天大

Nonegrame 04/20 16:40i am a girl

wifeishonoka 04/20 16:41

rb731024 04/20 16:41My father is…

vinousred 04/20 16:41I AM CHERRY,YOU CAN POP MY CHERRY!!

PompelmousJ 04/20 16:41喵喵可愛

xxxluke 04/20 16:42I are god boy!

jemmy23718 04/20 16:44how do you turn this on

Merkle 04/20 16:44lick my pussy

rada118 04/20 16:44I'm 1.5 Jobs

a594020419 04/20 16:44跟面試官講中文,說你這叫自主應變

fantasylee 04/20 16:47my dad Lian Zhan

yokan 04/20 16:47那個.. How are you?

Touber 04/20 16:47My father is your boss

c7683fh6 04/20 16:47You know what I’m saying?

peterch 04/20 16:47Fuck your pussies Fuck you sluts go

GingFreecss 04/20 16:47I am fine thank you and you

peterch 04/20 16:47die GUN LIN NIA

AtenWang 04/20 16:48This is a dick

gene51604 04/20 16:48Yeah you know

ozyamazaki 04/20 16:48Are you liking cat?

peterch 04/20 16:48看到那隻貓畜牲就賭爛

ILYY 04/20 16:49My 肝 is hard

shinyoker 04/20 16:50I am Melania , blade of Miquella

bullace 04/20 16:52I’m a LGBT

yuyi0504 04/20 16:54貓貓好可憐喔

you495 04/20 16:54I can turn you on

beawayne 04/20 16:54瞎聊

zonppp 04/20 16:55I am fine, 3Q

seal998 04/20 16:55露奶即可


rLks02 04/20 16:56I want you to sell me this pen.

carwho 04/20 16:57How car u?

simpson083 04/20 17:00how can you turn this on

Dirgo 04/20 17:00pardon??

saniblue 04/20 17:00My surname is chaung, my father is mo

saniblue 04/20 17:00rris chaung!

TakeokaMiho 04/20 17:02I am the bone of my sword

kevin8203 04/20 17:02I raise cute cat,like you

kevin8203 04/20 17:03*a

js6661212 04/20 17:04punch me

blitz1991 04/20 17:05在面試官面前rap整段 lose yourself

melonlon 04/20 17:08第一句不要說英文 講法語或是俄語 先嚇

melonlon 04/20 17:08嚇面試官

k33536 04/20 17:09hey mother fucker, my father is___ .

PowerMoney 04/20 17:09show them your pussy.. I mean your

PowerMoney 04/20 17:09 cat.

Wishmaster 04/20 17:10有自信,你不尷尬,尷尬的就是對方 XDDD

zeldalight 04/20 17:10wha

stja 04/20 17:10

YALEMY 04/20 17:10祝面試失敗

tsubasam4a1 04/20 17:12先烙一段台語

bofay 04/20 17:13皮納斯

midnight6998 04/20 17:14say my name

l3161316 04/20 17:14winter is comming

jason4571 04/20 17:14May show

inconsequent 04/20 17:16May I speak Chinese笑死

songsongboy 04/20 17:16This is a pen.

wgs62160000 04/20 17:18Say my name

chrisgod 04/20 17:18‘sup my nigga

nctukmdick 04/20 17:19Oh my gosh

possible322 04/20 17:21You need me

AAaaron 04/20 17:22yo! check it out!

WWIII 04/20 17:24hello my mother is in wen tsai

Misscat16868 04/20 17:24You’ll explore the black holes

Misscat16868 04/20 17:24 mystery with interviewers.

zerowingtw 04/20 17:25you know, blabla

cogitation 04/20 17:28I graduated from Fukin University.

hsnu2000 04/20 17:31MAY SHOW GUN MORE

a3021214 04/20 17:31Taiwan can help

hsnu2000 04/20 17:32CHINA NO.1

shakesper 04/20 17:32how da yo~

picochemical 04/20 17:35You are gay

balance90316 04/20 17:36Taiwanese gril are easy, especial

balance90316 04/20 17:36ly me

RJYB 04/20 17:39Could you be my sugar daddy?

stanzzz 04/20 17:44I have a dream開頭

haman 04/20 17:53May show gun more?

wm 04/20 17:59We care

zeon19841102 04/20 18:00I am Malenia, blade of Miquela.

jerry86 04/20 18:00who cat

zeon19841102 04/20 18:12Forefathers one and all, BEAR WIT

zeon19841102 04/20 18:12NESS!!

earthuncuttv 04/20 18:14三杯

weilsea 04/20 18:17meeh show gan mooh

Eric0605 04/20 18:21I don’t car

gamesame7711 04/20 18:28幹 這貓也太大隻


drinkmuffin 04/20 18:29Check my pussy

ASAO200 04/20 18:38Say my name

fabledqqman 04/20 18:47hi MDFK

這篇怎麼變這樣啦 www

※ 編輯: Changyaya ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 18:49:45

et310 04/20 18:54how da o 啊不是 是how are you

betkuz 04/20 18:58How do you trun this on

bigtien6292 04/20 19:12Say my name

veryGY 04/20 19:26I am a book?

TuChinJui 04/20 19:37AABB C

TuChinJui 04/20 19:38Who is your daddy?

GARRETH 04/20 19:40哪間?你不說怎集思廣益幫你唬爛

Everyeeeee 04/20 20:35先彈出來給面試官看

J7viHH 04/20 20:56維大力

pswen 04/20 21:28Hi~Sugar Daddy

applewarm 04/20 22:13你家的貓已經很肥了

dageegee 04/20 23:12This is a book


hodj 04/21 00:44I fucking so great

p2p8ppp 04/21 00:47apple bird cat dog

letbeit 04/21 02:12I'm a cherry boy.

ai20609 04/21 02:27death is like the wind, always by my

ai20609 04/21 02:27side

Choganini 04/21 02:40I have a condition that makes me unl

singlecelled 04/21 04:46My father is

ming70017 04/21 09:47這貓太肥了,餓個幾天沒關係

seminal 04/21 12:11wecare