Re: [新聞] 火力爆表 8名美國警察連開90槍將嫌犯打到

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 火力爆表 8名美國警察連開90槍將嫌犯打到作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:7

嗯嗯 是是是

我們來看看 CNN怎摸說

During the vehicle pursuit, a gunshot was fired from Walker’s car, police

九是說 在飛車追逐的時候 鴿子聽到 被開惹一槍 有見到嫌犯車內開槍的火光

在內文 自己看吶

In narrated body camera video, police said that about 40 seconds after Walkerdrove away from police, “a sound consistent with a gunshot can be heard on
the body-worn cameras of the officers.” Police also said “a flash of light”
could be seen on the driver’s side of the car at the time of the sound.

“That changes the whole nature of the traffic stop,” Mylett said at the
news conference Sunday. “It went from being a routine traffic stop, to now a
public safety issue. And then the pursuit continued.”


警察以為嫌犯要做出 開槍動作 所以就先開槍

我是覺得齁 齁齁齁

這樣真的 如果是如同警方所說 真的是 齁齁齁 有點白目吶

The Blackadder Dictionary

Contrafibularities, Pericombobulation, Extramuralisation, Pendigestatory
Anaspeptic, Frasmotic, Compunctuous, Interludicle, Interfrastically


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ghostl40809 07/04 18:15BBC也是類似內容 嫌犯先開槍 警方才

ghostl40809 07/04 18:16反擊

darkbrigher 07/04 18:17有槍的國家本來就這樣 不過我猜黑人

kerro 07/04 18:24白人壓榨黑人這麼多年,開你槍怎麼了,你

xbit 07/04 18:24對方家屬到你靈前上香跟你去對方上香自己選

kerro 07/04 18:24為什麼不乖乖中彈呢

angellll 07/04 18:24帶著頭罩也知道是什麼人

ksvs 07/04 18:26美國就是一個盛產蜂窩的地方

wwvvkai 07/04 18:33清空彈匣是基本 OK的

JieCheng1202 07/04 18:40有人想給前幾天那四個開槍的機會

JieCheng1202 07/04 18:40認為用棍子敲下去是侵害人權 XDDD

capitalofz 07/04 18:47那嫌犯車上或身邊應該會有槍枝或彈殼

capitalofz 07/04 18:47嫌犯手臂和車上也會有火藥反應

capitalofz 07/04 18:48這個都可以事後查證

Dayton 07/04 20:14車上有槍沒錯啊