Re: [新聞] 「國軍被美國批得一文不值!」吳子嘉狂轟

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 「國軍被美國批得一文不值!」吳子嘉狂轟作者
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※ 引述《TouchAgain (謝謝)》之銘言:
: : 美國權威雜誌《外交政策》雜誌近期「台灣不能依賴美國爸爸解決問題」一文,揭穿
: : 府面臨台海危機時,似乎還沒有做好應對後果的充分準備。對此,《美麗島電子報》
: : 長吳子嘉今(3)日就狂轟民進黨,「現在國軍被美國世界雜誌批評的一文不值,這就?
: : 英文搞出來的」,引發討論。
: 剛去找了外交政策的這篇來看
: Taiwan Can’t Rely on ‘Daddy America’ to Solve Its Problems
: 台灣不能依賴美國爸爸解決問題
: 下面截取幾段比較重點的翻譯一下,可以直接看中文部分。
: Taiwan’s government seems to want it both ways—to spur foreign countries t
: take action to support Taiwan in the face of China’s threats while, at the
: same time, disregarding those threats and not acting to solve significant
: military problems at home. The mixed messaging was noticeable as several
: op-eds by local and diaspora Taiwanese came out during Pelosi’s visit,
: criticizing the international community for worrying too much about Taiwan
: and discussing war. Yet within the past week, Taiwan’s foreign minister
: claimed China was making preparations to invade while a ruling party officia
: published an op-ed urging the “free world” to defend Taiwan. The seeming
: complacency and inability to take significant action to improve national
: self-defense is unfortunately largely due to a reliance on “Daddy America”
: to come to Taiwan’s aid quickly if it is attacked.
: 台灣政府似乎想要兩者皆得-號召外國採取行動支持台灣面對中國的威脅,
: 與此同時,忽視本土這些威脅而且沒有採取行動去解決重大的軍事問題。
: 這混合的信息是明顯的,因為一些當地台灣人或華僑在裴洛西參訪期間,
: 批評國際社會對台灣太憂心和討論戰爭。但是在過去的一周,台灣外交
: 部長聲稱中國在為侵略做準備,同時執政黨官員發佈評論,號召"自由世界"
: 來防衛台灣。這貌似自滿和無能去採取重要行動去增進國家自我防衛,
: 很不幸地主要是因為對"美國爸爸"在台灣受到攻擊時迅速到場援助的依賴。
: Taiwan’s authorities and the press emphasized how calm things were on the
: island. But in effect, China implemented a semi-blockade that in wartime
: conditions could be used to cut off food, energy, and other shipments to and: from Taiwan.
: 台灣政府和媒體強調島上事物是如何地平靜。但實際上中國執行半封鎖,
: 在戰爭期間情況可以被用來切斷食物、能源和其他貨物進出台灣。
: China also launched several ballistic missiles into different locations in
: waters north, east, and south of Taiwan. However, Taiwan’s defense ministry: neglected to tell the public that several of those missiles that landed in
: the east had actually flown over Taiwan. It was only when Japan’s defense
: ministry announced the paths of these missiles, several of which had landed: in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, that people in Taiwan realized this.
: When North Korea fired missiles that flew over Japan’s northernmost main
: island of Hokkaido in 2017, sirens sounded and text message alerts were
: broadcast to the public.
: 中國也發射了數媒彈道飛彈到台灣東西南北邊不同的海域。然而,台灣的國防部
: 忽視告知大眾有數枚落在東邊的飛彈實際上已經飛越台灣上空。直到日本國防部
: 發佈這些飛彈路徑,一些飛彈落在日本經濟海域,台灣人民才知道這件事。
: 2017年當北韓發射飛彈飛過日本最北邊島嶼Hokkaido時,警報跟簡訊都被廣播給
: 大眾。
: Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen gave a televised speech about the drills to: the public on Aug. 4, but it was brief, coming in at less than 4 minutes.
: Meanwhile, Taiwan’s military put out videos and tweets trying to assure
: people that it was monitoring the Chinese planes and ships and on alert.
: 台灣總統蔡英文8/4對演習給大眾做了電視演說,但是演說簡短,不到4分鐘。
: 同時台灣軍方放出影片和推特試圖向人民保證,軍方正監控中國飛機和船隻並警戒。


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castjane 09/04 22:44台灣實際獨立啊 法理在爭取而已

castjane 09/04 22:44中共開戰即滅亡

EvoLancer 09/04 22:45還在做夢嗎

docose 09/04 22:50其實看美國人是否支持黑熊軍就知道

docose 09/04 22:51如果黑熊軍背後是美國意思那兩岸遲早會戰

awayaway 09/04 22:53黑熊軍?讓我想起清末的民間團練.這是

awayaway 09/04 22:53對政府的高度不信任阿.怎麼綠的會high

awayaway 09/04 22:53到不行XDD

nk 09/04 23:01美國規定軍火銷售不能入國庫

peterwu4 09/04 23:03台灣的真實身分只有一個:無條件投降的

peterwu4 09/04 23:03戰敗國的殖民地…

peterwu4 09/04 23:03身為戰勝的中國和美國,一個要台灣的主

peterwu4 09/04 23:04權,一個要台灣的利益…

myyalga 09/04 23:55說到台派的法理台獨就他媽好笑。

myyalga 09/04 23:55沒有軍警支持,你他媽法理再正確都沒有用

myyalga 09/04 23:55

myyalga 09/04 23:55何況台派一堆免役仔、台女、替代役!

we980 09/05 00:03自己不敢打滾一邊涼快去 別唱衰國軍

kdn 09/05 00:16但賣軍火的稅金會進啊,就業也會增加啊

jlw 09/05 05:13黃埔精神

eemail 09/05 06:00其實台灣問題很麻煩 要不然不會扯這麼久