[問卦] 老天有眼的英文 怎麼翻譯比較傳神?

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老天有眼 應該怎麼翻譯



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coon182 05/10 16:05

chandlerchen 05/10 16:05DPP asshole

showdoggy 05/10 16:05Old sky has eyes

ronan113021 05/10 16:05Old Sky Has EYE

PanaS0Nic 05/10 16:05 For God's sake

Julian9x9x9 05/10 16:05old god has eyes

preisner 05/10 16:05taiwan earthquake

coon182 05/10 16:06是要問幾次

LCJ0903 05/10 16:06Old sky have god eyes

jiapon 05/10 16:06You are bugs

tsungg 05/10 16:06dogs eye

samsungS6 05/10 16:06earthquake

koromo1991 05/10 16:06law tien yo yen

pmove 05/10 16:07God always here.

medama 05/10 16:07old sky have eye

jing0991 05/10 16:07karma is a bitch

aspd5306 05/10 16:08Justice is in the hands of the heav

achiow 05/10 16:08DPP can everything

aspd5306 05/10 16:09ens.

Larsie 05/10 16:09Ball don't lie.

a27588679 05/10 16:09op

siloin 05/10 16:09Karma is real

marktak 05/10 16:09people mountain people sea

jim543000 05/10 16:09大概可以想到一種 karma's a bitch

yin0416 05/10 16:10there is a eye in sky

jim543000 05/10 16:10但跟中文的老天比較沒關係就是了

ChenDotQ 05/10 16:10以宇宙和大風暴的艾德布洛之名

luciffar 05/10 16:10DPP is devil

color3258 05/10 16:10勞天YO眼

franchy 05/10 16:13God eyes you

douge 05/10 16:13karma comes the bitch

kinki5566 05/10 16:14old sky has eyes

s19900918 05/10 16:14我都唸ikea

e1q3z9c7 05/10 16:15Illuminati

tonyycool 05/10 16:18God Damn Eyes

goodboy98 05/10 16:20Gods see it

v19791119 05/10 16:22GOD HAVE EYES

G8AJ 05/10 16:22who cars?

dai26 05/10 16:23DPP GO TO HELL IS WONDERFUL

qwe04687 05/10 16:27old father give me sight

tw11509 05/10 16:27You deserve it!柯賤民的意思不就是你

tw11509 05/10 16:27活該!?

simon9331 05/10 16:28God fucking damn it!

pueblo 05/10 16:30What goes around comes around.

cedric1982 05/10 16:33Huang likes to lick Fu’s asshole a

cedric1982 05/10 16:34nd toes, and he likes that so much.

c7683fh6 05/10 16:35Karma is a bitch

mike42 05/10 16:36Old sky had eye

bluezero000 05/10 16:38中翻英:Support DPP, idiot.

winterjoker 05/10 16:41the God have eye

shenru 05/10 16:45Dpper all die

mopigou 05/10 16:54Don't look up

ericlin121 05/10 16:59Ker ma Err

pov 05/10 16:59fuxk kmt

sunnyyoung 05/10 17:02DPP lanpha one

cedric1982 05/10 17:05The grass grows wildly to 8+9 weed

Leoreo 05/10 17:14Dpp is watching you

xinyuxiao 05/10 17:15use karma 輪椅

cheng399 05/10 17:22dpp is watching

dyc2008 05/10 17:25Costco is ikea

idxxxx 05/10 17:30我還真的看過美劇裡有人說people mounta

idxxxx 05/10 17:31in people see

zzz71084482 05/10 17:38oh my fucking god

zzz71084482 05/10 17:39@idxxxx 就太多人用,跟long time n

zzz71084482 05/10 17:40o see一樣,積非成是

andychiu 05/10 17:48DPP has eyes

Hiiragi 05/10 17:54Lin bay dpper

nutrino 05/10 18:12Dpplikeshit

chang1248w 05/10 18:28god bless

sammy0411 05/10 18:30Karma is a bitch

adamyang2000 05/10 19:42老天的眼 看一下屁眼 眼對眼

adamyang2000 05/10 19:42相看互討厭

adamyang2000 05/10 19:43我是神 你是屁

lulocke 05/10 19:53thank god 就好啦

xixixxiixxii 05/10 21:17dont look up

adamyang2000 05/10 21:22太陽黑子 雞排黑菊花