Re: [新聞] 美中2年後開戰?共和黨高層:可能性極高
※ 引述《LeeSeDol (嘖嘖...)》之銘言:
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: 德國之聲
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: 美中2年後開戰?共和黨高層:可能性極高
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: 福斯新聞:
On China Looking at Reunification of Taiwan:
“I think China is looking at reunification of Taiwan – that’s how they
call it. There are several ways to do that. The first one is to influence theelection that will take place a year from today. President Tsai’s party is
running for re-election – China is hitting [Taiwan] hard, saying they’re a
proxy of the United States to go to war with China. If they succeed in that
effort, like Hong Kong, without a shot fired, but if they don’t win in that
one they are going to look at a military invasion in my judgment. We have to
be prepared for this. It could happen, and I think as long as Biden is in
office, projecting weakness, as he did with Afghanistan that led to Putin
invading Ukraine, that the odds are very high we could see a conflict with
China and Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific.”
眾議院外交事務委員會主席麥考爾(Michael McCaul):
※ 編輯: LeeSeDol ( 臺灣), 01/30/2023 18:27:23美國參議員柯寧:北京若犯台 美盟友未必相助
選舉就能統一 這議員程度...
美盟友德國本來就沒說要派兵到台海啊 某樓腦袋不知這事?
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."91
Re: [新聞] 烏克蘭最新消息:美國稱俄羅斯向中國尋求中國大使館發言人劉鵬宇: 中國否認俄羅斯有向中國發出軍事協助請求,呼籲雙方保持最大克制 避免大規模人道危機發生,遵從和平協議。 白宮:11
Re: [爆卦] 蔡英文想要和習近平進行和平會談CNN 46分鐘前釋出的新聞: Taiwan's President says the threat from China is increasing 'every day' and confirms presence of US troops on the island 台灣總統說來自中國的威脅逐日上升11
Re: [新聞] 美國情報官員告訴美媒:中國解放軍18個月來源應該是fox這篇 China could invade Taiwan before the 2024 US presidential election: sources Officials warn 2024 could be an especially 'dangerous' year as both the US and Taiwan hold presidential elections6
[分享] 紐約每日新聞頭版在Reddit看到的 紐約每日新聞 NY DAILY NEWS 頭版 相關報導:6
Re: [心得] 從蘋果發表會看台積電三率三降法說會解釋毛利下降的原因. let me explain to you. The sequential decline is mainly due to mix as the contribution from N5 will increase, but it still carries a dilutive effect. And secondly, we see a slower rate of cost improvement as our fabs continue to run at a very high level of utilization, leaving less time to do cost improvement
[討論] 台胞證就是中國公民證件19
[討論] lono你知道台胞證需要用中華民國護照辦郵21
[討論] 洪申翰當部長也能吹嗎?33
Re: [黑特] 藍白居然不擋兩岸人民關係條例修法耶49
[討論] 洪申翰是史上第一位高中學位的部長嗎?5
[黑特] 幹麼不找賴香伶掌勞務部門?X
[討論] 死人還在壓案的黃國昌憑什麼還在當立委6
[黑特] 吹牛大王當立委~反核低能兒當部長?!!5
[討論] 死人都在壓案的黃國昌都能當立委了4
[討論] 賴清德真的用人也太誇張了吧16
[黑特] 洪申翰還沒當部長就先幫宜容太后吃案8
[討論] 民進黨真的讓我大開眼界…1
[討論] 民進黨什麼時候開始用一堆低學歷份子?3
[討論] 有一說一 40%真的覺得今晚的人事案ok嗎?16
[討論] 王義川上位了?好期待6
[討論] 有沒有洪申翰的八卦?3
[討論] 黃捷雞排妹適合哪個職位3
[討論] 洪申翰當部長誰最崩潰?4
[黑特] 謊國蔥 閃兵的咪咪2
[討論] Skylion: 王義川具有搞死民進黨的特質10
[討論] 起碼洪不用擔心論文抄襲問題吧?!4
[討論] 謝宜蓉是橘系比較不肥的!12
[討論] 爽!!美國準備要取消中國貿易最惠國待遇了1
Re: [討論] 民進黨什麼時候開始用一堆低學歷份子?1
[討論] 恭喜兩位新官上任6
[討論] 抹人吃案9天 再用吃案9個月的當部長3
[黑特] 提拔洪委員當勞動部長是傑出的一手吧?X
[討論] 找到為何謝宜容狂被貼綠標籤的原因?3
[黑特] 王義川當上立委了XD3
[討論] 洪申翰是台灣史上第一年輕的部長嗎?