[討論] 起風了 外媒Bloomberg報導柯
Bloomberg 5/19以後沒有柯文哲新聞
不過今天再次報導 講的是游盈隆的民調
Taiwan Political Upstart Threatens to Eclipse KMT as No. 2 Party
-Survey shows Taiwan People’s Party with 22.2% support
-Results show faltering support ahead of January 2024 election
By Cindy Wang and Samson Ellis
(Bloomberg) --
The Kuomintang, the political party that ruled China and then Taiwan for muchof the 20th Century, is at risk of losing its position as the island’s main opposition as a relative newcomer cements its position as the second most popular force in domestic politics, a new poll shows.
The Taiwan People’s Party, established in 2019, has an approval rating of 22.2% compared to 20.4% support for the KMT, traditionally one of Taiwan’s biggest parties, according to a poll released Thursday by the Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party received an approval rating of 24.6%.
This is the first time that three political parties in Taiwan have received approval ratings of over 20%, the foundation said, calling it a potential “super bombshell” for the 2024 elections.
The survey was conducted June 12-13 and has a margin of error of about three percentage points.
Taiwanese voters will choose their next president and a cohort of lawmakers in January, with the results helping set the course for both cross-strait and US-China relations for years to come.
Why Taiwan’s 2024 Election Matters From China to US: QuickTake
The election is shaping up to be a competitive three-way race between the ruling DPP, which is determined to maintain Taiwan’s effective political independence; the KMT, which seeks closer ties with China; and the TPP, which advocates for dialogue with China while presenting a middle-of-the-road alternative to the other two parties.
DPP決心台獨 KMT要加強中國聯繫 民眾黨主張跟中國對話 同時尋求中間路線
The polling results represent a “severe crisis” for the KMT, which has lost
almost 3 million supporters over the past four years due to factional infighting, according to the foundation.
民調結果是國民黨嚴重危機,基金會指出過去四年該黨失去300萬支持者 主因派系內鬥
But the outcome is by no means a win for the DPP. The numbers are “a serious
warning” to President Tsai Ing-wen’s ruling party, showing it has lost the s
upport of over 3 millions voters since the last presidential election in 2020, the foundation said in a statement.
While the poll is sobering news for the KMT, for now the party remains a moreinfluential force in Taiwan’s politics than the TPP. The KMT governs 14 out of Taiwan’s 22 counties and municipalities. It has 37 lawmakers in the 113-seat legislature, compared to five for the TPP.
KMT在政壇影響力仍高於民眾黨 國民黨拿下14縣市首長(共22縣市) 且有37國會席次(民眾黨5,共113席)
Thursday’s results showed the TPP’s highest support rating since its foundin
g four years ago, the foundation said, highlighting that Taiwanese voters arekeen for a “meaningful third choice” other than the two traditionally larges
t parties.
可以轉成國語嗎 阿北看不懂
Bloomberg 不是非常講求數據準確性嗎?
野雞媒體 DPP都放棄台獨了
政黑綠粉:民眾黨就親民黨 這次選不上就
彭博認證民眾黨主張要與對岸溝通 而民進
彭博社也上船了 還有誰沒上船
DPP 也準備下去吧
什麼野雞報導 民進黨早就放棄台獨了
[花邊] Enes Kanter發推:台灣不是中國的一部分Taiwan will never surrender to the EVIL Chinese Communist Party. Taiwan is a DEMOCRATIC and FREE country. I #StandWithTaiwan The future of Taiwan must be determined by the Taiwanese people. Taiwan is NOT a part of China38
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