[黑特] 美國勞工悲歌! 大學生三年找無正職
例如這位大學畢業生 畢業三年找不到正職
淪落成合約工 年收入不到1萬鎂
The 26-year-old now sleeps on a friend’s couch in North Texas. They
graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Scripps College in 2021 and have
struggled to find a full-time job, instead taking on some work doing graphic
design, social media marketing and copywriting on a contract basis.
Akujuobi is one of millions of Americans who are struggling in today’s
economy. This calendar year, Akujuobi estimates they made less than $10,000.
The poverty line was $15,480 for a single person in 2023, according to the
latest data from the Census Bureau.
然後連首都DC也陷入不景氣 有人為了年收10萬的工作
不得不從DC通勤紐約 早上四點就要起床
After expanding her search outside the Beltway, Chang accepted a financial
planning and analysis position, which she started in May. The role pays more
than $100,000 annually, but it came with a downside: a commute roughly every
other week from DC to New York City. Chang asked that the name of her
employer be excluded for privacy reasons.
For her journey, Chang said she wakes up around 4 a.m., catches the Amtrak
train at Union Station about an hour later, arrives in New York City around
8:30 a.m., and is at her midtown Manhattan office 30 minutes later. She
usually stays in New York for a couple of days, and since her company doesn'tpay for lodging, she crashes with friends or family who live in or near the
相比之下 台灣真的很幸福
雖然薪水低韓國一截又被民進黨砍七天假 但至少人人有功練
隨便基層工作都能月收四萬以上 屌打美國失業大學生
笑死 那你繼續待在美國幹嘛?
[情報] Kemba Walker和雷霆買斷,將去尼克Four-time All-Star guard Kemba Walker has agreed to a contract buyout with the Oklahoma City Thunder, and upon clearing waivers, plans to sign with the New York Knicks, sources tell ESPN. 走路人和雷霆買斷合約,澄清期後要和尼克簽約。9
[問卦] 為什麼New York City不翻譯成新約克市如題 是誰把New York city 翻成紐約的 不應該是新約克市嗎?? 我就問 是不是要跟約克切割3
[分享] Aaron Boone今天和兒子去看MLS決賽前陣子獲得洋基三年續約的Aaron Boone 今天和兩位兒子飛去波特蘭觀看MLS決賽 這兩位兒子是從海地領養的3
[情報] 綠帽週四要和奧克蘭討論球場續約The Athletics have a meeting on Thursday with officials from the City of Oakland and County of Alameda to discuss a lease extension at the Coliseum, reports Joh n Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle. 根據舊金山紀事報記者John Shea的報導1
Re: [閒聊] 日本高中畢業工作跟國中畢業差這麼多?這問題的關鍵其實就是 藍領薪資能夠拿多少 我們來看看美國的UPS司機 Full-time delivery drivers- e City, SC) 時間: Fri Oct 9 13:40:34 2020 [北美] (代po) Nan Ya Plastics Corp., America (South Carolina Plant) (Lake Cit y, SC) Job Opening 1: Process Engineer
- Job Opening 1: IT Engineer Job Description: 1. Responsible for computer and automation system.. 2. Develop/maintain software in the system. 3. Assess infrastructure on a regular basis to ensure it continues to meet pro
- <徵才訊息-Formosa Plastics Corp. Louisiana> POSITION OPENING: CHEMICAL ENGINEER Formosa Plastics Corp. Louisiana has an opening position of Chemical Engineer at VCM plant. The position will be hired as a contract employee on a temporary basis.
- The Athletics have a meeting on Thursday with officials from the City of Oakland and County of Alameda to discuss a lease extension at the Coliseum, reports Joh n Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle. 根據舊金山紀事報記者John Shea的報導
[黑特] 財劃法就這麼簡單 青鳥無法理解?爆
[討論] 黃國昌:國民黨不支持我們,我也接受78
[討論] 柯建銘:財劃法是民進黨團第一優先法案47
[討論] 除了台南高雄,好像沒縣市反對修法38
[討論] 財政部官方列出藍版財劃法三大惡行27
[黑特] 老k支持者變了29
[討論] 阿北被關後 網路火力變弱了耶20
[討論] 財劃法版本臨時修改很下幹17
[討論] 藍白都有公辦都更政績,綠營呢?19
[討論] 黃國昌:民調超過六成民意支持這次修法16
[討論] TMD其他七人敢拒絕夜壺哥嗎?9
[討論] 有一說一 接下來的吹哨者保護法dpp會反嗎13
[討論] 金馬出租給美軍做基地?8
[黑特] 青鳥邏輯 錢給太多 地方會亂花?3
[討論] 林濁水:完全執政8年不主動 現在唉唉叫29
[討論] 在討論國民黨會很慘之前 民眾黨會更慘11
[討論] 能揍館長的機會來了!6
[討論] 中央政府預算大減,亡國感好重9
[黑特] 阿北手諭:儘快改選黨主席3
[討論] 有一說一 立法院能不能砍掉整個部會?9
[討論] 財劃法到底有什麼問題?7
[討論] 成吉思汗健身房漲價6
Re: [討論] 黃國昌:國民黨不支持我們,我也接受5
[討論] 德國中東裔醫生開車撞死5人,傷200人8
[討論] 加拿大總理可能被倒閣、解散國會重選2
[討論] 南部觀光慘輸雙北6
[討論] 狂賀!手機訊號監控人民調委會成立了