[轉錄] 紐西蘭更新Covid-19重複感染建議

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標題:COVID-19 reinfection advice updated
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The Ministry of Health has today updated its advice for those who experience
COVID-19 symptoms more than 28 days after having had COVID-19.

If a person develops new COVID-19 symptoms, and it is 29 days or more since
their previous infection, it is possible that they are experiencing a
COVID-19 reinfection and they should get tested.

This reflects a change from earlier advice which was that people would not
need to re-test if they had tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90

Anyone taking the test should upload their results to MyCovidRecord. Should
they test positive, and it has been more than 28 days since they last had
COVID-19, they will need to isolate for 7 days.

This is because there remains a small chance of catching COVID-19 again
within 90 days of a first infection, especially if it is a different variant
or sub-variant.

If it is 28 days or less since a recent infection, a test is not needed.

The Ministry of Health is constantly reviewing the national and internationalevidence on reinfections. However, evidence and infection rates vary greatly
between countries and the data is very sparse.

New Zealand’s experience with COVID-19 has taught us a lot about how
effective public health measures are at protecting us from other airborne
viruses, such as the flu. Let’s keep practising these throughout winter to
keep ourselves and our communities safe.

Book your flu vaccination if you have not already done so. The flu vaccine isfree to anyone 65 and older, Māori and pacific people 55 and over, and for
children aged 3-12.

Read here for more advice on what to do if you think you may have COVID-19
again soon after having had it: Getting reinfected with COVID-19

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Getting reinfected with COVID-19連結:


1.如果 有Covid-19相關症狀 且 距離上次感染時間29天(含以上)
代表 有可能 是 重複感染,需要接受篩檢


篩檢陽性 且 距離上次感染時間超過28天時
需要 隔離7天

特別是 不同的變異株或次變異株




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CavendishJr06/30 20:4528天內就算,應該算全球最寬鬆定義了吧

CavendishJr06/30 20:46本來最初至少也要8週

jetalpha06/30 20:51紐西蘭現在是冬季,呼吸道傳染病的好發季節啊……

loki94y06/30 20:54不錯

nicholaslee06/30 20:58看到隔離7天,CDC又要高潮了

Tosca06/30 20:59人類要滅亡了o.O

wtsph07/01 00:09重複感染現在病症還是普遍較輕微嗎

skbb255307/01 12:45感覺上對免疫力正常的會比較輕微啦

skbb255307/01 12:46免疫力不夠的像老人幼童特殊疾病之類就難說