[外電] MLB:請大家不要勸球員跑去國外

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Major League Baseball has sent a warning to clubs about encouraging players subject to the MLB draft to withdraw from high school baseball to become eligible to sign as international players. An MLB spokesman declined comment.

The key section of the memo sent to teams Monday and obtained by ESPN reads: "It has come to our attention that Clubs have been encouraging amateur players in the United States to withdraw from, or otherwise refrain from playing, high school baseball in the United States and/or Canada, in order to try to establish residency in a foreign country, in an effort to make themselves eligible to sign under the International Amateur Talent System instead of the Rule 4 Draft."

A recent example of a legal version of this maneuver was made by shortstop Lucius Fox in 2015. He was a native of the Bahamas who had moved to Florida to play high school baseball and was regarded as a fringe first-round prospect after hisjunior year of high school. Fox moved back to the Bahamas and was declared a free agent by the league in April 2015, eventually signing for $6 million with theSan Francisco Giants in July 2015.





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azlbf05/08 08:56…漏洞不給鑽了

jjlooney05/08 09:06這個有趣 具體不知道會怎麼處罰

ygjhsu05/08 09:09國際業餘球員有比較好嗎 簽約金不是比較少?

ashilol05/08 09:10走選秀不一定選得到啊

jjlooney05/08 09:14默契的意思 其實私底下贊助或營養金這種 金流也很難查

jjlooney05/08 09:14 中南美有些家庭經濟上有需求 很小開始有錢可拿的話可

jjlooney05/08 09:14能都會拿

wuchianlin05/08 09:18不給默契,因為兩個pool是分開算的,球隊可以藉由這

wuchianlin05/08 09:18種方式確保自己國內選秀跟國際選秀都選到比較好的人

sakraypopo05/08 09:31國際業餘球員可以私下跟球隊談條件啊 而且也能去自己

sakraypopo05/08 09:31想去的隊 很多都是球探從小就開始打關係的

zsxdaqwe05/08 10:00為什麼我覺得標題文法很卡

zsxdaqwe05/08 10:01這算是球團私底下接觸遊說行為 不知道有沒有相關條款禁

zsxdaqwe05/08 10:01

choobii05/08 10:12這種髒事不知道幹多久了 還會給暗盤

ChrisDavis05/08 10:45然後就有一個被永久禁賽的GM

zxc90638305/08 10:48他解Ban了

zxc90638305/08 10:48#1ZlCxYGa (MLB)

decorum05/08 11:25球員經由這方式可以進自己喜歡的球隊

bestteam05/08 11:29對非第一輪會被選上的球員其實挺有吸引力的

aibakoji05/08 11:34就國際球員可以選隊,一般選秀不能

bestteam05/08 11:42把選秀的金額拉高增加誘因啊 不然錢差不多還不能選隊

kevinftjiang05/08 11:53有哪一隊是用這方法出名的嗎

ESPN有舉一個例子 A recent example of a legal version of this maneuver was made by shortstop Luciu s Fox in 2015. He was a native of the Bahamas who had moved to Florida to play h igh school baseball and was regarded as a fringe first-round prospect after his junior year of high school. Fox moved back to the Bahamas and was declared a fre e agent by the league in April 2015, eventually signing for $6 million with the San Francisco Giants in July 2015. 2015年的巴哈馬球員Lucius Fox 高中搬去佛州打球,當時被評為一輪貨 但之後又跑回巴哈馬,最後以國際業餘球員身分和巨人簽約(6M)

jjlooney05/08 12:08過程要圈內認識才會知道 BA通常會提早一年報導哪幾個大

jjlooney05/08 12:08物和哪隊有默契

hornets122105/08 12:33該不是針對太空人?

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2024 12:38:05

dinos05/08 12:46大部分球隊都有吧,不過第一個被ban的是ATL GM

dinos05/08 12:49多搞個國際新秀選秀必然就會有這種方法