Re: [情報] 北約及歐盟提供烏克蘭70架戰機

看板Military標題Re: [情報] 北約及歐盟提供烏克蘭70架戰機作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:3

Washington — Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that NATO members
have the go-ahead to send fighter jets to Ukraine as the U.S. and allies
continue their efforts to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia's


"That gets a green-light," Blinken said in an interview with "Face the
Nation" when asked whether the Polish government, a member of NATO, could
send fighter planes to Ukraine. "In fact, we're talking with our Polish
friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs
if in fact they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians. What
can we do? How can we help to make sure that they get something to backfill
the planes that they are handing over to the Ukrainians?"



“We’re looking actively now at the question of airplanes that Poland may
provide to Ukraine,” Mr Blinken said. “How quickly might that happen? I can
’t speak to a timeline.”


Ambition must be made to counteract ambition.

~ James Madison, 4th President of the United States


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zkowntu 03/07 03:25要怎麼送

skywalker10203/07 03:28烏克蘭飛行員去波蘭開回去?

rtwodtwo 03/07 03:29烏克蘭派飛行員去空機領回啊

Schottky 03/07 03:29戰鬥機會自己飛,跟鋼盔不一樣

kinmengon 03/07 03:30拖進去烏克蘭?

zkowntu 03/07 03:36俄軍宣布要轟國防軍工企業

Schottky 03/07 03:39更該炸的都還沒炸,事到如今炸兵工廠有什麼用 XDDDD

sangupafiber03/07 03:39烏克蘭有預備役飛行員,應該也已經動員完畢了~~

hohiyan 03/07 04:43uber開放新業務:戰機代駕(?

wenjie0810 03/07 06:19俄方自己送上一堆武器,烏克蘭不需要兵工廠了

xc2v 03/07 08:40烏克蘭還有機場可用嗎? 飛機放哪? 從波蘭飛去打?

kuma660224 03/07 09:11都打10天了 機場跑道也早該維修好

chenry 03/07 09:28會動的都還沒炸完 還要分兵炸工廠?

semind 03/07 10:21難道是發現俄的實力就這樣,沒在怕了

ayaneru 03/07 10:26從波蘭起飛會有政治問題吧

kuma660224 03/07 12:45無武裝起飛就是人道載具 沒有問題