[情報] 昨日裁判報告整理

看板NBA標題[情報] 昨日裁判報告整理作者
時間推噓 2 推:15 噓:13 →:14





1. Herro走步絕殺

2. 最後一波開球,丁丁對Sexton未持球犯規

3. Garland 要球後被包夾走步


賽爾提克@騎士 雙方各得利2次

1. Q4 0:11 Garland走步沒吹

Garland (CLE) moves his pivot foot heel-to-toe to create distance prior to
the foul.

2. OT 1:06 Levert對Tatum出手犯規沒吹

LeVert's (CLE) hand slides off the ball and makes contact with Tatum's (BOS)
arm during his shot attempt.

3. OT 0:56 Grant Williams對Allen進攻犯規沒吹

Williams (BOS) initiates contact as he moves into Allen's (CLE) path and
impedes his FOM off-ball.

4. OT 0:05 Grant Williams對Allen搶球犯規沒吹

Williams (BOS) faces Allen (CLE) up and continues to hold him near the
basket, impeding, and affecting his ability to pursue the rebound.

補充: Tatum續命灌籃並沒有犯規

As Allen (CLE) contests the driving shot attempt, marginal contact occurs
with Tatum's (BOS) arm after he has released the ball on his dunk.


爵士@獨行俠 獨行俠得利1次

1. Q4 0:03 Dinwiddie對Sexton未持球犯規沒吹

Dinwiddie (DET) extends his arm into Sexton's (UTA) path and initiates
contact that affects Sexton's FOM during the inbound.

性頓出來要球時有被丁丁偷推一下 沒吹到


國王@熱火 熱火得利1次

1. Q4 0:05 Herro走步沒吹

Herro (MIA) ends his dribble by gathering in the air and landing on both feet(although his left lands slightly before his right). When he moves his right
foot, he establishes his left foot as his pivot foot, which he then lifts andreplaces to the floor before taking his jump shot.



灰熊@拓荒者 灰熊得利3次

1. Q4 1:23 Adams對Nurkic搶球犯規沒吹

Adams (MEM) clamps and pulls Nurkic's (POR) arm and affects his ability to

2. Q4 1:16 Grant走步誤判

Grant (POR) gathers the ball on his right foot, takes his first step with hisleft, and legally lands in a jump stop before jumping with both feet on his
shot attempt.

3. Q4 1:16 Bane三秒違例沒吹

Bane (MEM) is in the lane for longer than three seconds.


鵜鶘@湖人 雙方各得利1次

1. Q4 1:43 Zion防守三秒沒吹

Williamson (NOP) is in the paint for longer than three seconds without
imminently actively guarding an opponent.

2. OT 1:58 姆斯走步沒吹 2分應不算

James (LAL) gathers the ball on his right foot and establishes his left foot
as his pivot, which he lifts and re-plants before starting his upward
shooting motion.

補充: Zion出界球因為不在兩分鐘內,沒有寫進去





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laptic 11/04 06:36馬後炮 = =

e8e88 11/04 06:39姆絲20分剛好

elvita 11/04 06:43老詹走步 意外嗎

K951753 11/04 06:44喔 走步所以勒 會重賽嗎

evangelew 11/04 06:45真心覺得這報告還是廢了吧,反正也沒啥意義

Miyanishi25 11/04 06:48走步絕殺

hank13241 11/04 06:52喔所以哩?可以還國王一場比賽嗎?沒辦法有啥意義

joystation 11/04 06:53官方認證黑熊

joystation 11/04 06:54這還只是關鍵時刻而已

evangelew 11/04 07:03到底什麼時候給教練現場挑戰權利,這比較實際

jardon 11/04 07:03灰熊最扯 短短七秒三次誤判

koae50 11/04 07:04老漢向來無哨

honway 11/04 07:13灰熊真親兒子

depo 11/04 07:17灰熊親兒子,不能輸

Pinky555 11/04 07:23明明就是驗親報告...父子關係確定...

LBJKOBE5566 11/04 07:47我很好奇這報告有啥實質的影響力嗎 譬如對誤判的裁

LBJKOBE5566 11/04 07:47判懲處之類的?

jardon 11/04 08:01噁心球迷用的

hank13241 11/04 08:06是說昨天還有說覺得Herro走步的人沒打過球,看來NB

hank13241 11/04 08:06A官方人士也沒打過球

mscmobitai 11/04 08:15可憐啊 走步翻球聯盟

c27932589 11/04 08:18灰熊 扯

AWSMD 11/04 08:28翻球抓三次 走步絕殺沒關係 這就是nba裁判

mtmmy 11/04 08:30哨年英雄

sunti0519 11/04 08:31走步絕殺太智障

kent0398 11/04 08:42灰熊真的親兒子

lp123gbaj 11/04 08:42搞不懂silver為何要一直硬捧JA

reaper317 11/04 09:05黑熊真的很屌 昨天那場打不贏就哨子吹到贏

hank13241 11/04 09:05因為聯盟需要新生代本土球星,打球勁爆的更好

dw1012 11/04 09:12昨天灰熊最厲害是有一球上籃被蓋三次火鍋吹勾天頂

mp3w69 11/04 09:12灰熊就親兒子阿

kobebrian24 11/04 09:15山羌很常走步 多吹一點

ghostxx 11/04 09:28灰熊不意外吧

moods 11/04 09:44如果沒有任何作為就別報告了吧

diefirst 11/04 09:50聯盟第一老人隨便護航

RUSH2112 11/04 09:50灰熊真的扯 不愧是親兒子

therealntu 11/04 10:07噓爛灰熊

sm3bp078 11/04 10:40

hiro1221 11/04 13:05拓荒者昨天真的是被裁判搞的...好不容易追平又一直

hiro1221 11/04 13:06被逼逼逼...真的看不下去

EvansChang 11/04 14:43讚啦 黑熊

mambarko 11/04 22:49黑熊好球