Re: [情報] 3.21 FAQ + 牙膏(新伯仲財庫(?))

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The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too
strong. Will you change it?

Yes. The stats for that Mastery are now:

Remove Damaging Ailments when you Change Stance
Stance Skills have +6 seconds to Cooldown







熔火冥獄 FAQ


Will Crucible become a core game mechanic?

We'd like to see how the community receives Crucible once it's playable at
launch before we make decisions on whether or not it should become a core
game mechanic.

Q. 熔火會進核心嗎?

A. 現在說這太早

Can we get a list of the Crucible passives, and which weapon types they can
appear on?

We'd like to watch the community discover the intricacies of the Crucible
Passive Trees, so we'll leave it to you to discover!

Q. 有Crucible Tree資料列表嗎? 哪種武器會出現哪種天賦之類

A. 我們希望您自行去尋找
(所有人 : 開始等待雕像大(?))

How many portals does the Forge of the Titans area have?


Q. 泰坦熔爐區域有多少個傳送門?

A. 六

Are the Crucible trees randomly generated each time and are the skills
specific to the weapon or shield type?

Crucible Trees are randomly generated, though the types of skill a weapon canget will be dependent on its item level and class. For example, bows will
have access to particular bow passives and will not have access to particularsceptre passives.

Note that an existing Crucible Tree can be removed if you are able to access
and complete a special Crucible Endgame encounter.

Q. Crucible Tree是否是完全隨機生成,有只有某種類才會出現的天賦嗎?

A. 是隨機生成的,但武器可以獲得的技能類型將取決於其物品等級和類別。

另外,如果您能夠完成特殊的 Crucible Endgame 遭遇,則可以移除現有的
Crucible Tree。

Are there any restrictions to how many times you can merge trees on a weapon
or shield?

There are no restrictions to the number of times an item's Crucible tree can
be combined with another. However, only weapons with revealed trees can be
combined with each other.

Q. 武器或盾牌的Crucible Tree可以合成幾次?

A. 無限。但是只有Crucible Tree被揭露的才能被合成

Did you forget to post Minion Mastery changes?

No, there were no changes to Minion Masteries in this expansion. We are awareof feedback asking for these in the future.

Q. 你們這季遺忘了召喚物專精嗎?

A. 沒,他們只是這季沒變

Will unequipping Blood Price, the new helmet that reserves nearby enemy
monsters' life, heal enemies? (i.e. could you use it as a helmet swap for a
free 8% extra damage against bosses)

It follows the same reservation rules that are on players, so it will not
heal enemies.

Q. 我把8%保留頭拔掉之後會補怪物血嗎

A. 不會,怪物生命保留規則跟玩家一樣

Will Master Distiller work with Mageblood?

Master Distiller consumes flask charges, so you will still need to feed flaskcharges to gain the bonuses.

Q. 蒸餾大師(追獵新天賦,吃你寶鑽灰岩紫晶藥劑那個)是否會跟魔血連動

A. 蒸餾大師需要消耗才會有效果,所以你必須去充能藥劑

Can you clarify how the new “10% of leech is instant” Mastery option works?
Does it recover 10% of your maximum total life per second from leech?

Each individual leech still has a maximum amount. If you leech the max amountper leech, you'll get 10% of that instantly and 90% over time. However, thereis also a maximum on the total recovery rate of all leech. Instant leech
isn't part of that because it has no rate.

Q. 能說明一下新專精10% 的偷取是瞬間回復嗎?

A. 每個單獨的偷取仍然有最大數量。
如果你每次偷取最大數量,你將立即獲得其中的 10%,並隨著時間的推移獲得 90%。


Regarding, “Skills cost Life instead of 30% of Mana Cost.” Does this mean
that a skill that costs 10 mana will only cost 3 life with this node, or doesit just transfer 30% of cost to life, as in 3 life + 7 mana?

A skill that costs 10 mana will instead cost 3 life and 7 mana with this
Mastery allocated.

Q. 新專精 技能魔力消耗的30%改消耗生命 如何運作

A. 原本消耗10魔力,變成消耗 3生命+7魔力

With the introduction of the new Life Mastery “15% increased maximum Life if
there are no Life Modifiers on Equipped Body Armour”, will unique modifiers
on items currently tagged as Life modifiers get a passover to make more
uniques work with this Mastery?

There are no changes to uniques as a result of this Mastery being added.

Q. 新專精 如果裝備的胸甲上沒有生命詞綴,則最大生命增加 15%

A. 不會
(這段我沒把握,有翻錯還請幫忙修正。像那個 passover應該是 pass over打錯)

The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too
strong. Will you change it?

We are looking into this and will let you know the results via the RAQ post.

Q. 當你改變姿態時獲得腎上腺素1秒 也太強了,你們確定不調整嗎?

A. 我們再想想,有更新會在

Do you know if the Triggerbots will work with things like Summon Holy Relic

Triggerbots only work with things you trigger yourself. They don't work with
things your minions trigger.

Q. 破壞者的觸發機器人會跟召喚聖物連動嗎?

A. 不會,觸發機器人只管你自己的觸發,你召喚物的觸發他不會理

What are the implications of the changes to the way projectiles return to youfor both Kinetic Blast and Fireball when used with the Nimis Ring linked withfork? Do they still explode on walls and your character, and on contact with

Nimis changes from "Projectiles Return to you at the end of flight" to
"Projectiles Return to you". This means projectiles will return if they
collide with a target and don't pierce/chain/fork/etc from it, where before
they would not have done so.

Fireball already did not explode when it forked (or pierced, chained, etc),
fireball's explosion destroys the projectile, and only happens when the
projectile can't move further through any behaviour.

Kinetic Blast does not itself explode, it causes explosions around when it
impacts something, this is still the case.

Q. KB或是火球串分裂再搭尼米斯時會如何運作

A. 尼米斯的[投射物從最終距離返回你]將變成[投射物返回你]




Did United in Dream also lose its poison chance?

The poison chance was only removed from Severed in Sleep.

Q. 合流夢寐的中毒機率呢?

A. 還在,但是離異夢寐的拔了

Has the Balance of Terror Jewel been removed from the game?

It is not obtainable in 3.21, as it only dropped from Sanctum content.

Q. 傳奇珠寶恐怖平衡呢?

A. 3.21中無法獲得

What is Spark's Projectile Speed now?

The base projectile speed of Spark has been reduced by 25%

Q. 電球現在速度是多少?

A. 比原本少25%

Was the removal of Books of Regression intended to nerf the strategy that
involved using them for Heist?

Books of Regression were removed because their intended purpose (related to
PvP characters) is no longer relevant. The way they were being used in Heist
was not intended.

Q. 移除逆行之書是阻止港灣老頭嗎(?)

A. 是因為逆行之書原本主要是用在培養PVP專用角色的

With Ruthless offering a different, smaller set of challenges to complete
than the base game, will it be possible to complete some challenges in
Ruthless and others in the main league in order to get these rewards?

You can't mix and match. They are separate challenge tracks.

Q. 殘暴模式的挑戰能跟一般賽季挑戰混搭嗎?

A. 不能,他們各自運作

Why is the Boss Kill Event being hosted in Ruthless?

We want this event to represent the ultimate challenge in Path of Exile,
which is to kill these two pinnacle bosses under the constraints of Hardcore,Solo Self-found and Ruthless simultaneously.

Q. 為啥殺王挑戰搬去殘暴了

A. 我們需要把這挑戰定位為最終挑戰

Is there a prize pool for the Boss Kill Event on consoles?

Yes, the first place winner for each console platform will receive a
transferable ExileCon VIP ticket.

Q. 主機版本也有殺王挑戰嗎?

A. 是,所有平台的第一名都可以獲得可轉讓的ExileCon VIP 門票


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howisknight04/03 09:08怎麼沒問8%頭能不能疊,六人六守衛快樂團~

thbygn9804/03 09:22Reddit真的誇張,切姿態就ggg送的福利這下要砍了

※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2023 09:28:58

yabeeboo04/03 09:46合流夢寐中毒機率還是在

t9096124804/03 09:47切姿態那個太多回報說太強了,應該會熱修吧,也有人在

t9096124804/03 09:47討論直接講會用AHK,GGG應該不樂見這種狀況

steve1704/03 09:56我等召喚buff再回來玩 幹

MoneyBlue04/03 10:07看的出來腎上腺是故意要給的,為啥不直接開腳色人人都

MoneyBlue04/03 10:07送一條魔血(x

MoneyBlue04/03 10:07我玩老頭也是走野蠻人生命那邊下去拿腎上腺惹

MoneyBlue04/03 10:08如果沒砍的話,但是我猜高機率變成只給攻擊的buff

hecaton04/03 10:14那頭真的很低能,如一樓照他敘述團隊可以秒速通關==

stepnight04/03 10:19台服玩家最愛的命運卡來了

hanmas04/03 11:038%一定不能疊吧 你有什麼東西的保留是會疊的

wen88022504/03 11:07第一次看到逆行之書被改掉,以後拓荒除了蹲黃金港還能

wen88022504/03 11:07怎麼存第一筆資金?

kenntrf04/03 11:52ㄋㄋ的,誰問了關於腎上腺素的問題,自問自答?

stkissstone04/03 12:30至少讓人玩一季再說太強吧

guitarspirit04/03 12:39瓦爾幻化武器 算是強化召喚吧?

guitarspirit04/03 12:40還有瓦爾赦免也是

ewpnawt804/03 12:40玩家自行尋找(x. 等編年史資料庫(o

bryanyang50704/03 12:51新的索伏頭有搞頭

drinkmywater04/03 13:01無言 沒腎上腺素 我就不玩弓起手了 打機制會頭破掉

drinkmywater04/03 13:01吧==

drinkmywater04/03 13:02秒不掉 不是他死就是我亡

su4vu604/03 13:06可是圖片他還是拿著EX阿

je78952004/03 13:075D卡可以去看reddit

guitarspirit04/03 13:08一張就能換5D 至少神聖會價會跌吧?

c12112504/03 13:10你的疊價是鏡子要的D變多,還是能換的C變少

davidliudmc04/03 13:12不用reddit也一堆人在噴 好幾部影片了 真有人以為這

davidliudmc04/03 13:12能藏嗎...?

poboq000204/03 13:27超屌 這遊戲玩家真的一堆斗m 好不容易有改動是對玩家利

drinkmywater04/03 13:28昂貴的測試團隊 結果比我還菜.. 我還沒看影片就知

drinkmywater04/03 13:28道腎上腺素切換超猛… 還以為他們故意的

poboq000204/03 13:28多 還會要求官方改掉 笑死

dragon884404/03 13:30新卡的故事還蠻感人的 Zizran人真好…..


davidliudmc04/03 13:30比起斗M 主要還是煩吧 那個一直切狀態的聲音有夠吵

davidliudmc04/03 13:31要這樣被吵一季或靜音玩遊戲 寧可直接拔掉這點強度

robin269104/03 13:32狼嚎將軍戰吼聽久了哈哈,我想聽切換聲啊

hecaton04/03 13:48可以卡鍵就算了 會想每秒按一次的才是抖M吧= =

CityRanger04/03 13:49電球才25%....好像還行

c12112504/03 13:53我都把聲音關掉了,有時候音效太多遊戲會怪怪的

guitarspirit04/03 14:14反正不是實況主 寫個巨集還好吧

gustavvv04/03 14:17難道 近戰還沒開季又要倒了

guitarspirit04/03 14:19就怕腎上腺素太強 官方改掉 輪到台服開服爽不到

drinkmywater04/03 14:27不用每秒按一次阿 不是自動按嗎(X)

drinkmywater04/03 14:27近戰又沒了XD

※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 04/03/2023 14:54:26

stkissstone04/03 15:52哪可能不知道超猛 結果不想讓玩家爽的是玩家

robin269104/03 15:59腎上腺這條直接拔專精跟切換得猛攻的大點交換位置啊

robin269104/03 16:00近戰已經夠沒人權好幾個賽季惹

tt8025704/03 16:11五行劍陣?

ilove64004/03 16:23覺得麻煩也可以不點啊 我覺得每秒要按一次就是這點的負

ilove64004/03 16:23面平衡

MoneyBlue04/03 16:31老實說我不喜歡這次轉換血沙拿腎上腺,這擺明逼人用一

MoneyBlue04/03 16:31些奇怪的方法去穩定觸發

thbygn9804/03 16:36手段確實很差,但也是難得的buff

drinkmywater04/03 17:22Poe玩家就是抖M阿 不夠難我可是不想玩的態度

p20040404/03 17:31一秒腎上線素我只能想到給戰吼人敲那一下用而已 除非弄

p20040404/03 17:31到可以自動切換

lovehina930404/03 17:46可是殘暴模式告訴你,M到那種程度的人還是很少的

dan524504/03 18:10要嘛GGG就大方一點,讓切姿態可以卡鍵,要嘛乾脆改掉,

dan524504/03 18:10不然不開實況的話,一定都是用巨集或 AHK來觸發吧

wxi04/03 18:54嗯?切姿態不能卡鍵嗎?

drinkmywater04/03 19:16切姿態當然不能卡鍵阿 只能一直點或是…..嗯

poboq000204/03 20:28你不想切不要切啊 讓想切的人切就好了 要求改掉是三小

lightKevin04/03 20:38玩都還沒玩到就要改是三小 這不就跟GGG的一千小時雲測

lightKevin04/03 20:38試一模一樣

※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 04/04/2023 10:04:55