Re: [新聞] 重大突破!烏克蘭曝與俄談判成果:雙方已

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Russian delegation member: There is “significant progress” in negotiations
with Ukraine, RIA reports

Leonid Slutsky, a Russian delegation member for the Ukraine-Russia talks,
said “significant progress” has been made in negotiations with the
Ukrainian delegation since the beginning of talks, Russian state news agency
RIA reports.

“If we compare the positions of the Russia and Ukraine in the negotiations
at the very beginning and now, we can see significant progress,” Slutsky

“I expect the progress may grow into a unified position of both delegations,
and into a document for signing,” he said.






Background on talks: Talks between Ukraine's and Russia's diplomats last weekyielded no discernible progress. Supposedly safe routes out of the country
have repeatedly been contested. The civilian death toll continues to rise,
and by the end of the week, both sides were trading accusations over the use
of chemical weapons.

While Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday there had been "certain
positive advances" in negotiations with Ukraine, US and European officials
and diplomats who spoke to CNN all expressed deep skepticism about the state
of talks. None felt Putin's actions to date have suggested the Russian leaderis ready to find a diplomatic off-ramp to end the war.





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z520314 03/13 21:43一開始談判跟屎一樣,有進展很正常吧XD

ru8bj6 03/13 21:44多軍最後的掙扎

※ 編輯: wen17 ( 臺灣), 03/13/2022 21:46:31

qwert1122 03/13 21:45有結果就是利多出盡。 回歸疫情後時代 崩盤

sh021515 03/13 21:46多多噴啦~~

shumann1810 03/13 21:46空軍:這又是假消息

chinaeatshit03/13 21:46俄國不撤軍大多都是沒進展啦 多蛙生信心

harry901 03/13 21:47Significant progress這字眼表示:

agoodjob 03/13 21:47我猜烏承諾不加入北約,因為北約本來就不給他進XDD

speed364 03/13 21:48空軍:請鄰兵以火力掩護我

Jack2277 03/13 21:48雜多浮木又漂下來了一根

x221x221 03/13 21:49誘多

sagarain 03/13 21:49然後呢 制裁會解除嗎

opoping123 03/13 21:49一條件換一條件

wateryc 03/13 21:49不是有人喜歡拿比特幣看情勢嗎?比特幣沒啥反應啊

dalyadam 03/13 21:50等等 cnn也是說 " 據俄羅斯國家通訊社RIA報導"

dalyadam 03/13 21:50也就是說 還是拿俄國的官媒說法XD

yes 目前沒看到BBC有報

※ 編輯: wen17 ( 臺灣), 03/13/2022 21:52:22

elfish123 03/13 21:52空空:都是假的

aria0520 03/13 21:52沒發現比特幣假日時走勢振福小很多嗎

aria0520 03/13 21:52因為假日沒有小道小納可以參考

joygo 03/13 21:54我怎麼記得禮拜五夜盤也有,難道是基因錯置

brian10207 03/13 21:54那個喊空特別大聲的殭屍呢?

Lowpapa 03/13 21:56空蛙快氣哭了 週末高興兩天 結果週一直接被軋爆

huaiken 03/13 21:56空軍:都是假消息

※ 編輯: wen17 ( 臺灣), 03/13/2022 21:57:57

clamperni 03/13 21:57又突破了

DAEVA 03/13 21:57簽完繼續打

om8713026 03/13 21:59俄羅斯也說它沒侵略烏克蘭

daisy77117 03/13 21:59噴爛

visviva 03/13 21:59如果是真的,那習近平有內線喔

kougousei 03/13 21:59聽起來像俄羅斯自己放的消息= =

kougousei 03/13 21:59俄羅斯說的事情可多了


※ 編輯: wen17 ( 臺灣), 03/13/2022 21:59:55

kougousei 03/13 21:59其中可歸類為自爽消息的大概九成以上吧

iamshiao 03/13 22:00沒有撤兵都假的,之前說好人道走廊也被開火

sssd 03/13 22:00就算停火了

sssd 03/13 22:00歐美對俄的制裁也是會持續

sssd 03/13 22:01還是會影響原物料供應

kncc31 03/13 22:01某些是

MUTA312 03/13 22:02習大有內餡,金管會不開罰嗎

s00126 03/13 22:02嘎爆 慘了

fbiciamib12303/13 22:03穩了

Radiomir 03/13 22:03說個笑話: 和極權國家談判...

loveponpon 03/13 22:04習近平:還不是要靠我

kuroro94 03/13 22:08極權垃圾國承諾跟放屁一樣

shinyi444 03/13 22:13有報了~只是特別著名引用俄媒

skullno2 03/13 22:18談判有重大進展 順便把利沃夫也炸一下

seed6561450 03/13 22:18完蛋,空單要被嘎爆

jack0216 03/13 22:19這還有點參考性

seven2966 03/13 22:20多軍最後的希望

NowQmmmmmmmm03/13 22:20人道走廊2.0

Ghamu 03/13 22:20不知道跟中共疫情封城有沒有關係 中國封城要奶俄羅

Ghamu 03/13 22:20斯可能奶不動 經濟下去加上被制裁真的會爆

kkabenson 03/13 22:21來源是俄羅斯 聽聽就好

kkabenson 03/13 22:21打成這樣對股市早就影響有限

lovecab 03/13 22:27當初多數人也以為不會真打

xxgogg 03/13 22:35說打就打真男人

xxgogg 03/13 22:37總比那個金胖子缺錢時放消息說在部署飛彈讓美債下跌

xxgogg 03/13 22:37再趁機買進賺一筆還好

opie 03/13 22:49CNN比央視慢半拍

fallinlove1503/13 22:56冷靜看待 現在新聞真的亂 實際上要掩蓋什麼 會怎樣

fallinlove1503/13 22:56 真假等都需要時間去證明 但新聞卻像垃圾一樣一直

fallinlove1503/13 22:56冒出來

suendy 03/13 22:59快訊/CNN:美國記者在烏克蘭「遭俄軍殺害」

suendy 03/13 23:02