[情報] 軟棟期望本季能復出

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Anthony Rendon Hoping To Return This Season
By Anthony Franco | September 12, 2022 at 10:19pm CDT

Anthony Rendon underwent right wrist surgery in June, the continuation of a series of injuries that have plagued his past two seasons. The Angels announced he’d need four-to-six months to recover and proclaimed the surgery season-ending, but Rendon is holding out hope of a late-season return.



“That’s always been the thing, to come back,” Rendon told reporters this afternoon (via Jeff Fletcher of the Orange County Register). “That’s what I was pushing for the whole time. I’m going to push myself, push myself. I’m going tohave them push me, push me. And if it works, we’re going to listen to my body.If it doesn’t feel good, we’ll pull it back. We’re just going to push as much as my body will take.”

軟棟告訴橙縣紀事報的記者Jeff Fletcher,他會一直督促自己趕快復出

To that end, Rendon took on-field batting practice for the first time since hissurgery today. Fletcher adds that he’s been able to participate in defensive drills as well, perhaps enabling him to get back on the diamond before the seasonis out. There are a bit more than three weeks remaining on the schedule, with the season wrapping up on October 5.


Getting reinstated from the injured list this season would also expedite his return to the field in 2023. Not long after Rendon was injured, the Angels and Mariners engaged in a massive bench-clearing brawl. MLB handed the third baseman a five-game suspension for his actions during the melee. His suspension can’t be served until he’s reinstated from the IL. If he doesn’t make it back this season, Rendon would have to serve that ban to kick off next year.




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WeGoStyle09/13 11:48還是好好休養吧,沒差這些時間

pounil09/13 11:49失敗簽約之一

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/13/2022 11:49:16

z211442209/13 11:49應該只是要服完禁賽 也就是只登錄不上場?

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/13/2022 11:50:05

saidon09/13 11:51都差點忘了他當初揍winker被禁賽

saidon09/13 11:51而且還是一隻手包紮的情況下跑去和人打架

polanco09/13 11:52大谷15勝利多

MindWork09/13 11:52看還有什麼痛痛 這季提早先痛完

gp556609/13 11:53可以倒數五場宣布復出服球監嗎 反正也沒季後賽

sustainer12309/13 11:53先坐牢

a2778332209/13 11:59滾啦 超爛

lookers09/13 12:02右投右打的打者本季少數讓人有印象的兩個場面都是左手

kissmy092609/13 12:08滾啦 薪水小偷

kevinduh409/13 12:09谷迷好凶QQ

tinghsi09/13 12:11很明顯是回來坐球監

WasJohnWall09/13 12:11大哥別再倫了

sesd09/13 12:12 大倫級的

Puye09/13 12:12有沒有差距不大

bmwnyy87091509/13 12:13技術性復出

oncemore09/13 12:14越南之光

ericinttu09/13 12:16 它誰?

sesd09/13 12:17 感覺他DL對球團比較有利 最少薪水保險公司要分擔

Yofu09/13 12:18為了趕快禁賽而復出?

ericinttu09/13 12:24原來是 揍winker被禁賽

d14725809/13 12:24復出幹嘛?天使都沒季後賽可打了

rdg123109/13 12:25要把禁賽蹲完啦

ainge09/13 12:27如果來的及,這球季服完禁賽,下球季可以正常開季上場囉囉

ainge09/13 12:27....

AhCheng09/13 12:34大倫

hornets122109/13 12:36最後5場復出 不用再回傷兵名單 放假自然可以養傷

Riseagainst09/13 12:37轉左打復出

randy290309/13 12:43拿完冠軍倫大約等退休

lookers09/13 12:47自己只是剛好會拿球棒、擊得中球而已

citpo09/13 12:57聰明啊 回來服刑完 明年重新開始

jeter869509/13 13:18不需要

jeter869509/13 13:19反正有上跟沒上也差不多

kt4009/13 13:48別再偷了QQ

NoPush09/13 14:02大哥鱒魚 大倫哥阮棟

wayne012909/13 15:13晚了我們也不要了

alfonso454609/13 19:42本季代表左打尻全壘打