[黑猴] 仔細一看 終究是有SJW混在裡面了嘛
我仔細一看 mc上有個打60分的 sceenrant
While my analysis and review of Black Myth: Wukong remain focused on
gameplay, it's important to mention the controversies surrounding the game's
studio and the reports of misogyny and sexism from developers. Playing as a
female gamer allowed me to notice issues surrounding inclusion and
As far as Chapters 1 and 2, while characters are clearly fictitious and
fantastical creatures, there were no female or feminine NPCs, enemies, or
bosses present. The only exception, if you can call it 'female', is a boss
named Mother of Stones in Chapter 2, which is nothing more than a still,
glowing rock with no abilities, being guarded by other enemies.
The lack of diversity and inclusivity resonates with the misogynistic
comments reported to have been made by developers, which expressed disdain
for women playing their games. Although Black Myth: Wukong does have truly
enjoyable moments, the underlying feeling that women aren't welcome in this
world felt present throughout my gameplay experience.
It's worth noting the game is based on the novel, Journey To The West, which
does consist of a few important female characters. To not include any women
or to only include a few in an adaptation meant for a modern audience is
quite disconcerting.
沒交保護費 幫QQ
放女的又是不是要說 物化 應該要黑皮 你說是中國?
無所謂吧 雜魚媒體基本上加權很少 除非你跟某當一樣是在
她是說一二章啦,我忘了翻譯,補一下 不過也合理懷意這評論根本沒打到後面
裡面妖怪不能自我性別認同女性嗎 還不是在搞歧視ㄏㄏ
對啊 怎麼沒蜘蛛精白骨精 而且我明明記得看過盤絲洞
都說黑神話了 居然沒有黑叔叔?
猴子無性別 跨性別 你怎麼定義她不是牠
怎麼擅自定義別人性別 這是歧視
西遊記是要怎麼弄女角 唐僧性轉?
沒有 母猴子 母蜘蛛 母白骨精嗎
[閒聊] 微軟提醒開發者注意女角身體比例誇張的Microsoft cautions developers to avoid curvy female characters78
[歧視] FF16因缺乏"多樣性"而被少部分玩家抵制Here's why some players plan to boycott Final Fantasy 16 Some Final Fantasy players have revealed they plan to boycott Final Fantasy 16 due to the development team's "continuously questionable response" to the lack of diversity in the game69
[閒聊] 【IGN CHINA】10 分!《黑神話:悟空》遊【IGN CHINA】10 分!《黑神話:悟空》遊戲評測 Black Myth: Wukong Review Black Myth: Wukong Review A great action game with fantastic combat, exciting bosses, and a few too44
[討論] 驚奇隊長2觀眾分布From Deadline Other diagnostics on The Marvels: 65% male leaning, with 45% men over 25, 22% women over 25 (giving it the best grades at 82%), men under 25 at 20%, and women under 25 at 14%. Biggest demo was 25-34 at 33%. Diversity demos were 36% Caucasian, 27% Latino and Hispanic, 17% Black, and 14% Asian.40
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Re: [新聞] 動視暴雪「多元化工具」為遊戲角色種族他們修改文章移除圖片後又加上這一段,我覺得是越描越黑啦 Started in 2016, the Diversity Space Tool–currently in beta–was designed as an optional supplement to the hard work and focus our teams already place on telling diverse stories with diverse characters, but decisions regarding in-game content have been and will always be driven by development teams. The6
[問卦] XY女在體能上有優勢的證據?先說不討論個人單純討論學術 畢竟輿論風頭上的那位是xx還是xy仍是個謎 在pubmed看到一篇免錢的文章 還沒被要求撤稿或erratum 應該內容沒大問題2
[問卦] 仇女是3000年前的過時產品本肥(近百公斤)原本以為仇女hate female是網路世代的東西 可是剛剛聽油土伯講到一個單字 Misogyny 這是兩個古希臘文合在一起 意思就是仇女 Misogynistic Misogynist 仇女人 居然3000年前就有這種概念1
Re: [劍星] 專家:放棄50%潛在女性市場並不明智原文連結 As of 2023, around 50 percent of people who play games are women. 2023年有50%玩遊戲的人是女性 連結點進去是這篇- 聽說娘炮/公主無法區分female跟lady? 有卦嗎? 看到外國談話性節目的內容 發現外國男人比台灣娘炮敢講真話 而且邏輯清晰! 我相信一定有很多娘炮看不懂影片中的邏輯-.- ladies and gentlemen一句常見的英文開場 卻沒有人知道真正的意思 肯定有卦@@
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[閒聊] 我愛棕色塵埃2爆
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Re: [問題] 台 灣 料 理37
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