[情報] 10/06/2020 Daily Horoscope
You are the one who calls to check on a friend when they are down or an
ill neighbor to see if they need anything. You are the one who can sense
when someone is suffering silently. Your empathy means that you can tune
in to those who need you and respond with compassion and loving care. But
you don't always treat yourself with equal care and attention, dear
Moonchild. And that kind of self-care should not be limited to times when
you are emotionally drained or not feeling well in any way. Today, simply
to celebrate yourself, do something that demonstrates self-love. Even if
you don't feel you really need it - do it still, and you will see the
benefit of this.
樓上很貼切 XD"
謝謝翻譯 希望難熬的日子能漸漸過去
[情報] 09/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have received a job, a role, or an assignment of some kind that feels too big to conquer. It isn't that you don't have the skills or the talent, Moonchild - it's just that you may not feel quite like your old self right now. You have always had a powerful mind, but recent events may have left you feeling weaker. Take a few moments today to envision some pleasant time in the2
[情報] 24/12/2021 Daily Horoscope如果你在花園裡種滿了玫瑰、牡丹、金盞花、紫荊...等等,你可能會在期待著一個可愛 的溫室。 但是如果你不照顧它,給它澆水、除草和施肥,它可能不會長成你所設想的樣子。 當然,你可能很幸運,大自然可以提供你一些基礎的培育。 但如果沒有你的照顧,你的花園就不太可能發揮全部潛力。2
[情報] 2023/05/23 Daily Horoscope如果一位親密的朋友或愛人向你倾訴他們感到尷尬或不安,你會怎麼說? 也許他們正面對一個挑戰或機會,卻感到自己不足以成功完成。 你肯定會提起這個人的所有優點和才能,鼓勵他們相信自己。 如果今天你感到尷尬或不安,親愛的月之子,也要做同樣的事情。 你絕對有能力應對這個任務!1
[情報] 08/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 7月 8 You are well known for your empathy, Moonchild. You can pick up the emotions o ther people are feeling, even if you don't know them well. And when you do, yo u feel those emotions too. It is both a blessing and a curse. But now someone may not understand how deeply empathic you are, and they may think you don't u1
[情報] 13/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 13 You are good at figuring out emotional puzzles, Moonchild. Your own emotions a re right there on the surface most of the time, even when you deny them. Your empathy allows you to pick up what others are feeling, sometimes to the point where you can relate to and even experience these emotions yourself. But you m1
[情報] 30/09/2021 Daily Horoscope創造一個安全溫暖的家庭空間,養育你所愛的人,也許烤一盤自製的餅乾-這些都是給你 帶來安慰的東西,月之子。你的就是家的標誌。 你為你愛和關心的人提供溫柔的照顧。 所以,當你被對待的方式不像你對待他人的方式那樣尊重或愛時,它會讓人感覺像是一記 耳光,甚至可能導致情緒的洪流。1
[情報] 20/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能有很強的直覺,而且你通常可以用你的直覺來幫助你度過最困難的情況,它有時候 會是無懈可擊的。 如果你超級緊張或擔心,或者恐懼在你試圖做出的決定或選擇中起作用,你的第六感可能 更難進入和依賴,因為這些東西會影響你的感覺。 不過今天,你的敏感度是相當強的。1
[情報] 2023/03/30 Daily Horoscope今天有人可能會試圖分散你的注意力,使你無法做你真正想做的事情。 他們可能認為這對你來說是個不好的選擇,並且可能會嘗試以幽默或爭論,甚至用其他方 式吸引你的注意力,親愛的月之子,但你需要保持對你的計劃的專注。 這其實是一個非常好的計劃,即使別人並不真正理解它。 一旦你實現了它,這些好處也會變得顯而易見。1
[情報] 06/12 the daily horoscopeYour mood may be growing dark and dreary because someone you care about is fee ling that way. Your empathy is causing you to feel that person's pain, even th ough you may not realize it. It's nice to help someone out, taking your time t o encourage and support them, but you may have to protect yourself by keeping just a bit of distance from that person's problems emotionally. That doesn't m- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。