[情報] 雷諾與法拉利一起反對2022年引擎凍結研發

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"If you had asked me six months ago, we would have pushed hard for an even
lower cap budget, to try to contain the costs of the chassis, but also to
reduce those related to the engine by accepting a freeze," said Abiteboul.
"But Red Bull Racing and Honda were against it and we accepted it."

So we continued on a different path. Since then, we have been very busy
working on the 2022 engine platform and, if you ask me today what I think
about freezing the engines, my position is clearly different from the one I
had six months ago.

“I am against freezing the engines. We have no intention to stop what could
be a very important platform for us. We do not accept it.”





Red Bull boss Christian Horner is aware that not all his rivals will back thefreeze plan, which is why he wants the FIA to step in.

"I think that ultimately this is where self-interest comes into play, and youknow the job of the regulator and the commercial rights owner has to look at
the broader picture of what is right for F1," he said at Imola.

"We've obviously lost a manufacturer in Honda, which is disastrous news for
the sport. And for Red Bull to take on that engine project, we just can't
comprehend [the costs], obviously thinking about open development,
particularly in the world that it currently is at.

"I think the FIA and the commercial rights holder, they're having
constructive discussions. Obviously that needs to take place hand-in-hand
with the OEMs that have an involvement in the sport.

"And I believe that that is what will happen, and obviously some form of
solution needs to be found in the coming weeks."

紅牛老闆Christian Horner 知道並非所有競爭對手都會支持凍結計劃,
這就是他希望FIA 介入的原因。


就是從更寬廣的角度來看什麼才是對F1 是正確的。






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prozen2111/01 16:17凍結的話 法爛爛明年真的就沒救了 好險vet明年開賓士引

prozen2111/01 16:17

seiya200011/01 16:25不管有沒有凍結,法拉利明年都沒救了

realion11/01 16:41今年就沒救了,不用明年

jior11/01 16:46不然乾脆辦A1算惹

gdd965917311/01 17:341樓明年是2021,依照時程法拉拉就是得爛

hsnu10343711/01 17:45現在已經夠無聊了還凍結,是嫌收視率太高嗎?

creepy11/01 18:01但是 我們全體支持凍結賓士的引擎研發

crazylin92411/01 18:02red bull還是下點血本吧

Transposon11/01 18:08

ian5king11/01 18:15我跑得沒你快,所以你不准跑,等我~

seiya200011/01 18:31錢對紅牛是問題嗎?找不到引擎供應商才是問題吧

VL100311/01 18:36就這對話來看,算紅牛作繭自縛,之前反對,現在又提凍結。

bob87050711/01 19:09之前的紅牛也想不到會有被Honda拋棄的一天吧

bob87050711/01 19:10賓士:凍結好啊,這樣正好你們追不上 雷諾:凍結個頭

bob87050711/01 19:10!這樣我們怎麼追 法拉利:母湯啦。拜託啦。

oiuj0611/01 19:15今年賽季結束後休賽期間應該沒有凍結可以正常研發吧?凍

oiuj0611/01 19:15結的應該是指開季後禁止修改動力單元的部分?還是我之前

oiuj0611/01 19:15會錯意??