[情報] 09/23 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini標題[情報] 09/23 the daily horoscope 作者
(Guardian Angel)
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

A memory can bring a smile to your face, or it can make your heart ache. A recent memory may be both sweet and bitter because it recaptures a time in your life that seemed ideal. But if you are feeling pangs of sadness, Gemini, you need to honor that memory by letting it bring you happiness rather than sadness. Although that moment is gone, it has framed for you something beautiful - something that can happen again for you in the future. Let that give you hope, and let that make you smile. make your heart ache. A recent memory may be both sweet and bitter because it recaptures a time in your life that seemed ideal. But if you are feeling pangs of sadness, Gemini, you need to honor that memoryby letting it bring you happiness rather than sadness. Although that moment is gone, it has framed for you something beautiful - something that can happen again for you in the future. Let that give you hope, and let that make you smile.






雖然時光已逝,但是它為你勾勒出美好事物的框架 —



Ps. 如有誤譯請指教,謝謝。


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hwes0209/22 14:19謝謝翻譯

AnitaWW09/23 16:04謝謝