[情報] 11/17 the daily horoscope
A memory that you keep revisiting has a sad tinge to it. You may be thinking about this a lot recently, dear Gemini. First, you need to understand why thishas come back into focus. It might help you to realize that there is some sadness you need to heal. You can't change the past, but you can use a sad memoryfrom the past to infuse your future with hope by doing things differently. Most likely there is a lesson to be learned that might apply to a current situation, and if you do that, the future memory of it will be joyful rather than sad.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoA quilt is made up of many different patches of fabric that all somehow blend together to form a big, beautiful picture. It may be made of scraps of clothin g or something else that may have special meaning to it, such as a child's bab y blanket, a wedding dress, and so on. You may be in the midst of trying to pu ll something together that seems to have too many disparate elements or person1
首PoYou are an ebullient force of nature. You are fun-loving and dynamic, and othe rs seek you out for your congenial ways. And although the facade you present i s quite appealing, Gemini, not everyone knows the deeper part of your personal ity. You don't share your most heartfelt thoughts or emotions with just anyone . You have a penchant for holding back when it comes to expressing yourself th1
首PoIf you were to walk through your living room at night in the dark, you might s tumble into the coffee table or over an ottoman, or perhaps another piece of f urniture or some other obstacle. That's why it makes sense to turn on the ligh t before entering the room or to bring along a flashlight or a candle if the p ower has gone out. It's just common sense, right? And yet you are now proceedi2
首PoYour boundaries may be tested today by someone who wants to get closer to you. Being an affable person, someone may assume they can ask personal questions o f you or dig into aspects of your life that you feel are none of your business . But don't get defensive, Gemini. If you make the assumption that this person is just being pushy or nosy, you may handle it wrong. There may just be a des
[情報] 09/23 the daily horoscopeA memory can bring a smile to your face, or it can make your heart ache. A rec ent memory may be both sweet and bitter because it recaptures a time in your l ife that seemed ideal. But if you are feeling pangs of sadness, Gemini, you ne ed to honor that memory by letting it bring you happiness rather than sadness. Although that moment is gone, it has framed for you something beautiful - som2
[情報] 02/07 the daily horoscopeYou have been keeping something bottled up deep inside, dear Gemini. You long to share how you are feeling with someone, but you are feeling sad and lonely, and you don't think anyone will want to hear about it. There is someone speci al in your life, though, who has been wondering what's wrong. They haven't hea rd from you, or you just haven't been yourself. Don't be afraid to let it all1
[情報] 08/30 the daily horoscopeHave you ever completed a goal or worked toward something that ended very well , only to then feel a bit sad or disappointed? The high does not continue once the fanfare wears off. That's because you are an ambitious person, Gemini, an d you need to have something to look forward to and something to work for. If you have recently reached a milestone or earned something that is important to1
[情報] 2024/02/17 Daily Horoscope你現在需要知道什麼? 如果你不知道你需要知道什麼,你將如何弄清楚事情? 如果你一直在處理這樣一個謎團,它可能會讓你感到焦躁、憤怒、悲傷和迷茫,你不知道 如何去解決它,因為你並不真正了解令人不安的衝突究竟是如何開始的。 別再糾結了,親愛的月之子。1
[情報] 02/25 the daily horoscopeAn irritating, aggravating, and perhaps sad experience is coming to an end. Yo u know that something much better lies ahead on your horizon, dear Gemini. Yet you can't seem to let go of what was and focus on what is yet to be - or even the present moment. You are clinging to anger, sadness, or feelings of vindic tiveness, but all of that will only work against you, not for you in any way.1
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeThe late, great Elvis Presley sang about living in the Heartbreak Hotel. The s ong has to do with a broken heart, and it's all about dwelling in loneliness. Sometimes, though, dear Gemini, loneliness is a choice. If you are feeling hea rtbroken now over something - whether it is connected to your love life or to something else entirely - keep in mind that you can check out of that sad plac1
[情報] 05/22 the daily horoscopeYou do not have a time machine, dear Gemini, and you cannot recapture the way something used to be. That may seem like a ridiculous thing to say to you, sin ce it is pretty obvious. However, this might be the reminder you need now so t hat you can stop dwelling on the past. When you constantly revisit an old memo ry and long for it in the here and now, you are giving away your presence in t- A sad memory could easily set the tone for a sad day. If you accidentally stum ble into a memory that makes you feel lost or down, you need to seek out some way to inspire yourself through it. Even if it represents something that did n ot work out well for you, Gemini, or perhaps something that you lost, there is always something good that you can take from it if you look hard enough. Alwa
- 無論何時,世界上都會發生很多可怕的事情。 即使你不看新聞,不尋找悲傷或令人痛心的故事,你也會在談話中、在你身邊的某個螢幕 上,或在隨便一個螢幕上聽到它們。 但是,親愛的月之子,你仍然可以度過積極而富有成效的一天。 今天,如果你被悲傷或憤怒的情緒所困擾,試著向這個世界送去一些美好的希望,想像它
- The older you get, the more it sinks in that we are only here on earth for a v ery limited time, and none of us knows how long it will be. This may be a mess age that you are in need of hearing right now, dear Gemini. You may be dwellin g on sad, angry, or negative thoughts, and that is a terrible waste of your pr ecious time. You are here to love, to succeed, and to enjoy your life, and fri