[情報] 06/08 the daily horoscope
There were certain times when "mood rings" were quite popular. They were generally an ordinary metal ring with a big glass stone that changed colors based,supposedly, on your mood. Blue, for example, might mean that you were feelinghappy. Red, on the other hand, might mean that your temper was flaring. Even though the rings were based on the temperature and were supposed to gauge yourmood, they were often wrong because of external factors that could influence the temperature. Similarly, when you deal with people, you should be careful because you can't always read someone's mood "temperature" accurately. Keep that in mind as you deal with someone today. Tread carefully until you get the chance to get a more accurate reading.
首PoYou are special, Gemini, but you may not see yourself that way right now. You may not believe you have anything to offer when it comes to an opportunity you have a chance to be a part of. Do not underestimate yourself. If a chance arr ives today or very soon to become involved in something big - something that s trikes you immediately as a good thing - then don't hesitate to say yes, and d1
首PoYou are not someone who shies away from controversy. In fact, Gemini, you love a good debate. Your mercurial mind can take on the best of arguments, and you can talk to anyone about anything. Even so, today may not be a good day to en gage in that sort of banter. There may be someone who tries to discuss a serio us issue, and you may have very strong opinions about it. You may not be able1
首PoFixing a problem can be easy if you know what the problem is. That may sound l ike a silly statement, dear Gemini, because it's so obvious. Right now, howeve r, you may be trying to fix something that is not responding to your efforts. That could be because you are addressing the wrong thing. Something you see as a problem may not be a problem at all. It may be something else that has not
[情報] 20/07/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能沒有心情去處理那些充滿挑剔的、戲劇性的、憤怒的、被激怒的或令人討厭的人。 事實上,你可能根本就沒有心情和任何人打交道。 你確實時不時地進入那種情緒,親愛的月之子,在那裡你沒有耐心容忍惱怒和愚蠢的行為 。 只要你能認識到這是你現在的狀態,你就能通過獨自尋求慰藉來處理它,或潛心於一個創5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/09你或許有個需要開始的大計畫,親愛的阿牛。也許你一直在拖延,直到你的心態變得正確 。惱人的細節、難纏的個性和令人不快的環境可能讓你最近心情不是那麼愉快。但你不能 因為一切還沒到位就持續等待,即便它不是那麼理想,那就在你朝它邁進前靠近它吧。你 該看見它,因為你是負責的那個人,不只要去制定這個計劃,也要創造那個你該有的心情 。開始行動後你的情緒就會好轉的。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/07你現在跟一個家人或是和你同樣親近的朋友所面臨到的問題可能會耗盡你的能量且使你的 心情變差。這或許會讓你產生絕望的想法,阿牛。當你盡最大努力讓某事成功而它最終卻 沒有時,這可能會使你相當洩氣。你無法控制另一個人,所以如果他們沒有為這個過程付 出與你相同的努力時,你也無能為力。但是當你意識到這點時,你會覺得相當自由且滿足 。當你這麼做時,你或許會發現對方回心轉意了。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/26你也許在躲避某個認識的人,因為他們正在生氣。但這個人也可以在正確的時間點有著愉 快的心情,所以你可能需要重新考慮一下。避開壞能量是個明智的選擇,但這次可能不同 ,親愛的阿牛。因為你不想讓自己的情緒受影響,但這次可能有機會讓對方的心情好轉, 也能保護你的好心情。試著在談話中插入愉快的想法和美好的氛圍,你可能會改變整個情 況,使它變得更好。3
[情報] 01/09 Daily HoroscopeHaving an important talk with someone while you are in a volatile mood is a bi t risky. You are, after all, quite a passionate person and given to expressing yourself emphatically, if not theatrically. Today, Leo, you are encouraged to wait until that mood passes before you speak up about something that is on yo ur mind. If you don't, you may give the wrong impression, which could cloud th2
[情報] 10/13 the daily horoscopeEverything in your life can be dramatically enhanced through positive thinking . Can you remember a time when things were going your way? If so, you can prob ably also recall that you were feeling upbeat and enthusiastic, and this posit ive attitude made everything better. If you feel that you are in a slump right now, perhaps you are trying to justify your dark mood. But that won't do you1
[情報] 07/03 the daily horoscopeYou can be quite the social butterfly when you're in the mood, and you are lik ely to be in the mood today. But don't waste your flamboyance and the sense of excitement that you carry with you in any old crowd. Seek out the people who truly appreciate you and who give you the synergy you need to be your best, mo st thrilling self. It's not all about the fun though - you may be able to make- When you start the day in a bad mood, every single irritation you experience might seem extra-irritating. When you're in a good mood, though, those small annoyances become hardly noticeable. Our moods definitely dictate the way we experience life, dear Moonchild. If you find yourself feeling irritable or blue today, then make it a priority to find a way to
- Someone in your life may be lashing out at you and treating you badly when the y are really angry with someone else. It isn't fair, of course. It's like acci dentally stepping in front of a target that you had no idea was there. But you don't have to endure that, dear Gemini. You don't have to put up with someone 's sour mood if it results in treating you unkindly. What's the answer? You co
- When a child is in a bad mood and grumpy, their parents might offer them milk and cookies, a toy to play with, or maybe a trip to the playground. In other w ords, something positive and rewarding to distract the child from a bad mood. This will most likely result in a happier child who is in a better mood. It do esn't seem that easy, though, for an adult. Pulling yourself out of a dark or