[問卦] 用英文搭訕正妹第一句要說啥比較好?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 用英文搭訕正妹第一句要說啥比較好?作者
時間推噓46 推:51 噓:5 →:23

聽說台灣的女生 對外國朋友會友善一點

畢竟噁心台男很多 不然怎麼會有跟騷法




不要 say my mane


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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justin0309 10/30 13:03may show gun more

leoqqqoel 10/30 13:03may

k385476916 10/30 13:03May

pttnowash 10/30 13:03 hi, may show gun more?

Howard61313 10/30 13:03June

qt359101 10/30 13:03may show gun more

HTC92 10/30 13:042百美元

chrisjohn214 10/30 13:04This is a pen

makimakimaki 10/30 13:04coffee tea or me

Howard61313 10/30 13:04I have pineapple

King5566 10/30 13:04show me your tits

uluvu0 10/30 13:04evil beware!

seuil 10/30 13:05This is a pen. It's 30cm.

MysterySW 10/30 13:05tight tight tight!!

belucky 10/30 13:05may

ARCHERDEVIL 10/30 13:06Hey, what’s up

xoxo8 10/30 13:06Taiwan can help

wolve 10/30 13:07creampie?

scum5566 10/30 13:07wanna fuck?

GaussQQ 10/30 13:07這八年你過得好嗎?

dbdudsorj 10/30 13:07may show gun more

tyrande 10/30 13:07i go to school by bus.

alen0303 10/30 13:07hey pussy

Nigger5566 10/30 13:08may

Howard61313 10/30 13:08暖她一整天

railman 10/30 13:09Show your pussy let me happy

Tsukasa0320 10/30 13:11Wanna try my big'cock bitch?

venomsoul 10/30 13:12May

eookg 10/30 13:12How you doin'?

ck900451 10/30 13:13How are you going? 部長教的

AllenPro 10/30 13:13DTF?

bullace 10/30 13:14i can’t speak chinese

sealdoom 10/30 13:15Can I get any of you cunts a drink?

CRAZYJEFFY 10/30 13:17How much?(X

CIDgreen 10/30 13:21Woman, Give me your IG.

iWatch5566 10/30 13:23Taiwan need help

sali921 10/30 13:25May

jjrdk 10/30 13:26May

wolve 10/30 13:26KHS

holybless 10/30 13:27whosyourdaddy

kiopl 10/30 13:28My sofa is big and comfortable

christu 10/30 13:31How're you doing ~~

daye2012 10/30 13:32suck my dick,please

wangisiung 10/30 13:35I am rich

nwkasim 10/30 13:41你先把name拼對再來說= =

Nonegrame 10/30 13:49i come from america

stlinman 10/30 13:50Hi

star1023 10/30 13:51 rich

bluehttp 10/30 13:51How much?

FRANCO11 10/30 13:53My GG is inin der , make sure gun mo

FRANCO11 10/30 13:53re

mikechang829 10/30 13:56GG inin der want ur pretty tight

mikechang829 10/30 13:56 hole

ots625 10/30 14:01Play one?

af2772af 10/30 14:05This is a book

parappa 10/30 14:05How much?

tello 10/30 14:08show me your pussy

beatnik9100 10/30 14:10r u ok?

j900414 10/30 14:25how da o

gaymuscle 10/30 14:26May show …

TomChu 10/30 14:27may

spirit4442 10/30 14:28May

KMTlikesshit 10/30 14:39ICewallowcome?

andytaso 10/30 14:40how much

macgyfu 10/30 14:45How are you doing?

mcucte 10/30 14:46test 30 cm

dogtsai 10/30 15:08Are you free tonight? 這個是不是老人

dogtsai 10/30 15:08家才懂(13妹)

linlaosure 10/30 15:21Is your abalone feels lonely?

youbo 10/30 15:34Wanna see my little woody?

wayhowhown 10/30 17:21Hi,你們畢竟是死忠的

kabukiryu 10/30 17:23My father are continuous war.

daye2012 10/30 18:02suck my dick

trevor5566 10/30 18:17How’s going ?

idolater 10/30 18:39Want to see my cat do a backflip?

double2783 10/30 19:52may

cobras638 10/31 03:28i love rakuten girls

rm76 10/31 16:54我都用Hello there開頭,期待哪天會有人回我

rm76 10/31 16:54General Kenobi