[討論] 跟著黃國昌學英文
Owe 欠
小華:「Owe...Owe 有欠你嗎?」
小華:「Owe...Owe 有欠你嗎?」
抄寫 Owe 二十遍
照樣造句 三句
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] Parsons談AR下一份合約:盡可能多賺錢“You have a very short window as a professional athlete to make the most amount of money you can… You owe these teams nothing Austin Reaves, go get your money.” @ChandlerParsons on Austin Reaves' next contract4
[問卦] 老師叫學生改考卷名字,學生的錯嗎張老師監考小考 發現小明不會寫都亂寫 於是跟小明說 小明,你把名字改成小華 然後又跟小華說2
[情報] 03/10/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,有人欠你一個解釋。 但他們欠你一個解釋並不意味著他們會給你解釋。 為什麼呢? 那可能是因為一旦給出了解釋-或者如果沒有合理的解釋-他們也可能欠你一個道歉,那會 讓人感到羞愧。2
Re: [問卦] 沒房的人在家族和朋友面前,會被看不起嗎情境a (親戚聚餐) 小明:今天這頓我請,謝謝各位阿姨叔叔的照顧,還有這是伴手禮blah blah blah……… 親戚評價:小明很用心,想得周到對長輩很尊敬 情境b2
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeYou would love to just relax and be able to enjoy yourself today, Gemini, and you can. The way to do that is to concentrate on the good things in your life and the promise of what is to come in a hopeful way. Do not fixate on problems , worries, conflicts, and so on. There is no obligation to do that. You owe yo urself a day of joy and peace with thoughts of fresh new beginnings. The more2
[情報] 11/28 the daily horoscopeBe careful today about any records or information you receive that is supposed to support someone's claim about what they have done for you or what they owe you. It would be easy to take it all in and think it's all there. You can't d o this quickly, dear Gemini. You have to spend some time making notes and reca lling what happened from beginning to end. You may find that what you receive1
[情報] 24/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are a very dependable person, Moonchild. And you are also extremely loyal. Anyone who knows you well knows this to be the case. You tend to hold this aspect of your reputation sacred because this aspect of your reputation is important to you. That's why you often take on more than you should - so as not to disappoint someone who expects something from you -- 我的夢想遊戲:「悲劇模擬器」 在一個有三十個村民的中世紀小鎮,度過五天的遊戲。 建議是要多次遊玩,體驗不同的可能性。 每天會發生的事都是固定的,除非玩家的你去干涉,去造成蝴蝶效應。 每個角色有1~5的好感度。
Re: [討論] 只有我不懂為啥要念簡訊嗎這兩個人的對話 用這樣類比可能會比較好懂 小明:欸小華,屎可以吃嗎? 小華:可以 小明吃完- 國昌老師有沒有可能會在國會殿堂大吼: Do do do do do, do I owe you !? Do I owe you !? 還是說do 來 do 去,看傅總召臉色不對, 腦袋急轉彎之下,就變成:
[討論] 黃國昌:四叉貓111千萬不要跑來蹭!34
[討論] 認真問,該如何告訴青少年111遊行訴求85
[討論] 黃國昌的中心思想是什麼?25
[討論] 阿北好可憐 都快失智了 然後阿堯還在爽?22
[討論] 民眾黨很不會挑時間嗎?爆
[討論] 以後歷史會怎麼稱呼1/11大遊行28
[討論] 館長:中國製太強了幹 民進黨不關心傳產52
[討論] 陳茂嘉國民黨現任中評委 PGtalk策略長15
[討論] 台南板怎麼這麼討厭林俊憲?16
[討論] 柯文哲在TVBS粉專都逆風也太慘、東森也是16
[討論] 2028 年賴清德大概率連任總統12
[轉錄] 高金素梅(吉瓦斯・阿麗):111下午兩點見7
[討論] 徐巧芯蠻可愛的15
[討論] 應曉薇也抗告 貪污四人組抗告三人 柯呢13
[討論] 民眾黨支持度有崩盤嗎48
[討論] 黃國昌:超過10位藍委響應釘孤枝9
[討論] 宋楚瑜才是真的被國民黨搞掉的9
[討論] 台派抵制麥當勞徹底失敗! !9
[討論] 民進黨怎沒人敢參加111遊行?9
[討論] 為什麼正常人都很不認同民眾黨跟小草?8
Re: [討論] 館長:中國製太強了幹 民進黨不關心傳產1
Re: [討論] 黃國昌的中心思想是什麼?3
[討論] 政黑低能智障綠狗又被打臉了。XDX
[討論] 美國燒成這樣 民進黨還把消防員當作敵人15
Re: [新聞] Excel檔柯P的?前檢察官吳宗憲揪北檢錯了3
[轉錄] 台灣民眾黨:大清綠法看顏色辦案6
[黑特] 國民黨台南會不會是謝龍介選到80歲?7
Re: [討論] 民眾黨支持度有崩盤嗎5
[討論] 公民課本要怎麼介紹北檢?6
[討論] 1/11失智老人前兆會怎麼想