[情報] 奧蘭多爭取MLB擴編

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MLB hasn’t tried to hide the fact that it wants to add two teams — and another group is pitching a city and a concept.


A group led by former NBA executive Pat Williams is looking to start a team in Orlando, a pitch including a $1.7 billion stadium funded in part by $975 millionfrom tourist taxes. The group, which calls the proposed team “The Dreamers,” also wants to build 1,000 hotel rooms adjacent to the stadium.

Williams has already helped launch another major team, the Orlando Magic, who joined the NBA in 1989.


一組由前NBA管理層Pat Williams帶領的團隊



Pat Williams在1989年也協助了NBA奧蘭多魔術的成立

Orlando, a two-hour drive from the Tampa Bay Rays in Saint Petersburg and three-and-a-half from the Miami Marlins, wi look to draw more fans — where both rival markets have failed.

The Rays and Miami Marlins were respectively 28th and 29th in average home gameattendance last year. The Marlins remain 29th this season, while a dominant start to the season has helped the Rays climb to 25th.


Orlando isn’t alone in pitching a new MLB city. A group led by retired pitcherDave Stewart has been pushing a new team in Nashville. The minority-owned group, which plans to name the team the Stars after the city’s Negro Leagues team, claims to have received positive signs from MLB commissioner Rob Manfred.

A group in Salt Lake City is also angling for a team. Charlotte, Portland, and Montreal are often mentioned as potential expansion sites.


Salt Lake City


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MapleLeaf15105/04 21:39沒經歷過擴編時期 這樣不就會有分區球隊比其他區多


saiulbb05/04 21:40好開心 希望MLB越來越大

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/04/2023 21:42:09

haruhi556605/04 21:43光芒可以搬過去

lowl9905/04 21:50光芒和馬林魚那票房,奧蘭多就算爭取票房也不會好到哪裡去

turkeyma05/04 21:51Orlando 就在Tampa bay 隔壁一小時車程….

cor1os05/04 21:54無情的城市還想擴啊 -.-

eapcy05/04 22:08要是在AL跟天使一定會變成迪士尼大戰

MapleLeaf15105/04 22:11對齁 忘記太空人原本是國聯的

CHERRYCOLA05/04 22:14分區球隊比其他區多那就多啊,美西以前就只有4隊,國

CHERRYCOLA05/04 22:14聯中有6隊,這有什麼問題嗎?

Sechslee05/04 22:15沒差啊 尤其現在跟同分區的場數也變少了

CHERRYCOLA05/04 22:19奧蘭多如果加入,去國聯比較好。如果只看票房,則是去

CHERRYCOLA05/04 22:19美聯,同區有基襪撐住

bestteam05/04 22:23佛羅里達已經兩隊了耶 而且那兩隊的票房...

bestteam05/04 22:27而且設奧蘭多是把坦帕當王八蛋嗎

sampsonlu91905/04 22:35奧蘭多不是市場跟坦帕重複?

jhb052005/04 22:36希望光芒搬過去

zx246800tw05/04 22:42波特蘭水泥隊?

bestteam05/04 22:48光芒要搬也是在坦帕都會區找的好地點 搬去奧蘭多幹嘛?

Sechslee05/04 22:53坦帕(X) 聖彼得堡(O)

carlchang09205/04 23:07要是變32隊應該分區會改8×4或是4×8,8×4的話龍頭

carlchang09205/04 23:07加上2外卡共10隊,4×8就分區前三都進然後跟現在的

carlchang09205/04 23:07季後賽模式差不多,四個分區冠軍直接二輪開始,其他

carlchang09205/04 23:07二三名錯開來打取一個上去

Burtgang05/04 23:52蒙特婁 = = 國民隊表示:

sunnyyoung05/04 23:53拜託不要

cobras63805/04 23:57佛羅里達已經兩隊了

borriss05/05 00:02 佛州大州有在候選名單也很正常啦?

Langerhans05/05 00:05一東一西的話比較看好納許維爾和波特蘭

Murayama05/05 00:09佛羅里達就不愛棒球 還在這擴編幹嘛啦

jarrodqq89605/05 00:10要的話乾脆光芒搬到兩個城市中間的Lakeland 交通也

jarrodqq89605/05 00:10比現在那邊方便

saidon05/05 00:19佛州不愛棒球?人家可是mlb球員出產第二多的州

jarrodqq89605/05 00:25馬林魚扣掉疫情不能進場的那一年 將近20年沒打季後

jarrodqq89605/05 00:25賽了 戰績那個樣子票房怎麼可能會多好? 今年看有沒

jarrodqq89605/05 00:25有機會

ltw8910405/05 01:37佛州人是只打棒球不愛去現場看球 人口太分散而且到處都

ltw8910405/05 01:37是小球場

yoche200005/05 01:52夏洛特吧 北卡沒球隊阿

duo13105/05 04:01西部吧~~球隊太少了

chen551205/05 05:45阿拉斯加沒球隊

wenhh8805/05 09:16鹽湖城啦,傳教士隊

sanadayasu05/05 09:56納什維爾蠻適合的吧

nuggets091605/05 10:06ABQ 冰毒隊 太太太

ca112305/05 11:14Montreal之前就養不起來不是...

burdette05/05 12:13Montreal博覽會之前才遷到華盛頓

burdette05/05 12:16最好是附近沒有其他球隊的城市

sylviehsiang05/05 13:30國民搬家也快二十年了,市場有變也不意外

bj45112305/05 16:40關島拉

brella05/05 21:34希望隊徽可以漂亮一點

gso198705/06 05:17坦帕是球場太爛位置太差…邁阿密是太多娛樂…但棒球人口

gso198705/06 05:17不少