[情報] Manfred對太鼓事件進行發言

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時間推噓3X 推:26 噓:58 →:41

NORTH PORT, Fla. -- MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred spoke Sunday afternoon at
Grapefruit League media day and answered a variety of questions regarding thebaseball world’s reaction to the punishments the Astros received for illegal
sign-stealing in 2017 and 2018.


“When we began the investigation after we became aware of the Houston
situation, we started with an important and fundamental goal and that goal
was to make sure that we found the facts, completed the investigation,
figured out what was going on and put ourselves in a position to be as
transparent with our fans and the other clubs as possible,” Manfred said. “
Our desire to find the facts, to figure out what really went on, drove a lot
of the decisions we made in the investigation process.


(呃 所以哪些球員乾淨的可不可以公開一下.....)

“I think the worst possible outcome from this institution would’ve been if
we had conducted an investigation and we came back and said, 'You know, we
just couldn’t figure out what was going on.' People had a right to know what
happened, and we did achieve that goal.”



No players were disciplined as part of the process, and Manfred stood behind
that decision despite some recent criticism from players around the league
that Astros players got off too easy.


“I’m more than prepared to tolerate and listen to the debate and criticism
about whether or not the punishments that have been levied in this case were
sufficient,” Manfred said. “The one thing that I do take an issue with is
the notion that anyone in the Houston organization escaped without
punishment. I think if you look at the faces of the Houston players as they
went out there publicly addressing this issue, they have been hurt by this.
They will live with questions about what went on in 2017 and 2018 for the
rest of their lives. And frankly it’s rare that for any offense, to have a
punishment that you have to live with for the rest of your life.”



Manfred said MLB officials spent considerable time considering whether to
strip the Astros of their championship.


“We thought about it,” he said. “It was high in terms of the minutes that
we spent talking about it. My thinking involves several points. First of all,it had never happened in baseball. And I’m a precedent guy. I’m not saying
you always follow precedent, but I think you ought to start by looking back
at the way things have been done and you have to have a really good reason todepart from that precedent.



“I believed that the most fundamental obligation was to get the facts, put
them out there, and let people make their own judgment as to what happened inthe 2017 season and the 2017 World Series. If nothing else, I think we can
all agree that we’ve gotten enough facts out there, and plenty of people
have made their judgments as to what went on.”



So while MLB did not take the trophy back, the investigation has cast the
championship team in a different light.


“Once you have a situation in which the 2017 World Series will always be
looked at as something different, whether or not you put an asterisk or ask
for the trophy back, I just don’t think it makes that much difference,"
Manfred said. "I think we did what we should do: We found the facts and we
were transparent about them. Once you go down that road of changing what
happens on the field, I just don’t know how you decide where you stop.”


Manfred touched on a series of related topics, including:


Whether the Astros punishment had been serious enough to deter others: “


Yeah, I do. I think perspective, right? You had four really respected
baseball people -- [Astros president of baseball operations] Jeff Luhnow,
[Astros manager] AJ Hinch, [Red Sox manager] Alex Cora and [Mets manager]
Carlos Beltrán -- that lost their jobs over this. I think losing your job in
a sport like baseball -- where there’s really no substitute -- is a pretty
serious deterrent. On the player’s side, I don’t think there’s a player in
Major League Baseball who relishes the idea of being a 2017 Houston Astro andis out there answering questions about what exactly happened and why it


On players threatening retaliation against the Astros: “


I think the back-and-forth that’s gone on is not healthy. This is another
topic on which we’re trying to be proactive. I met with half the managers herein Florida before I came out here, and I’ll meet the other half in Arizona. Ihope that I made it extremely clear to them that retaliation in-game by
throwing at a batter intentionally will not be tolerated -- whether it’s at
Houston or anybody else. I think it’s dangerous and it is not helpful to the
current situation.”


On allegations the Astros wore buzzers as part of the sign-stealing:


The players were candid about 2017 and the fact that they violated the rules in2017. They were candid and consistent about the fact that the rules were
violated in 2018. They were equally consistent in the denials, everybody,
every single witness, in the denials about this buzzer allegation. I think inmy own mind, it was hard for me to figure out why they would tell us, given
that they were immune, why they would be truthful, admit they did the wrong
thing in ’17, admit they did the wrong thing in ’18 and then lie about what
was going in '19. Now, can I tell you that I’m 100 percent sure about that?
You’re never 100 percent sure in any of these things, but that was my best



On whether there will be any rule changes made to prevent this from happeningagain: “


I do expect that for 2020, we will have really serious restrictions
on players’ and playing personnel’s access to video in-game. I think it’s
really important for us to send a message to our fans that not only did we
investigate and punish, but that we altered our policies in a way that will
help make sure that it doesn’t happen again.



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Heyward02/17 10:23慘慘慘 聯盟前景暗無天日

polanco02/17 10:24嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

sustainer12302/17 10:25這咖小她媽下台好嗎 史上最爛 聖教主都屌打

catsondbs02/17 10:27這篇沒寫到主席說WS冠軍只是a piece of metal 嘻嘻

bestteam02/17 10:27主席認證2018也有問題 太鼓人球員要在回應一次了嗎

hydreigon02/17 10:27搞屁 講了一大串然後每一句都能吐槽

jimmy1228202/17 10:37

madboy02/17 10:39曼佛地魔銳是來毀滅棒球的

BlitzX02/17 10:39笑死 曼城被罰超重 MLB根本搔癢還搔不到癢處

saidon02/17 10:42阿曼加油好麻

yeng121702/17 10:43爛透了

abc1281202/17 10:44Manfred就學法律的 思維跟恐龍法官差不多吧

edhuang02/17 10:45推翻譯和吐嘈 什麼狗屁透明公開啊

saiulbb02/17 10:47嚴重懷疑Manfred被收買了 講出這些天理難容的護航 噁心

a21345200102/17 10:52可以改名叫做休士頓大聯盟了

a215670002/17 10:54有什麼懲罰比得上良心受譴責還嚴厲嗎?

c658792402/17 10:56

alcard2202/17 10:56垃圾發言

c658792402/17 10:56他還說了冠軍只是 A piece of metal 好嗎?

alcard2202/17 10:57良心受譴責就可以不用罰,那禁藥也不要禁賽了

lym071502/17 10:59主席閱讀能力有問題是不是 還2018咧 Correa會叫你閉嘴啦

kiuo02/17 10:59Correa不是說只有2017嗎,乾爹你要挺也先溝通一下,別這麼快就

ennakura02/17 10:59灣灣歡迎曼仔 讀法律很適合來台灣

kiuo02/17 10:59打你乾兒子的臉

Youssef40402/17 10:59良心受譴責就可以不用罰,那也不用警察了,法院也可以

Youssef40402/17 11:00順便廢除Zzz

lym071502/17 11:00Correa出來面對啊 龜什麼 主席在散播不正確的資訊耶

kiuo02/17 11:02到底是主席認證2018也有作弊還是Correa認證主席閱讀能力有問

kiuo02/17 11:02題呢

globekiller02/17 11:04調查報告2018有的 但有說在某個時間點停止


vata02/17 11:04可以罷免他嗎

waiting080102/17 11:04主席護航成這樣,真的很難看啦

Senga4102/17 11:05休士頓大聯盟

lym071502/17 11:05所以主席先爆雷了?調查還沒公開 就說紅襪承認了?

Senga4102/17 11:06你乾脆直接把世界大賽頒給太鼓人算了

raikkon4102/17 11:08哈哈阿曼最遵守前例哈哈

Gilbertsky02/17 11:10Correa話太多了 他什麼都不說的話也不用一直說謊

Gilbertsky02/17 11:11說了一次謊接下來不管你說什麼別人都不會相信了

seekforever02/17 11:13翻譯就翻譯,可以不要夾心得嗎

wx19002/17 11:13聯盟會不會又要多一個親兒子了

seekforever02/17 11:14他是說太空人2018也有搞事,關紅襪屁事

※ 編輯: youngluke ( 美國), 02/17/2020 11:16:39

accjm244002/17 11:21可以滾了

ft09064602/17 11:21這爛主席跟太空人狼狽為奸 快滾下台吧

ft09064602/17 11:22護太空人護成這樣 是不也有一起參與作弊行動 在當中

ft09064602/17 11:22有得到啥太空人的好處 才敢這樣搞

mark7453102/17 11:23呵呵呵 主席可能是太鼓的大股東吧

ft09064602/17 11:23以前沒被拔冠是因為以前沒人整團都作弊

likemagic02/17 11:23紅襪也有啦,現在別講那麼大聲

ft09064602/17 11:25最合理的處置方式就是17~19太空人+18紅襪的打者全都

ft09064602/17 11:26終身禁賽才合理 球員有合約問題就太空人紅襪球團來賠償

kk202502/17 11:30砸人的能不能比照辦理良心譴責就好?

KMTSUCK02/17 11:30CHO主席??

qwerty6z02/17 11:33他現在只差沒出來說偷暗號是他指示的了

thb9630002/17 11:45MLB百年輝煌歷史要毀在這個主席手中了乾乾乾

vg17502/17 11:46那句是說有四個人因此丟掉工作 不是我們開除了四個人吧

Smoltzy02/17 11:50Manfred到底有多恨棒球?非得搞爛不可

Asucks02/17 11:51把太鼓人隊職員一個一個抓去約談,說謊就開除很難嗎??

conerwind02/17 11:55蝦爆,下台吧!難看!

kltnlious02/17 11:57他已經眾屎之的了,講話還那麼皮

siliver02/17 11:59總覺得發文的很可憐........

Xenogamer02/17 12:00MLB百年聲譽在這垃圾主席眼中一點都不重要

alex872502/17 12:01現在知道為什麼大聯盟會退步了吧 因為這咖還能當主席啊

jajepound02/17 12:03MLB的冠軍意義被他毀了,如果冠軍是可以作弊拿到不用

jajepound02/17 12:03處罰,那冠軍對那些嚴格遵守運動精神爭取冠軍的球員是

jajepound02/17 12:03種褻瀆

Sechslee02/17 12:12所以法院不用判刑 連名字都不用公佈 要你這廢物幹嘛?

mightymouse02/17 12:15問題不在於罰多重,問題在於你連誰有作弊誰是清白都

mightymouse02/17 12:15交待不清楚

hjs0602/17 12:18爛死了,史上最爛主席,沒有之一,只差沒說太空人是他兒子

hjs0602/17 12:18,誰都別想動!

JackFlaherty02/17 12:20Correa為了護阿偷伯已經把其他隊友賣光了 結果還是

JackFlaherty02/17 12:20只會出來講幹話裝沒事

globekiller02/17 12:20剛爬文 更正一下 調查報告說沒證據2018有

globekiller02/17 12:21但我印象有篇文章說2018有但在某個時間點停止 再找找

k3353602/17 12:24可是人家可利亞說他們的冠軍絕對乾淨耶0.0

globekiller02/17 12:26#1U7KpcHj (Baseball) 這篇說無證據顯示2018有

globekiller02/17 12:26#1U9H-pSy (Baseball) 這篇說2018有

youngluke02/17 12:31你可以直接去找調查報告的PDF檔 2018沒有bang證據

youngluke02/17 12:32

vencil02/17 12:34爛死

seekforever02/17 12:41Correa只是說2018沒敲垃圾桶,其他的沒說

seekforever02/17 12:42紅襪有沒有作弊我不知道,但這篇跟紅襪就是一點關係

seekforever02/17 12:42都沒有

devilsky02/17 12:54能夠面不該改色的講這麼多屁話 莫非是姓韓?

iambiaggi02/17 13:00罵歸罵不要離題扯到文章之外的事,版主群一點都不想快

iambiaggi02/17 13:00開季了還去水桶人,目前都用勸導的方式,請大家配合。

lingsk02/17 13:04紅襪不是還在調查嗎? 有可能在春訓前公布吧?

arakikawa02/17 13:27說要遵守前例改一堆垃圾規則 再裝

hydreigon02/17 13:34紅襪等聯盟報告出來要罵的再罵吧 問題是聯盟把自己搞得

hydreigon02/17 13:34那麼沒公信力...

cautai02/17 13:41到現在還不知道自己問題在哪,可憐哪

nolander02/17 14:33...

leolovejoyce02/17 14:37快滾下台啦

warchiefdodo02/17 14:40

xinsky1302/17 15:19危機處理真的差 不談改規則部分他都該下台了

BlakeSnell02/17 15:33我阿罵都能處理得比你好

nomo161602/17 15:46這已經不是乾兒子是親兒子了,滾啦

YujunMa02/17 16:16原本很喜歡Correa,但是看到作弊還大聲真的無法再支持下

Dimitre02/17 16:48垃圾主席

Zhang27402/17 17:02問題在哪已經很明顯了吧...

stilu02/17 17:05Selig:知道我的好了吧

jalsonice02/17 17:06他是不是有壓場外???

Roshiel02/17 18:16可能作弊系統是曼包子引人太空人的吧,無恥

Allenjordan02/17 18:46名字遮起來以為是反串發言

JackSmith02/17 18:57這個白癡到底是怎麼當上主席的....

TZephyr02/17 19:04這傢伙真的是隨便講幾句話就被打臉

wing9902/17 19:38垃圾主席滾

TrueTears02/17 19:47盡量遵守前例... 為了縮短時間不知道改了多少前例

ApAzusa12602/17 19:52放個西瓜都比他當主席強

ny40yankees02/17 19:58不要把棒球搞爛

Terry198402/17 20:43噁心

mjonask02/17 21:02

Yjizz02/17 22:02cd

ennakura02/17 22:11我阿罵當主席會要求開記者會表演掃把打Correa

ianshadow02/17 22:27Correa是說2018沒敲垃圾桶,但有用review room分析暗

ianshadow02/17 22:27號,調查報告結果也是這樣

aikensh556602/17 22:38大聯盟會被這咖搞到倒掉

j0724205402/17 23:40爛死了 就算沒bang道奇不一定贏 但是bang的絕對沒資格

j0724205402/17 23:40拿冠軍 至少讓那年從缺阿

chen551202/18 00:12簡譯:主席最大的處罰就是慢慢凌遲這些球員

JessicaA1ba02/18 00:26西瓜主席

chiahunl02/18 01:41不敢拔冠軍的俗辣主席,孬種

alcard2202/18 07:14這哪有什麼凌遲?根本讓他們爽翻了!

Minihil02/18 11:56藥蟲成績也是被大眾質疑啊 還不是照樣禁賽

sammy103102/19 08:14只是一塊金屬...,那我可以說你只是會走路的化合物嗎乾