[分享] 反攻排長觀察、巴哈姆特的等待者

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“There were more of them than we expected,” said a 35-year-old platoon
commander with Ukraine’s 21st Mechanized Brigade, who took part in an
assault near Orikhiv in the southern Zaporizhzhia region.

His German-made Leopard II tank cut down Russian infantry, but another line
of soldiers stepped in to replace them, and then another, he said.
Rocket-propelled grenades whistled past. Some bounced off the tank. The
fields were covered in mines. Gains were smaller than hoped for.

“It’s just the beginning,” said the platoon commander.

The platoon commander with the 21st brigade said the Leopards were performingwell, even though a few had been lost. Small ordinance bounced off the Germantanks, and their fire is far more accurate than the Soviet-era tanks he was
used to, he said—especially at night, thanks to their thermal vision mode.

另一方面,頓涅茨克地區的Velyka Novosilka周圍,烏克蘭的反推則似乎在周末獲得

Around Velyka Novosilka in the Donetsk region, however, a Ukrainian push
appeared to gather momentum over the weekend. In a small town behind the
front line, soldiers returning from combat were tired but quietly satisfied,
reporting a steady advance with the taking of villages and Russian prisoners.

美軍駐歐洲前指揮官、退役中將Ben Hodges說,到目前為止,烏克蘭人只使用了有限的部隊,而基輔還沒有亮出底牌。我們看到的一些情況可能是為了讓俄羅斯人對主要攻擊地點感到困惑。當烏克蘭攻勢的主力到來時,可能會包括由數百輛坦克和步兵戰車組成的編隊。

Thus far, the Ukrainians are using only limited forces, and Kyiv isn’t yet
showing its hand, said retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, a former commander of theU.S. Army in Europe.

“Some of what we are seeing is intended, perhaps, to confuse the Russians as
to where the main attack is going to be,” he said. When the main thrust of
the Ukrainian offensive comes, he said, it will likely include formations
with several hundreds of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.



"I looked at the pros and cons,” Dmytriev said. In Russia, at least he had
relatives who could help him find a job. Nobody was there for him in
Ukrainian-held territory. He concluded it was better to remain in Bakhmut
under Russian occupation than be uprooted. “There were a lot of people like
that there, they were calling us ‘waiters,’” he said. “I didn’t want to
live in Russia, but I wanted to be at home.”

5 月 16 日,當Dmytriev的女兒在夜裡叫醒他時,烏克蘭軍隊仍然堅守在巴哈姆特西部的幾個街區。他的女兒能聽到樓上男人的說話聲。Dmytriev抓起手電筒去查看。五名烏克蘭士兵在客廳守起位置。經過10個月的殘酷戰鬥,戰火終於打到Dmytriev所在的街上。
Dmytrievs 的房子現在在前線。




Ukrainian forces were still clinging on to a few blocks in the west of the
city on May 16, when Maria woke her father in the night. She could hear men’
s voices upstairs. Dmytriev grabbed a flashlight and went to see who was
there. Five Ukrainian soldiers were taking up positions in the living room.
After 10 months of brutal combat, the battle had finally reached their
street. The Dmytrievs’ house was now on the front line.

Hungry and exhausted, the soldiers told Dmytriev they were the only survivingmembers of their unit. He feared their presence would make the house a targetfor Russian forces but shared humanitarian aid he had received with them.

Two days later, the soldiers left. But that night, the family was awoken by
Ukrainian military police. “I was still half asleep,” Dmytriev said. “I
didn’t understand what was going on.”

The family was being evacuated. Dmytriev protested in vain. If he insisted onstaying, the police said they would leave him, but they were taking the
girls. “It wasn’t an option,” he said.

“No one will return what I lost. Not one side, not the other,” Dmytriev
said. “Nobody will return anything. But we must survive.”


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dobu 06/12 13:28謝謝分享

utn875 06/12 13:51似乎烏軍豹二真的不用ERA

Wooctor 06/12 15:25如果是A5 A6也不好裝ERA吧

Wooctor 06/12 15:25頂多在車體正面跟側面安裝而已

birdy590 06/12 15:27ERA 不防地雷也不防砲擊~ 又沒有出現戰車直接對射

Wooctor 06/12 15:29能防反裝甲武器,還是有安裝的價值

s8626460 06/12 16:43推分享

Bf109G6 06/12 20:41RPG類似HEAT, ERA可以多少防一下(?)